How Intelligent is the Dredge?

Mozic Member Posts: 601

Based on what we've seen written and shown about it - the sense that I get is that the Dredge is not very intelligent at all; maybe about at the level of a dog? It, for all intents and purposes, is a profane monstrosity created to be a servant of the entity. All it really needs to do is be obedient and spread terror, which it can probably accomplish without much more conniving than a stalking ambush predator would need.

What are your thoughts, though?


    HOMOGRIMOIRE Member Posts: 43

    I'd put it somewhere with the Demogorgon and Nemesis. It's intelligent yes, but does it have free will and thought? No. All it's thoughts center around the hunt and the orders given by its boss. In that sense, it's also like the nemesis who you could probably rank close by, minus the weapon wielding it does in canon [because apparently, weapon and tool use requires a good amount of intelligence.] Demogorgons haven't been shown to use tools, to the best of my remembrance, but are intelligent enough to set traps and prioritize objectives over other ones. Dart, Dustin's demodog, shows the extent to which Demogorgon's minds grow and learn from experience. Dustin feeding it candy in it's youth was enough to establish a link in it's mind strong enough to overpower the mindflayer's commands. I don't know much about nemesis, but it too is smart. Tool use, objective selection, adapts to obstacles. It's smart, but that's about the extent of it's intelligence.

    The Dredge, unlike the other two, has no material from which we can derive it hunts besides how we play it. We should first ask what is the dredge? is the flesh emerging from the darkness, or that darkness itself? If the latter, then it is certainly smart enough to create a physical form that meets its needs from the mass of flesh it has collected. We must also remember that it is the dark thoughts of a community made manifest. Thus, unlike the others, it is capable of a limited range of emotions, most of it likely negative as indicative of the sounds it makes and its default arm flavor text that says it wants revenge. It is capable of forethought and strategy, using lockers to cut off survivors or to travel to another objective to deal with it. It knows when to switch targets, spread damage, and fear. It knows how to incite fear, as we can see from its twisted plaything flavor text. The other two don't seem to have incentive to create fear, only kill.

    TDLR: It's smart, on the same general level as The Demogorgon and Nemesis.

  • chatgiraffe
    chatgiraffe Member Posts: 113

    I think Dredge is actually pretty smart, in more ways than just being smart at killing survivors. The Dredge is probably the smartest at actually causing emotions for the Entity to feed on. If it wanted to just kill stuff, it would run around as an invisible shadow blob, just slurping up any survivor it runs into. Instead, it uses not just an actual weapon, but an actual head and body, just to look scarier. With the doll outfit, it uses dolls because it knows they're creepy as hell.

    Plus, just look at how people are reacting to the Dredge in real life. It jumpscares people and makes them scream IRL. It knows what its power is and how to use it to not just to kill people, but to scare them. In the end, the Entity doesnt want a perfect killing machine that slaughters every survivor instantly, because then the survivors would lose hope and get tossed away.

    TLDR: It might not be smart in terms of Human Things, but it certainly knows how to please the Entity

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    I don’t think it’s smart at all it’s just human emotions manifested into a weird creature.

    Think Myers he’s Evil in human form, just like how Dredge is basically bad thoughts manifested and you can’t kill either of them.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,218

    I think it was described as 'the dark thoughts from the dessicated husk of a once joyous and vibrant community'. So, it's the manifestation of the DbD forums. Hard call on whether it's sentient or not.

  • VentureBrosFan
    VentureBrosFan Member Posts: 52

    Wasn't it like you can kill Myers after he kills all of his family members or something like that? Or in the new timeline he's just stronger human,

    You can correct me if I'm wrong