We are investigating an issue around players not receiving their Grade Rewards today, we will give more information as it becomes available. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Please have Rage Quitting Survivors De-Pip TWICE MINIMUM


I swear this is the 22nd game where people rage quit for being bad and getting caught at the beginning then that starts the chain of D/Cs for the other 2 people, was looking for better games after my wisdom teeth removal but I guess not.


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    “we dont care about our own ranking system enough to punish players for ruining games”
  • SpikeImperial
    SpikeImperial Member Posts: 33

    sadly probably true given their solution for reporting people , where full uncut video evidence isnt enough

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i quit to avoid ranking up and seeing more of what makes me quit in the first place (tunneling, camping, hook divers in front of killer, apathetic teammates).  it only gets worse the higher you go.
  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106

    yes!!! it’s so frustrating especially when it’s a swf duo and they both quit sigh also i have this problem with killers quite often and most of the time they aren’t even doing that bad, i guess just not good enough in their book.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ranks don´t matter. If you make disconnecters lose a complete rank per disconnect, you´ll even do them a favor. Since they prefer to be low rank to bully newbie killers.

    Introduce a disconnect fee for people who do it regularly. Make them not only lose the BPs they won during the match, but also Points they saved up. Make them lose Iridiscent shards aswell. They´ll think twice before disconnecting.

    IMA_MAWNSTER Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2018

    Well I mean there is that, but no one likes being tunnelled or camped to death , then you've got to look at the fact that some people just randomly DC due to connections and maybe even lag switched out of the game.. and to be punished for something that wasn't your fault wouldn't be fair

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    do you have video of what you were doing prior to them quitting? this will be required before i can take this seriously.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    They don't care about rank in fact lots of them want to derank so they can bully lower ranks, they don't care about BP as most already have what they need.

    Nothing will stop people DCing with the possible exception of time penalties it seems, 2 DC's within a 2 hour period 15 mins lobby waiting time, 4 in a 4 hour period 30 mins lobby waiting time etc if they DC over 20 times in the space of 4 days they get a 24h ban.

    Yes some could have ISP issues but if you DC twice in two hours you can use that 15 min window to check out your connection and at least this way they could remove the perma banning system.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    Make everyone that quits time out from getting a new game for 2 minutes, then keep doubling it for every quit after within the 24 hour time period. That would show them. Frankly I quit sometimes to de-rank to get games, losing my rank quicker would only make me happier.

  • SpikeImperial
    SpikeImperial Member Posts: 33

    @twistedmonkey said:
    They don't care about rank in fact lots of them want to derank so they can bully lower ranks, they don't care about BP as most already have what they need.

    Nothing will stop people DCing with the possible exception of time penalties it seems, 2 DC's within a 2 hour period 15 mins lobby waiting time, 4 in a 4 hour period 30 mins lobby waiting time etc if they DC over 20 times in the space of 4 days they get a 24h ban.

    Yes some could have ISP issues but if you DC twice in two hours you can use that 15 min window to check out your connection and at least this way they could remove the perma banning system.

    This would be really nice

  • SpikeImperial
    SpikeImperial Member Posts: 33

    @Tsulan said:
    Ranks don´t matter. If you make disconnecters lose a complete rank per disconnect, you´ll even do them a favor. Since they prefer to be low rank to bully newbie killers.

    Introduce a disconnect fee for people who do it regularly. Make them not only lose the BPs they won during the match, but also Points they saved up. Make them lose Iridiscent shards aswell. They´ll think twice before disconnecting.

    this as well in conjuction would be a good enough deterrent