What happened to the actions indicators for survivors?
I can't remember what they were called during the stream so I'm having trouble finding a forum thread.
I mean the thing that was supposed to help in solo q to survivors - the idea was that each teammate would get an icon about what they're doing - a gen, being chased, cleasing a totem etc.
What happened to that idea, was it hated by the community, was there ever any official info from BHVR they weren't gonna do it after all?
I was very much looking forward to that feature, I mostly play solo so it would help immensely. Also never thought it would buff SWFs in any way so I'm not sure why the feature would get hate from killers...
Well, i m wondering as well. Also i was watching anniversary stream, nothing has been told about this there so i guess they might not be working on that anymore? I dont know.
There is huge gap between solo-que and swf, this maybe would help little solo-que survivors. But You know how are Solo-que survivor games, even with this Action Indicators maybe You would still die on first hook because its Solo-que...
But I was wondering about this as well tho. I m wondering if it bacame forgotten.
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We don’t know. They have stated they wanted to focus on stuff they will definitely deliver for the anniversary stream (instead of talking about stuff they would like to get done as in the previous anniversarys).
so the soloq improvements might still be worked on in the background but they couldn’t say if they will make it for this year or not. Also the indications were never confirmed but just brought up as a concept idea of what could come.
from what I have seen the idea was very well received by the community, though I only really see the forums and some twitter stuff and maybe content creators covering it so idk.