Nurse Counterplay


Hi, Can anyone tell me what the counter play is to good nurses? how do i survive longer than 2 blink cd's? I use Line of sign, change my pathing, double back, it just doesn't seem to matter. dead hard buys me an extra cd blink before they inevitably down me.


  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Well you have to play unpredictable BUT in the same second you have to hope she doesn't run range and/or recharge addons cause even if she misses while running those, she can easly catch up with you again.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    A good way to counter is to find out first if this nurse predicts when you cut off line of sight or if she follows you by blinking to your Last seen point, if she predicts then cut off line of sight and double back, but if she doesn't hold W and play as unpredictable as you can. If you play on a map with a floor underneath you like The Game then run into her when she charges her blink to send her downstairs.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Wow a actual counterplay...and people say there's no counter to her. You just have to play differently then any other Killer because of her power. I always do better when I keep my eye on her more than where I'm going.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    You do know that all she has to do if you double back is to look down so her blink will be WAY shorter than she intended?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097
    edited June 2022

    Edit: my link isn't cooperating. Here is the vod

    Some good examples here. First two matches are Nurse games. You're never going to have a 100% fool-proof counter against a top Nurse player. The question should be "how do I waste as much time as possible?".

    Make a lot of early distance. Vary your pathing and be unpredictable. Use the entire map and any available LOS blockers.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    There's not many ways to counter a good nurse, but the first step would first be analyzing how they play. You first need to determine if this is a nurse main, a casual nurse player, or someone doing their dailies.

    A nurse main, you kind of are screwed on most maps. There's not much you can do to have an extended chase, 20 seconds and you're doing pretty good. On maps that have a lot of LOS blockers, you want to play unpredictable and don't wait at the corners in some scenarios because a good nurse will predict this from a good survivor.

    A casual nurse player, you need to see how they play. Do they always predict a double back? Do they always come a little short on the second blink because they aren't as keen to the timing? Where do they blink/When do they blink? This can help you determine whether you should stay at a tile and play the tile or hold W and keep running to get to a building or a better structure. Using double backs are usually more viable against this type of nurse and can greatly extend the chase if you can get out of a dead zone by doing this.

    A dailies nurse will usually mess up blinks and not know the timings as much, so this is when you can play more relaxed. Usually getting distance is better than double backs because sometimes the double back will cause you to get hit. You can pull more shenanigans with tricking to get them to blink into basement or blink to the wrong floor if you are on a map with multiple floors or building structures with multiple floors. You can also try to force them to blink in place because they tried to blink on top of you (at pallets for example).

    Ultimately, if the nurse is really good. Any time you can buy is great. If she has her recharge or range add-ons, well, at least you can hop in the queue for next game quickly. Very hard to play against nurse, but it isn't impossible.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    She needs to be nerfed or reworked, most people will agree on that. There isn’t really much you can do against her especially on maps like shelter woods.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    edited June 2022

    And there we go again with green or purple range addon her travel time is just too fast to react accordingly. She WILL hit you with her 2nd blink 100% (unless she gets screwed by auto-aim and hits a tree or someting) escpecially since she can attack before being fully out of a blink (had that one happen way too often the past few weeks)

  • LegionGo
    LegionGo Member Posts: 19

    The Nurse has no counterplay, this is a legal cheat mode. The only counter-game against the Nurse is to ######### on the hook and hope that the next match will be fair. She deserves to be insanely broken because the players on Nurse spent 2-4 hours studying her!

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 686

    This 100%. If the nurse is holding the blink ability, run a little bit further away and then turn back around towards the nurse. It's not 100% but it's the best I found to mostly not get hit. Plus putting a wall or object between you and her is also helpful. But this is the best advice.

  • Cyanide2817
    Cyanide2817 Member Posts: 34

    The nurse has plenty of counterplay of you would take some time to learn them you wouldn't have to give up on hook.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    double back

    it always works, unless she has the add on where she can go back to her original spot that should help ya most of the time

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,215

    The above comments are already giving a lot of information.

    There are also a lot of posts here about versing a Nurse or playing her.

    In a nutshell:

    • Don't let your presence known if you can avoid it. Prudence goes a long way.
    • Leave gens early.
    • Always "respect" the Nurse (a pretty common tactic is to appear weak to wipe the team when they are all close together, usually trying to bully you)
    • Don't heal in her terror radius (duh) but try to stay healthy as else one blink is all she needs.
    • Be unpredictable : change tactic randomly. Going back all the time will kill you, as only pressing forward. There are other directions you can take.
    • Her biggest weakness is detection. Break line of sight and use that opportunity to break with what you were doing (and sometimes not : be unpredictable)
    • Remember that sound is very important for all killer, and Nurses are trying to get you trough walls : sound is VERY important for them. The mere breath of a survivor is sometimes enough to land a hit.
    • Watch her hand to guess her intent (that she may fake) and fake your intent as well (like faking a window or a vault, just more risky). Again, don't always fake your intent as it makes you predictable.
    • Do NOT get caught in an animation: dropping floor or vaulting usually means death.
    • The worst opponent of a Nurse is another Nurse. Play her for a while. Don't worry about winning. This is true for all killers but knowing the Nurse enough to have a feel of her range will make you more of a pain to catch.

    Good Nurses usually have thousand(s) of hour(s) in the game. Don't worry too much if you get "destroyed" by them.

  • LegionGo
    LegionGo Member Posts: 19

    All these tricks that people advise you when playing against a Nurse sometimes worked until her recent improvements and bug fixes. Now it's completely broken, especially with the best range and recharge addons and with 4 deceleration perks. Currently, if you hear the disgusting screeching of a Nurse, then you're just out of luck, give up and move on to the next match!

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,880

    There isn't a direct counter. Nurse is countered by mindgames and reads. Whoever is more skilled will win that chase. If the Nurse wins, you go down. If you win, you get free distance and wasted more of the Killers time.

    Move unpredictably because "double back" isn't a key to juking a Nurse, it's a juking element. Eventually she'll catch on that you always double back and then it won't do anything good for you anymore.

    Also, using LoS always helps.