A change for Grades so people won't confuse them with skill rating.

As we all know many people still think that Grades have something to do with matchmaking which is obviously not true. I think this is mainly because how it is presented, they are divided into similar ranks as other games ranks for ranked games (gold, silver, etc.) and also have divisions like many of these games too. Second, they are presented on the main screen like it is super important thing, you really can miss that you are for example in Silver IV, this makes players really think it is important.

So how would I change it?

It's quite simple, I would move Grades into the Archives into its own category (like Rift has its own tab) and call it something like monthly progression or something more inline of Archives and remove it from main screen and put into the Archive popup. By doing it players would think it is more connected to the Archives rather than matchmaking as it would be pretty hidden. And as Archives are about challenges and playing the game overall, the monthly progression fits it perfectly. Last thing would need to be the post game screen, I would move the Grade progression into the very last tab of the end screen and give it some blueish, Archive styled look so players would think they are looking at Archives thing rather than something important for the main game.

What do you think?

(also small idea: Would it be cool to change the rest the from 13th day of the month to 1st? I think it would be more logical)