I'm afraid that BHVR is powerless against SWF (Genslowdown,Perkless and more)

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
edited June 2022 in General Discussions


yes, I would prefer the Perk changes to the Prestige changes because they have a huge impact on current gameplay and I think that's more important, but that's the way it is. DBD, in my opinion, was designed primarily for solo players and when the developers decided to include SWF as well, they didn't anticipate the impact it would have later on.

After all, DBD is no longer comparable to 2016 and a lot has changed in recent times. However, I've also noticed something important in the last few years: When DBD was made more Survivor-friendly, oddly enough, player numbers dropped. If the game was made more killer-friendly, the player numbers suddenly increased and that doesn't come from somewhere. Do you understand what I mean? I wish the developers would manage to make the game a bit more difficult for SWF players, or "the higher the MMR, the more difficult the game," but I'm afraid they will never be able to do that, because they also often come up with the argument: we don't want to punish SWF players just because they play together.

Well, SWF players just have the luxury of being able to choose any perk they want because they can communicate via voice at the same time. Solo players on the other hand are a different story because they use more perks like Kindred, Small Game, Spinechill ect.

The thing is: Even if the surviving Perkless would play, they would always have it easier than killers, because there is a good reason why killer players mostly need to bring Genslowdown Perks. Gens fly around their ears otherwise, and that's just not fun and frustrating in the long run.

Just try it out: Perkless Killer versus Perkless Survivor. You'll notice the difference. I don't think the developers will ever succeed in making DBD so good that it's just perfect for each side. Just wait until they nerf all the genslowdown perks of the killers. Then it will get worse and gens will fly even more. Especially with higher MMR you won't be able to build up enough pressure.

How do you see the whole thing?


Post edited by PNgamer on


  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    Idk if I agree, I dont mind running against SWF's. It creates a challenge which I like and I also learn from my loss if I lose, this way I can improve rather than farming solo q players. But to be fair to SWF's, they're not always that good or coordinated and often you can use they're altruism against them or even make them report wrong things to their team if you play a certain way.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with tactics or playstyles do defeat them.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    I dont think it is, they are constantly communicating every play you make which means you can switch up how you play and mind game to keep them on their toes, and since they are telling each other how you play, this means each survivor makes a diffrent report. You can also slug, tunnel and camp to gain an advantage since they'll usually play more brave and altruistic and therefore make more mistakes.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    Many of my posts are that length, but even I stumbled upon that enter key thingy...

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Imagine that. I found the enter key. Good or ?🤣 Do you have anything else?

    Maybe something constructive on this topic?

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    DBD without SWF = Healthy Game.

    SWF was not a thing at release, which means that the game was not ready for it, and the past of time proved it.

    Behaviour can make an experiment some weekend, separate queues, and there we will see the true reality of DBD, SWF waiting 30mins+ to find lobby .... Why? Everyone Knows the answer :)

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    SWF was always intended, just not ready at release (the devs could launch with either KYF or SWF available but couldn't finish both in time). Once survs started lobby dodging like mad trying to meet up with their mates they quickly added SWF.

    However there can be no doubt they underestimated the impact of comms. And it's way way too late now to kill off SWF.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Any multiplayer game or any multiplayer game balanced around the idea that friends can play together? Be more specific Pulsar, please.

    League Of Legends ? - Balanced Around Duos and Teams, With SoloQ and DuoQ apart of Team queue.

    Counter Strike? - If you queue as team, you have more chance to get matched against other team, and If you are soloQ and play against a team, Win/Loose more or less points because the game knows that is a hard match.

    Raimbow Six Siege? - Is a shooter developed for playing with friends, omega balanced around that.

    Sea of Thieves? - If you are solo Slooper, you have the best ship against the wind, better maneuverability and more ways to fight Teams, and if you play as team, your ships is omega hard to drive, is slow against the wind and can be boarded easy because you cant cover all stairs.

    Do you get it? Every multiplayer with the possibility of playing with friends is balanced around that, except DBD, on this game playing as SWF is like Easy mode x10, you can do whatever you want against the vast majority of killers, with Nurse/Blight Exception or 9000 hours player, even with that i´ve seen one of the best Spanish killers (Lionnek) suffering against comps.

