Survivors, can we play this event normally?

I'm just a mediocre killer main that came here to beg the survivors to play normally.
I've done like 5-6 matches now and how every single one of them looks like? ALL survivors hiding, not touching gens and waiting for other survivors to die so they can claim a mask.
One game people were intentionally sandbagging each other just to make them die faster.
Why do you put a Flan offering if you end the game having less than 1000 points, because all you do is sit in a locker.
"UgH, bUt KiLLeRs aRe SwEaTy!"
They aren't, they play the game the same way as they always did. They don't owe you farming games.
As for me if you REALLY need to escape, you can just point out and i'll let every single one of you go.
Just play normally. Sooner or later you will get all of the masks. Or just go as afk wraith, claim all 10 masks and go back to survivors to get the most points you can from the event!
Both sides want to gain something.
But really there IS something wrong if it took me 36 MINUTES to find one immersed Feng, and i still don't know how not a single one of the survivors didn't get the afk crows.
You would play MULTIPLE matches in that time. Is the mask really worth griefing like that?
PLS ffs. You can curse at killers all you want, Yeah, they were the ones that completely destroyed last anniversary, but do you really want to throw games to get 3-4k points with Flan included?
This can be said both ways.
Killers can also chill out during this event too lol.
It's just a full chaos.
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My policy is "You be cool and I'll be cool" - making me search through every bush and dark corner of the map just to find a chase for an extra 6-15 minutes in a match is a good way to make sure I will go to the most extreme lengths I can fathom to keep everyone from escaping.
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I've had the opposite extreme so far, super sweaty PC master race seal team teabag SWF. It's like matchmaking is oversaturated with high level survivors so all us mid-level chill killers are forced to go against them. It's the like awful old rank-based matchmaking all over again.
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Killers are playing normally, I played few survivor games too. And they were regular games, deaths and escapes, you shouldn't expect killers to go easy. They want the points too. Play like you always would
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Always a bummer. I get caught in that swell occasionally - it'll probably even out in a few hours as the folks who can't play during daytime hours start hopping online.
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I just keep getting matches where people refuse to use the new offerings, mainly survivors. Ive had 4 matches in a row where people refuse to use Frightful Flan. 2 of which had 4 Escape Cakes. I play pretty chill, dont even use slowdown perks either, but Ive been treated like absolute garbage this entire event, almost every game a guy on PlayStation has chewed me out for tunneling and camping when I literally never tunnel and camp at all. People just need to chill a bit.
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I don't even go into games with planning of killing anyone, i'll do 8 hooks and they can go if they want, but I wish i didn't need to play for 20 min of hide and seek
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I wish I had some more relaxed groups. Out of my 6 games today, 1 was a group that wanted to fool around and get some BP while also playing, 2 had multiple DCs, and the other three destroyed me like I haven't been destroyed in quite a while, 2 of which were really BM too.
Yeah, this has been my side too. Matchmaking is pretty borked, so I guess I'm facing a much higher boundary of survivors right now. Lots of SWFs, very, very sweaty to boot.
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I dont always have the plans to kill people either, I had a guy trash-talk despite me literally giving all of them the escape, got 8 hooks in the first 2 gens (they werent bad, just didnt expect weird pathing and mindgames) so I just spent the rest of the match letting them do gens. People dont care.
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People can play/do whatever they like.
That's life, friendo.
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I ######### hate this "you have to survive" #########, it makes solo queu an unbearable nightmare
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holding the game hostage isn't a way to play
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And yet, if I wall people into the poop room on The Game, I'm getting a ban.
Funny, that. It's almost like this isn't a PvE game, and what you do can determine how much fun other people have or don't have.
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Happens on both sides. This community is pretty terrible, especially during events. :)
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Well, if I may be honest, your 5-6 games in a row of no one doing anything sounds like pure hyperbole to me.
If you truly are the unluckiest player alive to run into this hostage situation so many times consecutively, Whispers will give you free wins and also help locate the survivors for your report videos.
Do you have any videos of the previous matches? I'm legitimately curious as to the tactics 4 people (each game) used to evade you over so many games in a row.
Is the poop room the 'SAW' room with the generator that you can only block people into if all other generators are done and one of them wasn't the gen in that room (if I'm reading the scenario correctly)?
I get the sentiment of your statement, though - People can still block you in wherever if you want to, despite the fact that they'll get banned. There's not much you can do about the agency of others.
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Why does bhvr give survs the most insane toolbox possible for these events when the medkits/flashlights are much more tame. Very common to see 4 man toolbox squads with prove.
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I never had this issue back when the rank-based system was in place. I always got chill survivors who was nice to play against.
Nowadays, they are always like the ones you describe
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Well I did, and I don't now, outside of this event.
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I haven't used the toolbox yet, but if this is true then BHVR is finally catching on.
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I remember the free snowman hits.
You won't get anything from me.
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Ahhh yes, survivors should have instead not tried to get their cosmetics because the way BHVR designed the event, lmao.
Up until the snowman event every even favoured killers, they made hooks unsabo-able and almost every event required the survivors to leave through the exit gate to get a single cosmetic whereas killers had to do nothing but interact with a pedestal, and now killers are "punishing" survivors for a poorly designed event the developers made.