Let's talk about Omega Blink...

GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

travel and speed

Before I get into what Omega Blink is, it's crucial to understand how Nurse works.

Nurse's travel time doesn't take actual distance into account. Instead, she a minimum and maximum amount of travel time hard-coded in based on how long you've been charging your blink.

The minimum amount of travel time is 0.25 seconds. The maximum is 1.5 seconds.

So, if you wanted to blink at the max range (20m), then you would get there in 1.5 seconds. Divide the distance by time, and you get a travel speed of 13.334 or 333.334%.

What is it?

Omega Blink Nurse is a Nurse running both of her range-increasing add-ons, those being Kavanaugh's Last Breath and Heavy Panting.

The effect of these add-ons is that they increase Nurse's range by 4m and 6m. Combined, her first blink goes from possessing a max range of 20m to 30m.

Now, the game doesn't want to increase the amount of time you're blinking for. So if you're supposed to go 30 meters, then the game still wants you there in 1.5 seconds. To do this, it increases your speed massively from 13.334m/s to 20m/s or 500%.

But that's not the big problem.

The problem

The problem with Omega Blink is that the side effect is that it also makes your short blink faster in speed. There are multiple video comparisons.

Let's say you're blinking 12m away (max distance of a chain blink). Double Range will get your there sooner because they increase your speed.

Travel time is an essential element to being able to outplay/counter a Nurse. Lowering that time means that unless the Nurse herself screws up, you are going to die. In fact, that's arguably already the case with Nurse but you at least have some control of when and where. Omega Blink gives you the finger and says you're dead immediately if the Nurse is remotely competent.

Old vs new Omega blink

Omega Blink is nothing new, but an old monster that has resurfaced. I should preface this by saying that this is before my personal time in DBD, so I'm going to be using what's available in the "archives," if you will.

Old Omega Blink had the same interaction I mentioned, however, they did not increase the charge time of your initial blink. This meant that the add-ons also tampered with your muscle memory but were a force to be reckoned with when mastered.

New Omega Blink doesn't quite work like that. When the Nurse was reworked/nerfed to have her blink recharge system and had her add-ons overhauled, her range add-ons were changed so that they would also increase the charge time of her blinks to compensate for the new max range. So blinking 7m away will still feel like 7m worth of charging but blinking more than 20m will require you to charge a bit longer.

Removal and return

As I mentioned before, Nurse was reworked some time ago. I'm unsure about the technical aspects of it, so I'll put it simply and say that measures were put in place so that Nurse's range add-ons did not increase her reappearance speed. Range add-ons were still her best but now only because they increased her map control.

However, in patch 5.5.0, Nurse was completely recoded. She had a multitude of bugs that plagued her and with this recoding, many of these bugs have been addressed.

As a side effect, however, whatever measures were put in place to stop Omega Blink have been lost. A great demonstration of this is shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x-shHZpCzg

confusion on the devs' stance

All of us have likely seen the post by now claiming Range add-ons increasing speed was intended. However, this flies in the face of previous statements made by the devs.

"Many of her add-ons also had downsides or effects that hindered players' muscle memory, causing them to be very rarely used. Others had unintended side effects that made them much stronger than intended (notably the range add-ons which in turn granted reappearance speed, sometimes referred to as "omega blink")." - Peanits, https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/93557/designer-notes-nurse-changes

Now, this might be the copium talking but I'll play devil's advocate and assume they meant THIS: Nurse's reappearance speed is meant to increase when blinking past a range of 20m to fit the 1.5-second travel time limit. This does NOT mean that her short blinks should be traveling faster (as they currently are with range) as an intended feature.

Still, I'm baffled. Nurse is the strongest killer in the game, bar none. Her mere existence is the subject of much controversy within the community but this? I... I don't know. I don't know what to think. I don't know why Pyramid Head and Freddy get mostly worthless add-ons, but Nurse gets this abomination.

Post edited by GrimReaperJr1232 on


  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630

    You just watched Otz's video... Am I right?

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    People waking up now cause Hens (and Otz?) made a video about it? Two friend of mine already sent me the circulating screenshot where they confirm they're working as intended and there's no bug. But one just needs to open the Nurse's fanwiki to see they work as intended. I made a thread more than 2 months ago explaining how range add-ons are stupidly broken

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 466

    It's been talked about right after her change. Here's an old thread I made in 2020 talking about it.