    Do you need more examples or is fine with these ones? I can give you examples of zero balance games, or dead games like Evolve xD

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    So instead, we should ban people from daring to play with their friends.

    Yku realize most SWF's are bad, right? You would be unlucky to get a comp team in 1/1000 games.

    Almost every game is winnable as Killer. Fun? No. Winnable? Yes.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Nope, but if they are not going to balance around SWF, then yes, separate queues, I don´t want to play against coms.

    As you said, Is not fun and IMO this should be the main objective of every game on the market, be fun to their players. I am not a tournament player, I don´t like to facecamp someone until dead and then kill the second with Noed + No way Out, I have fun tunneling sometimes, but not playing as competitive killers does.

    Yeah, playing with friends is fun, but is not fun for the killer, so they must find the way to make the game funny for both sides or DBD is condemned to death soon or later. Look last year stats on SteamCharts, Look Groups on Xbox LFG, lowest numbers I´ve ever since. Yes, it will grow up now because the event, but tell me that on august or September.

    Lots of players left, Like I did, I just returned for completing the rift on 6-7 days and farming a bit on event, then I will leave again because this game is not fun for the role I play, and I don´t want to tryhard agains 4 friends trying to troll me or abuse me because I am playing Pig or Trapper for Daily quests. I´m not a circus clown, I am a player and I want to have fun, and that is my point, If the game is not fun for killers against SWF, separate queues and let killer decide, if they want to tryhard or to chill, just that.

    If that kills SWF, maybe behaviour will make some changes to balance the game, but nah, it is better to release skins and make happy survivors, they are 90% of total playerbase, fk killers.

    Again, tell me just one multiplayer game with the possibility of play with friends not balanced around that.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    i never undertood why everybody complains about swf like theyre the most unbeatable thing ever. They aren’t. I dont mind them at all. And theres a lot of videos on yt and streams on twitch proving they aren’t a big deal

    Also, most of the time we dont even know if were versing SWF or just very experienced soloqs.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    nah, they have the power to modify things... it's just that they won't do nothing about it cause they consider SWF their 1st customers (skins). why they should modify things and upsetting their (main) customers when they can simply leave things as they are now? despite people are complaining about swf they are still playing...

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Well, to be fair the dev team is powerless against almost anything considering their abysmal track record for the past 6 years lol

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    SWFs aren't a problem at all, not every SWF you face is a comp squad doing all gens in 4 minutes. Most of the time it's friends trying to have a chill game. There's lots of things to counter good swfs too but people don't want to learn.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2022
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I'm interested to see how they handle the proposed icon implementation.

    My primary concern is that if you know whenever someone is in a chase, stealth killer/stealth perk users will be lose some of their viability (IE you'll know when jumpscare Myers is chasing someone so you don’t need to pay attention / you'll know when the Discordance person is in a chase / etc).

  • Stealthyfeng123
    Stealthyfeng123 Member Posts: 76

    Dbd without swfs will die in under a week every good player will dominate the games as killer

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    Theres nothing wrong about camping or tunneling, they're both fair tactics to use. But you can always switch up a playstyle since when chasing a survivor they're bound to report how you play to the rest so when you get into another chase you can switch your playstyle up to keep them on their toes. You can also try to make them 3 gen themselves. They'll play altruistic so you can camp a generator they are attracted to. You could always slug them and use the slugged one as bait for the team. The list goes on on the things you can do, just be creative.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    The problem with this is a game is over in 5 minutes vs a good swf. That's not a lot of time to do much of anything when chases take 30 seconds+ easily. You propose good ideas but when you only have room to try out like....2 of them it doesn't really matter what you do. Dead hard easily adding 20+ seconds to any chase for anyonne with good map knowledge vs m1 killers, comms to call out pallet useage + deadzones + killer location, etc.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    LMAO... swf aren't a problem at all... this statement is false, they are THE PROBLEM... i still have to see a chill premade in my matches... and i've over 2500 hours in this game...

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I can't decide if it's more arrogance or condescension to say "no, I literally cannot get better with killer, SWFs are just completely unbeatable, and if I can't you can't either, liar".

