Are any other players frustrated with matchmaking?

KerJuice Member Posts: 1,983

I can’t figure this system out and why I get the level of players that I do… When I play survivor, I get either teammates that are new to the game, or not very good at it. Then our killer is more than me. When I die, I have more points than everyone- even when I die first. Then in the same gaming session, I can switch to killer and immediately end up facing survivors that seem like they belong in the top 1%. What the hell?? Why am I not going against the same potatoe survivors I just got 4 games in a row as survivor, to go against? Why am I vs. survivors and killers way more skilled than me? The rare times I get teammates or the opposition who are on the same level as me, or slightly below or above, is really nice. It makes for fun games win or lose on either side. But this is getting worse and more frustrating. I prefer longer Que times for more fair and quality matches. Anyone else feel this way?

Look at this for one example of what my games constantly look like (I’m at the top with the gen meme build):

This Plague’s build was NASTY. Something out of high MMR. My teammates were ALL too scared to go for saves for half the game, even though someone had Kindred. I had to keep leaving my gens to go for the saves and ended up in a few chases. Ultimately I died on second hook because I wanted to give the last person a chance to find hatch. We had 2 gens left to do. This was on suffocation pit.

Almost hit IRI for both Evader & Benelovent. Again, my matches have not been fun as of late. More than usual.

‘Btw, don’t lynch me for being THAT guy who didn’t bring a cake 😛
