General Discussions

General Discussions

Baffles me how some community members are like this

Member Posts: 1,579
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

This was seen in one of the DBD's Instagram posts.

The original comment teased how the game's balance wasn't great and the first person was clearly booty-tickled. I enjoyed the third person's response. We the players should use our voices to raise concern if we want this game to thrive for us all.

EDIT: re-arranged the attachments to be clear

Post edited by Mazoobi on

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  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Well, we've been voicing "concerns" for years and gotten nowhere.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    It really depends on the context of the situation. The balance of the game is overall fine. It's more that the gameplay to achieve that balance isnt always fun. Its been historically accurate that leaving the game can be the best course of action. If you do not like playing the game, then dont. Even if you like the game conceptually, if you keep playing the game, that means the game is enjoyable enough for you to maintain your position in the playerbase. A lot of BHVR's decisions are based on how much their playerbase grows and shrinks. Some decisions were made too early, like SBMM, the biggest reason why SBMM is considered to be awful is due to survivor BP when being camped and tunneled and that the perks that create such situations are making gameplay very stale. I have come to the position where I dont think SBMM is bad on its own, its mainly that the game isnt in a state where SBMM is applicable yet(Bubba, Twins, Nurse, Blight, NOED are all things why SBMM cannot work properly right now, because the survivor perks that exist to reply to those killers are also perks that basically negate the strengths of other killers)

    So people can still work on gens and retain DS and killers can still proxy-camp their first hooked survivor to get a kill 30 seconds into the game because of mori and people can finish 4 gens and sacrifice a teammate to escape with 3 people and people can stack ruin undying and force survivors to do all 5 totems for the most powerful hex and people can infinitely loop on any map and people can finish all 5 gens within 3 minutes and people can stand still with spirit to get free hits and people can facecamp with freddy and not get any risk of BT and people can use Amanda's Letter on Piggy to get at least 1 kill 75% of the time and killers like Demo, Ghosty and Legion have outdated addons.

    Face it, we've gotten a long way. Its not always been fast enough, some things have gotten priority over others for seemingly no reason and in all honesty, the communication about things could be more transparent. The game is 6 years old, some transparancy is preferred.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Just to add to this, it really does seem like transparency is coming back. Not like it used to with the weekly dev streams, but we've got a genuine roadmap of changes and when we can roughly expect them, with promises to communicate to us in advance if these deadlines can't be hit for whatever reason. And after the radio silence of Year 5, and the semi-communication of Year 4, the fact they've decided to speak to us again is actually quite reassuring.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    If your sentence requires the use of the word "and" 11 times it is time for a new sentence.

  • Member Posts: 2,976
    edited June 2022

    Yeah definitely, I am genuinely considering that the devs were too scared to talk after the backlash of the Ruin rework and the Toolbox nerf. Looking back, I cant believe people consider old ruin to be stronger. Yeah, it used to stack with Pop, but it was quite a bad hex. The group it worked best against would also be survivors who would lose the game due to old Third Seal.

    But maybe, just maybe, I did that on purpose just to show your bias there. Too many people saying "devs do nothing", or "devs change things whenever survivors whine" or "devs change things whenever killers whine". Yeah, they could be faster and there could be more, but I dont really see any change that needed to be reverted, aka, they were good changes overall. Some changes were adjusted due to being too weak/too powerful, but they were never in need of being reverted.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It's not bias, it's math. And no, it didn't help your point it just made it insanely hard to read.

    Dead Hard is STILL a messed up perk. It's been out FIVE YEARS. It's the #1 perk in the game, CONFIRMED. And still we are told "We are looking at it". Ruin was thrashed WAY faster than this. Undying was thrashed WAY faster than this. Boil Over was thrashed WAY faster than this. Parental Guidance got smashed before it left the PTB.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Im glad for the increase in communications but the priorities still seem wrong.

    Gameplay and balance should be way ahead of Feng's 75 jumper skin. All these perk changes should be the top of the list rather than more "content"

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Everyone is free to complain as long as they are not being nasty about it. I "complain" sometimes too if saying what you dislike about the game counts as complaining.

    But, as much as I am not against it I dislike some of the common complaints like tunneling/camping. I never said someone to shut up tho, and never will.

  • Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2022

    Took me a while to find, but that was the original comment from the DBD post.

    I'm pretty sure the OP comment was trying to make a harmless joke. I cracked a bit reading it, but it's probably due to the fact that I've been advocating for balance changes *cough cough* Dead Hard & Map Offerings to name a few.

    EDIT: Actually, Ima just edit the thread and attach this to make it easier for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    What do you mean Ruin was trashed way harder? It was BUFFED significantly with the change. The only downside was that you could no longer apply pop on top of a generator with ruin, but overall? Yeah, Ruin actually had viability in high mmr where survivors always hit great skillchecks and was practically useless. Old Ruin only worked on low tier survivors who couldnt really land great skillchecks. And being the number 1 perk in the game for DH? I mean, only in terms of usage, not in terms of strength, that title still belongs to Sprintburst. Also, with that same logic, Nurse has been out for 6 years and still is the number 1 most used killer in high mmr confirmed.

    Also, Undying was utterly busted, having aura reading on ALL totems, while a fully powered hex like Ruin would respawn, utterly busted. DH has never been that level of busted.

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