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    They're not unbeatable they just help skew the ability to have some form of balance in the game.

    And the fact the developers refuse to do anything about this just says were their priorities are. Making money.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yes, it's a conspiracy to make money at the expense of killers. That's why Nurse and Blight have been taken down so SWFs don't have any competition and spend more money.


  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Don't worry. Nurse will be on the chopping block soon since more people are picking her upthanks to SBMM pushing better survivors and figuring out the other killers are dog doo.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    And the other 23? killers?

    Thats why we have this event and a new killer and surv rather than perk fixing as a priority. Thats why we have had lots of communications about what they are going to do with swf v solo balance.


  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    The existence of killers that can match top tier SWFs sort of implies that these killers are to solos what SWFs are to the rest of the killers.

    Which lends less credence to BHVR twirling their mustaches as they grind killers through the gravel and more to them not knowing what the hell they're doing and desperately keeping to their timeline while they pick their steps in a minefield.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    While they can report dead zones and pallet drops, you can still gain control of the chase and push them into dead zones, especially if the dead zone is in your 3 gen.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    How do you know if they're in a SWF? The game doesn't tell you so this is just a unfair statement overall. I still stand my point, SWFs aren't a problem, just learn how to counter play.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    Let me guess... 2 of those guys bodyblocked all the time while the 3rd was doing generators with a toolbox? I've enough experience to recognize when people are playing in a SWF and when they aren't... And I'll tell you more... There's no counter for a full sweaty swf with broken items, you can hope to kill one of them if you have enough luck and they won't use a map offering for certain maps... Btw you sounds ridiculous when you said that swf aren't a problem... EVERYONE with some common sense will tell you otherwise (even the devs admit this, and this alone should tell you the truth...)

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    How do i see it?

    I see the issue - SWF aren't a problem. It's the comms that SWF have that ruins the balance of the game. Why do they have comms? Because there are third-party apps to communicate with the people you are playing.

    How do you fix people communicating outside of the game giving them a natural advantage over other survivors and killers? By removing the advantage of having open mic communication and bringing in voice chat. Plain and simple. Then you can balance around the idea that everyone can communicate with eachother - beyond me that bhvr has yet to add it

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    You couldn't be further from the truth, most SWFs aren't that sweaty. I maim killer and I get happy when I see a SWF because I know it'll be a fun game for once. You just need to chill out and git gud.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    DBD without swf = dead game imagine playing any multiplayer online game and you cant play with your friends. Also Swf was always a thing not because of discord there were still console parties and people have phones soooo unless your calling bhvr dumb then im pretty sure they thought of this before they released the game. I mean its common sense online game play with friends smh.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    I don't need to get gud cause I'm already good enough... You need to find some premades that I usually found in my matches, then we can talk again about being "skilled"... Until then I finished to talk with you

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited June 2022

    The killer is Ghostface he chased me off the generator at killer shack, he's got Ruin get over there and finish it, it's at 85%! I just saw the Ruin totem it's at the jungle gym next to shack, cleanse it while he's chasing. He doesn't respect pallets, he has spirit fury/enduring, everyone pre drop! Sam, come save me to activate Deliverance then take aggro so no one has to save you and we can rush gens. Tim, get a boon up in main building, it'll take too long for him to snuff it I'll heal then get on the Gen at 4 o clock everyone split up go go go!!!!

    JuSt HaViNg a ChIlL GaMe BrO

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Except you can't?

    "Dude, you're heading into a dead zone turn around"

    *eats an M1 but zooms to an area of the map with pallets/resources/better chains/main building*

    There is absolutely nothing a killer can do to stop a survivor from choosing to run in any direction of their choosing unless thhey have an instadown power, exposed on the survivor, or the survivor is already injured.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    But you can, this is why you destroy pallets and doors around a high activity area or near your gens, and if you loose you can at least try to understand why you lost and improve on it, maybe run more slowdown perks or try diffrent tactics, maybe even try to be in a swf yourself to see how they play. SWFs are not killing this game, it's unbalanced meta perks that can be abused, but this doesn't mean you can't defeat them.