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Surprised by DS getting Nerfed ( or at least changed )

Member Posts: 2,645
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Surprised DS is getting changed. It was absolutely busted before, but after it's nerf I think it's in a good spot. Prevents direct tunneling, and if the killer gets hit by DS now at 60 seconds, you know that the survivor was doing NOTHING for 60 seconds. I'm just a little bit concerned now that if this perk gets nerfed, tunneling might get much worse.

I'm hoping this change isn't a direct nerf but maybe a sideways change?

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  • Member Posts: 142

    If they nerf dstrike they are crazy. The perk is nowhere near as good as it was back then. In this form is good, maybe except the locker abuse, or the gate-openin which should disable the perk.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,495

    I dunno. I hate getting tunneled, but if BHVR isn't going to fix console performance and won't alter the DS skill check, then I'd rather DS get completely changed to something else. In my matches, I'm the only one running BT, the rest run DS and save me in the killer's face like I must be running DS, too. It makes me absolutely hate playing survivor 90% of the time.

    Hopefully whatever they're going to do to DS will be a good change. I worry about BBQ and WGLF, I run those for earning BP and I think both are in good spots.

  • Member Posts: 2,729

    Maybe they'll just do something small like add exit gates to deactivation condition.

  • Member Posts: 2,645

    My assumption is BBQ and WGLF are having their BP bonuses removed, because they will be increasing BP gains in general. Or at least I'd ASSUME that's what they are doing.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2022

    DS needs a nerf in EGC. The reward for a killer not tunneling is to get punished with free escapes in EGC which is dumb. That said it should be changed into a more reliable anti tunnel perk and get 2 uses(prior to EGC activating).

  • Member Posts: 645

    They've mentioned before that when they're considering changing these perks - they're not just considering nerfing them because they're used too much, they're also considering WHY people run them in the first place.

    Patrick heavily hinted in a previous Q&A that elements of BT will become basekit for survivors, so it could be that elements of Decisive Strike or even elements to the base game have changed to make it not as necessary to run in the first place, thus introducing the change it's going to be getting.

  • Member Posts: 707

    The fact it used to be stronger is not a justification against future nerfs. It's still one of the most used perks despite this. Also if they did exactly as you said it would still be on the list of 'changes'.

    Having said that, Decisive Strike is one I'm 50/50 on if only because it so often gets used in ways that aren't what it's designed for such as stopping a killer targeting someone else knowing that they cannot be hooked. I'd be in favour of some mild changes to it for as long as the anti-tunnel aspect of it is either base kit or kept in some form.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Maybe it's the buff we all wanted, being able to use it for both hook states

  • Member Posts: 9,405

    Unless you know what the change is (if anything), this is pointless.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Shouldn't be a surprise as it is on the list of the most used survivor perks according to their internal metrics. The perk changes main purpose is to evaluate and shake up the current meta as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    As long as "Tunnel to force DS" and "Don't tunnel to avoid triggering DS" are unironic pieces of advice simultaneously offered to me by different people, I can't say that DS doesn't need some sort of change. :P

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't know if everyone speaks a perfect English but some of us aren't English native speakers, and I guess some didn't watch because of the language barrier. It's easier to read/look at a picture than listening.

    Also, I think it was obvious they were gonna change it because they published an article with statistic and all... But this is the same thing: not eveyrone is watching/reading all the stuff. I actually missed a survey because I found nowhere the information about it (but I've heard of it when it was over, sadge).

  • Member Posts: 4,830
    edited June 2022

    The implications are certainly concerning, especially considering the fact that they completely wrote off making it basekit in any form.

  • Member Posts: 601

    I'm really just guessing that DS will now also deactivate when interacting with killer objects and the exit gate to really emphasize that when DS is active, you are "out of play"

    Until it runs out of ways where it can be used on the offense, it's probably going to keep getting jabbed with needles.

  • Member Posts: 944

    I played a lot with DS recently and it's overrated imo, it's already weak . Half of the time it's a wasted perk slot, other half you can actually miss the skillcheck lul, happened to me once when I needed it most.. I don't even know why a skillcheck is needed tbh ?

    Also it doesn't help if a nurse , blight, spirit, any top tier killer really want you dead

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    There's no way they're going to turn it off when interacting with Killer objects as long as the Pig is a thing.

  • Member Posts: 601

    On the one hand, you're 100% right. On the other hand, if I have to deal with one more survivor who guns for the lament configuration off hook knowing that they can make an obvious target out of themselves with it while DS is active... 🤬

  • Member Posts: 359

    Honestly if bt was made basekit I wouldn’t mind it. I main killer, only change I’d make is that it wouldn’t activate if the survivor was hit in the front by charging the killer to waste time

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2022

    I wouldn't say getting healed and opening chests or exit gates is doing nothing. Not to mention that many DS users will bait the killer on purpose (by entering lockers for example) to get value out of it. 60s is a lot, a lot of things can happen in that amount of time. Anybody seriously thinking that DS only works as an anti-tunneling tool is either a liar or an idiot.

  • Member Posts: 2,645
  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited June 2022

    The only thing DS needs to be an actual anti tunnel perk is to get disabled if I've already hooked one person. It's so dumb that in end game there are 2 people left, I didn't tunnel all game, 1 person saves the one with DS, I hook the "unhooker" and he dies, the unhooked hits me with DS and gets the pointless hatch.

    Also, it needs to be disabled during end game collapse. The game is already over so you're not tunneling someone in end game, you're just trying to get a kill. Like survivors like to say "there's no counterplay" when specific situations like these happen.

  • Member Posts: 8,326

    The save in killers face without BT assuming everyone runs DS is obnoxious. Just run BT or wait a few seconds for a safe hook instead of thinking other player should use DS, especially when it's only their first hook beginning/mid match.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Im suprised prove thyself isnt on the list

  • Member Posts: 458

    Ds should be disabled if during its duration the killer hits or gets in chase with any other survivor. because then you arent tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I wouldnt mind if they made it so you can do about 2 seconds of the things that deactivate it. just to make it more usable with console.

    since accidental inputs are common on console

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Hit the unhooker, beeline for the unhooked.

    You wouldn't even have to wait for the unhooked survivor to touch the ground, DS activates the moment they start coming off the hook. They could have it deactivated the instant they get it, because the killer hit the only person who could be injured at that moment. It wouldn't be hard at all to force.

    I don't know how I feel about this change.

  • Member Posts: 458

    caveats could be in play such as requiring min distance away or protection hits being ignored. My issue is that if its a anti tunneling perk, it activates when tunneling did not occur. Or in EGC where it ceases to be anti tunnel. I dont like the idea of it being given more uses per match either as that also imo just further rewards misplay.

    I dont mind DS too much because it isnt used by everyone and unless your truly trying to tunnel you wont see it tooooo much.

    I agree that the poster that stated locker abuse should be addressed with it.

    a nice QoL would be nice if there was some indication of who the last person who you hooked was. Hard for me to keep track of which of the three neas I took out last when my attention is on my movement in the game and swinging.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Might as well just make it four hooks rather than three and functionality is pretty much same tbh

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Well I would like that surv who have DS active bright red or something.

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