What survivor or killer do you think feeds the entity the most?

Note that the entity feeds off emotion.
I would say doctor, you can hear the amount of joy he has… a little too much
Bubba because he tilts everyone.
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For killer I'd agree with Doctor. Ghostface maybe but only because how much he clearly enjoys his job. Plague would also rank very highly because she's being doing this for a very very long time and religious devotion is one hell of a drug.
For Survivor? Kate. The Entity feeds off survivors hope and discards them when there is nothing left which explains why we have killers dating back to Babylon yet Bill is the oldest survivor born in the late 1930s and wasn't taken until the late 2000s. Kate has a lot of hope and optimism to spare by the looks.
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That's so true, he's over his norm ten times. Generate extreme amount of salt from survivors and attarcts like magnet the most miserable players.
I believe in Entity's office he is in a frame "Employee of the month"
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Oni literally goes into rage mode every 2 minutes, so that's probably a good bet lol. Ghostface enjoys stalking and killing a lot, and he's also happy to please the entity i believe, so he's an option as well. Plague thinks she's doing this to save her people, so she's definitely determined but idk if it counts as an emotion.
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As a Doctor main I second that. The sound of laughter does nothing but spread joy.
I have had the most success with both Doctor and Krueger so I can easily nominate both of them for feeding the Entity the most.
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I would say Spirit, simply because of Rancor being her teachable.
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Kate for sure and probably Feng.
They both had bright careers ahead of them and they are young so they've got an entire lifetime to feed the entity.
I think the Entity would be confused with Mikaela.
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Twins or Artist.
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Any of the killers who enjoy their job, or have reason to do what they do. Blight and Doctor both have a devotion to experiments. Plague as mentioned has a religious aspect. Pig if her allegiance is now switched to the entity rather than Jigsaw, and I guess Legion if they feel aligned to the entity. Freddy, Ghostface, and Clown are sadists. Demogorgon and Dredge seem like mindless beasts so they'd be easy to manipulate.
Survivor side, I agree with Kate, but also Meg. Probably any of the younger survivors too, since youth often equals more hope than someone older who has been through more and perhaps has more realistic expectations. David, Bill, and Tapp because they are tenacious too.
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For survivors I'd like to throw Ace into the conversation. From an old Benedict Baker quote, he said Ace ignited a fleeting spark of hope just by observing his surroundings and picking something up before leaving. He also gambles everything in an attempt to get money and I saw that as a trait of being dumb but also being hopeful he could win, so I believe he is a fantastic food source for the Entity being able to inspire others while being hopeful himself.
Aside from him I can't add much, I agree with consensus that everyone mentioned but especially Kate and Doctor are great food sources.
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Gotta say for the killer side Doctor is prolly #1, cause not only is this man terrifying but I'm sure the way he kills survivors in the realms is prolly a bit out there, quite torturous. An for survivors since it goes for the hope of the survivors then I'd split it in two, one for actual lore and the other for in game. Lorewise I think Adam, Kate, Dwight, and even Ace could entice other survivors in the trial to look up to them and follow them to an escape, well Ace is here cause I'm sure he has a way with his words to encourage others. In game though, nothing brings me more hope in a soloq lobby than seeing a high prestiged Bill.
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Bubba,Doctor and Ghostface are the top 3 chef's for Entity
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Totally 100% agree this Ghostface seems like a total troll, like he'd play with people. His Lore specifically states he likes to be a reporter so he can meet the family's of the missing people. He's a thrill seeker and would cause a lot of emotions for the Entity. Plus, have you never freaked out when a really good Ghostface manages to sneak up right beside you?!
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Meg, because Meg
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On a tangent, I suspect Pinhead is actually more like a parasite feeding off the souls the Entity grabs, preferring to send them to the Cenobite’s domain rather than the Entity keeping them.
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Spirit for me she fuled by anger and emotions and probably feels the most emotions out of all the killers
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For survivor, Kate. She is full of hope and determination, as mentioned in her lore and is even described as a "hopeful songbird" in game.
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I'm gonna actually throw my hat in the ring against the Doctor. Dr. Carter has a rich history of going rogue and generally acting in an insubordinate manner on a nonstop ego trip. His headgear is more-than-likely affixed to him as a punishment from the Entity for some past malfeasance. He may be giggly, but I think at this point he's barely aware of himself anymore.
Ghost Face seems to rank highly among the killers who are more in control of their faculties and actively enthusiastic about participating in the trials. For many killers, the Fog is just as much hell as it is for the survivors - killers like Ghost Face are more the exception to the rule, and I'm sure those sick thrills make for good eatin' by the Entity.
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Pinhead and Myers are definitely aware of what is going on, for Myers it's endless killing to sate his need and Pinhead somehow arrived here willingly and I assume can leave when he wishes.
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Pyramid Head
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That's what I thought about Ghostie. All the Ghostfaces tend to get sick thrills off of scaring other people.