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General Discussions

Why do killers slug survivors to death???

Member Posts: 469
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Played my first game today and I get a Nurse that slugged 3 of us till we all died.

Like... why? Whats the point, we all have to wait there until we eventually die. It wastes their time and it wastes ours. We didn't

even do anything either, no teabags no flashlight clicking. I don't understand some players.

Edit: For context, Yes everyone was close enough to hooks, No nobody had ds active, No nobody was up to be able to pick up another survivor, the other survivor who wasn't slugged died on hook first.

I understand there's reason to it sometimes, like securing a last kill and they had flip flop and the hatch is still open or something, but in this situation, there was absolutely no reason.

Post edited by SimplyPixelated06 on

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  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Sometimes nurses do it for nurses calling plays but shes not running it so i dunno maybe having a power trip

  • Member Posts: 469

    Lol probably. I remember last year, which was my first event. And some killers specifically play to make it a miserable time for survivors which is very unfortunate.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    well, the point of playing killer is killing the survivors, doesn't matter how... as far as i know, slugging is the best way to get a win (especially if you have a killer that can ignore survivor's defenses like nurse), you don't have to deal with perks like BT or DS, people won't focus on doing gens cause they are too busy to revive each other and the killer won't waste the time to hook someone (also no chances to get a "4%" since you didn't hooked anyone)... is this scummy? yes. is it effective? one of the best strategies that a killer can do. is it allowed? yes.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Yea its every BP event, and not just killers. Its hard for players who just want to earn some BP without sweat. I havent run meta for months but I start considering running it this event just be able to play and earn money

  • Member Posts: 151

    More often than not, if all survivors are running boil over and you've run to a high spot with no hook nearby, killers will slug you out. But the also falls on your team. If they do not pick you up before your timer expires....they failed you

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    this @Aven_Fallen. As i stated before the infamous 4% or lack of hooks (despite i didn't sacrificed anyone, one of my last matches on rpd forced me to bleed to death 2 survivors cause the hooks weren't present... i wonder why this is still a thing)

  • Member Posts: 469

    Well everyone was slugged... 1 person died before everyone else was slugged so no ones picking anyone up. And no one was running boil over. So there was no reason for them not to hook us.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Same reason anyone griefs.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Well I did to a clickie clickie toxic guy I think he enjoyed it becuz there was only love in chat ♡

  • Member Posts: 542

    But it does not surprise me that this Forum defends Killers being dicks. Classic here.

    All that person did was give 2 reasons why a killer might not hook survivors in response to your message nothing more and nothing less so there was no need for you to respond the way you did and saying "But it does not surprise me that this Forum defends Killers being dicks. Classic here."

    Should we start listing how many times survivors have defended survivors being dicks, if you don't want people to respond to your comment with simple and nice answers just for you to turn around and say they are defending killers being dicks then don't comment on a topic which is going to leave you open for people to answer back on why survivors/killers might do it with out going after you or the role involved.

    At nearly 12k post on this forum you should be leading by example on how to respond to comments with out turning back to they gave a good answer while being polite so i'm just going to sink to calling them defending the role in topic dicks.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    only time i slugged someone to death was when i legit coulnd get this nea to a hook on rpd and she knew it and just ran into the same corner every chase and i even camped her body because there was exponetial above her so slugging alone wasnt an opption

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Why do survivors stand in the exit gate area when they have nothing to do?

    Same thing and it happens alot. It just wastes everyone's time.

  • Member Posts: 16,599

    A Killer can force them out tho. This takes seconds and not full 4 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Let's be honest with one another, Killers will defend other Killers on this forum, no matter what. It's like talking to a wall sometimes. And of course, some survivors are the same. BM'ing should not be defended.

    Yes, slugging is a valid strategy. But when all 4 survivors are down I don't see any reason not to try to end the game. The "no hook in the area" is the only valid reason imo.

    I've been slugged to death even though i letterally crawled to a hook and laying right next to it, with the Nurse standing over me and nodding her head. Do you defend that?

  • Member Posts: 16,599

    This is not the first post where a Killer slugged Survivors to death for no reason. But all the time people are making up reasons.

    No Hooks? Might be possible, but for 3 Survivors? Eh, doubt it.

    Unhooks/Deliverance? Wait in front of the Hook and slug them (and nobody can tell me that this would be a problem).

