Survivors, can we play this event normally?

Wampirita Member Posts: 809

I'm just a mediocre killer main that came here to beg the survivors to play normally.

I've done like 5-6 matches now and how every single one of them looks like? ALL survivors hiding, not touching gens and waiting for other survivors to die so they can claim a mask.

One game people were intentionally sandbagging each other just to make them die faster.


Why do you put a Flan offering if you end the game having less than 1000 points, because all you do is sit in a locker.

"UgH, bUt KiLLeRs aRe SwEaTy!"

They aren't, they play the game the same way as they always did. They don't owe you farming games.

As for me if you REALLY need to escape, you can just point out and i'll let every single one of you go.

Just play normally. Sooner or later you will get all of the masks. Or just go as afk wraith, claim all 10 masks and go back to survivors to get the most points you can from the event!

Both sides want to gain something.

But really there IS something wrong if it took me 36 MINUTES to find one immersed Feng, and i still don't know how not a single one of the survivors didn't get the afk crows.

You would play MULTIPLE matches in that time. Is the mask really worth griefing like that?

PLS ffs. You can curse at killers all you want, Yeah, they were the ones that completely destroyed last anniversary, but do you really want to throw games to get 3-4k points with Flan included?