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    There was no such things as "removal" of omega blink I think.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Interesting, I'm seeing this a lot, although SupaAlf, one of the best Nurse mains out there, only noticed this after her recoding.

  • DarkEnigma333
    DarkEnigma333 Member Posts: 73

    If you take away the blink speed theres no tricking the survivor. theyd be able to easily double back every single time

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    It's been known about and was "fixed" awhile ago. Devs just kind of confirmed it's not a bug and it's intended which is why everyone is talking about it now. Personally I'm not surprised, since they're aware duration addons give recharge rate too and they decided not to patch that either.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,174

    "If you take away this unfair part of the addon, survivors will not be able to react in time to my blinks"

    Counterplay is import. Nurse already has weird counterplay, but reducing counterplay to the strongest killer in the game is poor design.

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    Jesus please stop being like every Nurse mains on this forum and use your brain for once,survivors that double back are so predictable you don't even need any add-ons to 'trick them'.

    Stop defending your busted overpowered broken killer or whatever you wish to call it,it's just cringe.

    Nurse needs to be nerfed if you can't 4k with her stupid add-ons and a full slowdown build it's just a skill issue from the player I am an Oni main and I rarely play her but when I do it's always 4ks and basically a free win no matter how good the survivors are,I mean when you have 3.8k hours in the game you just don't fall for the tricks survivors do it's just so predictable and with the add-ons she has you just have to be patient and stop panicking with your blinks to get hits that's all you need to play Nurse.

    I already knew that people who main Nurse plays her beceause they want to win without any real difficulty or challenge because winning is fun right ? But holy jesus you just can't say stuff like that Nurse has always been the strongest killer in the game and there's a reason why...

    But yes keep coping don't worry they won't touch your OP toy.

  • DarkEnigma333
    DarkEnigma333 Member Posts: 73

    yeah a 50 50 is so predictable. stopped reading at that. even a mediocre SWF demolishes 99% of nurses quit crying

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited June 2022

    Why are nurse mains always so delusional?

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Idk if you're being sarcastic.

    If not, then you're just projecting. Just because you're losing 99% of the time vs 'mediocre SWFs' doesn't mean others are. Hell, every Nurse main that streams seems to be Bing Chilling, especially Supalf with his 200+ winstreak with MMR most certainly on. 99% my arse.

    Omega Blink is completely broken. We all know why it's defended. People would defend a killer that wins instantly if survivors don't finish gens in 4 minutes. It's how the mediocre feel when they finally have a chance at winning big without matching up to the adversity on an equal playing field. There's only animosity and a desire to dominate.

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    Anyone half decent with Nurse will completely dominate any group of survivors that aren't the highest MMR in a 4 man SWF if they used these busted addons. Her instant blinks are unreactable, and she cannot be mind-gamed. The moment she hooks someone, the game is over.

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    Even if he did, I don't think Nurse Range add-ons should increase Blink movement speed by 50% in addition to their main effects

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    We'll never know sadly they are too used playing their OP Toy that requires "skill"

    @DarkEnigma333 Just shows that he's a very average Nurse and should probably get better at the game,I am sure I can play Nurse better than most of these Nurse mains on the forums calling Nurse "fine and balanced" because they're not that good at playing her and can't even 4k with 4 slowdown perks and her busted add-ons.

    it's just pointless arguing with these people.

  • DarkEnigma333
    DarkEnigma333 Member Posts: 73

    i only hope to see you guys seething here about nurse 3 years from now.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited June 2022

    The OG omegablink did mess with your muscle memory yes, but the blink speed isn't the only reason it was powerful. Say a nurse messed up and had blinked too far from you to get a hit with the chain blink, the old omega blink basically the chain blink more reliable not just because of hte speed but because the distance traveleled increased for hte same amount of charge time, your chain blink would go farther in a shorter amount of time and this made the chain blink nearly impossible to avoid when combined with the extra speed.

    The problem of distance actually changing is gone, but it still increasing blink movement speed on short blinks is an issue that should be nerfed even if it is intended as the devs claim.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Hens made a nice video about it - Tofu already had a video too.

    The fact this this is intended is just insane.
