Event cakes/flan

Would be nice by now if the event items were all in a shared pool, so I didn’t have to wait to prestige so I don’t lose them
You can wait till the new Prestige System. With it, you won't reset your inventory upon prestiging.
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But then I can't prestige all the characters to keep the cakes to get the BP to prestige the characters for the prestige update.
Damn their timing.
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Your wording ######### my brain right now.
I guess you mean that you want to prestige them now so you can have the Prestige rewards once the update drops?
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He means he can not prestige unprestiged characters right now. Because flans will go. He needs to use them on characters which already prestiged (this is kinda waste of BP because you already max'ed this characters) .
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That's why I said, wait until the new Prestige system drops because with the new system, you will not lose your stuff upon prestiging and rather keep it.
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Don't worry, I barely understand it myself.
I'm trying to P3 characters in time for the update, but I'll get too many cakes to realistically use, which means I'll inevitably waste some getting my characters P3'd in time for the update that would let me keep my cakes.
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So you indeed are trying to get the prestige rewards then.
Personally, I wouldn't make the effort. I'd wait till it comes out and then prestige to keep all my stuff, including flans/event items.
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Probably, but OCD isn't taking any prisoners.
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Considering the strange generosity of the flan offerings this event, Id recommend playing a character where u got the flans, playing them every game, and just leveling up other characters and etc. thats what ive been doing and in the last day, ive gotten about 4 prestige levels