    And I am surprised that it did not come up yet: "You dont know what the Survivors were doing, maybe they were toxic!!111"....

    Sometimes players just do it to be annoying. No other reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    So every game i have to chase survs out because they're being flogs?

    If there is 4 survs and they take 2 hits each before they leave thats more than just "seconds" then multiple that by how many games you have survs standing in the gate. Yeah i think that's more than how often you're left to full slug and die.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Both sides will always defend each role even though the topic at hand you can see that side was just bm'ing/ being toxic to the other or some people will back up the other side and say i.e no that killer was just being toxic and BM'ing the group, you will get killers that will slug at 5 gens and let everyone bleed out just because they want to i'm not going to disagree with that at all. But there is no need to go down the path and saying they are defending what ever role the topic is about being dicks when someone gives a simple reason why they might of did what they did without having a go at anyone or anything.

  • Member Posts: 226

    I'm with "there could be reason, or they're just a dick" statement. I had a round with a Twin-player. Slugged everyone of us in the first few minutes, than leaving us too bleed out ON THE DUCKING STAIRS OF THE BASEMENT. So yeah, I would call that a dick move and unnecessary. Another round, only two survs left, killer downed the first one, chased the other one, got em, but no hooks. There was a lot of distance between us, there is a chance a surv escapes a hook and he can see the other one, the killer probably couldn't. So yes, safe stragedie, gg, it's fine.

    It really just depends on the situation.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Almost always its to spite out people.

    The things Ive seen people defending on Reddit, generals, Steam and this forum... I believe its the worst aspect of this comunity.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Guess a couple of things from a killer side.

    in most maps, it is really unlikely you had enough hooks to reach everyone. You also said "nobody had ds active" but how would the killer know that unless he ate one or two beforehand and then guessed that you were all running it. Thus he went for the 100% win sweaty win at all cost.

    To me, this is very boring and often and I rather eat a DS unless it's right at the gate or the gate has been opened then I will wait for the gate timer.

  • Member Posts: 469

    Well no one had ds active as in, no one was recently hooked, so they knew they could pick people up. And we were all in different places, there was plenty of hooks and close enough to hook. This killer just did it out of pure spite.

  • Member Posts: 828

    The only time i've 4 man slugged to death was with a bully sabo squad,,,was hard but they all died on the floor,,,i legit got only 2 hooks that game ,,they were seething in chat about how i was running around them with wraith bing bonging and nodding ,,lovely game

  • Member Posts: 4,180

    Then good job finding the answer yourself and opening this thread to vent your frustrations/anger.

  • Member Posts: 389

    Same reason why survivors tbag and click with the flashlight. Just for disrespect/childness.

    However, I would like to see the game before judging this Nurse. If she was tbagged and disrespected then its totally understandable that she did that.

  • Member Posts: 469

    No one did as far as I know. I certainly didn't so at least I shouldn't have been slugged. But even if people did I think making everyone wait 4 minutes until they die is... kinda extreme? Like i don't think clicking or tea-bagging equates to slugging people to death, but maybe that's just me. Like nodding and hitting on hook is the killer equivalent to teabaging and clicking.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Why even ask? You already know the answer. They are probably just mean or wanted to punish the survivors for whatever.

    It's pointless trying to dissect it further.

  • Member Posts: 389

    I understand that but playing killer is quite a bit stressful this days. We are human after all maybe the Nurse came from a really toxic game and she was just upset.

    I'm not justifying her actions (specially against people that did nothing wrong), just trying to be empathetic considering the killer is the bullied side of this game. Both sides have his own ######### and I wish we had a healthier enviorment to just have fun together.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Unless you're in a SWF and are sure your teammates were telling the truth the Nurse might have been tbagged and BMed and you just weren't aware of it. Or the Nurse might have just been griefing. People are strange. I had a game just the other day where two of the survivors brought the Killer to me so the Killer could down me and then the survivors teabagged me while I bled out. Well, until I was about to bleed out and then the Killer hooked me while the three of them stood around the hook.

    They did it to the other survivor in the trial too. No reason for it; sometimes people are just childish and/or terrible people.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I faced one Nemesis twice who had a name something like "This perk and that perk = tunnel and face camp" first game was going normally, he had 3 hooks, then suddenly someone used that perk and then it became a facecamp and tunnel fest, second game was a few days later and the same, the game was a normal one and then someone used this perk and the same attitude, he didnt even camp the person who used this perk and he knew it, for some reason it clicked it was the same dork so I pushed the gens ignoring the camp and we managed a 3 escape.

    I was baffled at his pettiness especially since we cant even see his name and his supposed rule... like how do you expect us to know the childswitch is those 2 perks? we cant see your name, some people just love to be cringy I guess...

    And there was this other time where I got facecamped because I juked the Killer on every chase and the reason was "I facecamp cowards like you who just want to escape chases instead of prolonging them".

  • Member Posts: 5,605
    edited June 2022

    The only time i slug to death besides the already suggested is boil over exponential flip flop. But then they brought it onto themselves.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I think what the poster is saying is that in this specific game there was no reason to not start hooking the slugged people after looking for the last hiding survivor for a bit to speed the game up. If the hiding survivor is clearly not trying to revive anybody but is just off somewhere waiting for hatch then there’s no strategic reason to wait four minute for everybody to die versus hooking them so they can die in two minutes.

    Overall general there’s absolutely nothing wrong with slugging, either for pressure or to get a win with four slugged survivors. But slugging for four minutes when you can obviously hook everybody and win in one to two minutes is kind of petty.

  • Member Posts: 8,326

    I had a killer do that yesterday when someone played an anniversary cake. They basically just kept everyone, including themself, from getting much BP. Same person probably complains about the grind even though they play in a way that gives them lowest BP possible as killer. 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Why does anyone grief? Some people are asshats and use the game as a power trip at random people's expense.

  • Member Posts: 542

    The same thing could be said about survivors and the EGC instead of leaving and getting the match over with they have to stand there waiting for 2 min just to tbag the killer before they run out, but because it's survivors people say it's fine and the EGC will end in 2 min if the killers are petty for letting someone bleed out to death then survivors are petty for waiting at the exit gates when they know they can leave and finish the match, both sides are guilty of doing it the only real big difference is the time one is 4 min the other is 2 min.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I agree, I’ll never understand why survivors insist on “I won’t leave until the killer sees me do it.” They even sometimes do this when they are the last survivor standing healthy on the hatch waiting for the killer to see them jump down it. Pretty silly if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't think OP provided full story. That's a lot of BP for a killer who only slugged - but it's fun to see the knee-jerk reactionists going, "Reeeeee stop defending other killers!"

    This plays out like a million other threads where we only hear one POV and have to take them at their word that they were total angels.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I just don't find it that hard to believe that other players are dicks for no reason? Because in my experience, a lot of players are dicks for no reason, or will get tilted over a non-inflammatory outplay and decide everyone needs to suffer.

    There's only a few scenarios where a killer has to slug multiple survivors to death (not just waiting out possible DSes, but to death), and I see no reason to disbelieve the OP when they say everyone was close enough to a hook. The only other reason not to pick them up is if they were all under a pallet - and seeing as the survivors wanted to be picked up and nobody had Power Struggle, I kind of doubt that.

    Obviously the slugging didn't happen at the start of the match? The survivors all have a moderate amount of BP, which implies the game progressed for a while until this happened. That's not impossible. I can recall a game that went pretty normally (give or take some hook hitting) until the killer snowballed at around 2 gens left and proceeded to do every dick move I can think of to draw out the remaining survivors' suffering - bled two people out while spamming power over them, carried the third one near hatch but not close enough, sat on hatch until it was clear the last surv was doing generators, closed it, carried that surv to gate, faked giving them a chance to open it, and bled them out like the other two once it was clear they were done playing along. Nobody on that survivor team was BMing. There isn't always a reason.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Sorry still not seeing it, the question of why killers slug has been answered to death. They literally could have found several of these threads doing an even basic search. When there is a lack of context beyond a postgame screenshot for repeats like this it really does appear to be done more for vindication than anything else.

    Which coincidentally is something we also see a lot of around here.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited June 2022

    Ask you why you do it?

    Usually it's either because there is no other option for a kill, or because the survivors have been exceptionally annoying.

    I used to do it systematically for Object of Obsession, before the change.

    edit: I just found one reason. If survivors give up for no reason at the start of the match, putting their teammates in trouble, I feel like from now on I'll slug and let them bleed, put their fate into their teammates' hands and ensure they die slowly.

    Post edited by drsoontm on

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