Suggested Buffs For Weaker Killers?

As far as I'm aware, Myers, Pig, Trapper, Doc, Clown and Freddy are considered the weakest killers in the game as of now. I'm interested in what possible changes could happen to elevate these guys a little? Personally, I believe Myers' Evil Within III should have extra effects. Such as, downing a survivor with tier III would perhaps apply some kind of debuff to nearby survivors? Maybe a map-wide penalty of some kind? For Trapper, I always thought he needed a second ability. Most killers have more than one ability, why not help out the poster boy and give him one? I was thinking he could perhaps drop iron caltrops, sorta like make his own trails of torment. They could be very well hidden, slow down survivors and perhaps even damage them if they stay in them for too long. For Doc, I aint too sure. And that's coming from a Doctor main. I have a LOT of fun zapping pesky genrushers and do impossible skillcheck builds, but in higher ranks he seems somewhat overwhelmed, from what I've seen. Maybe a rework to Madness effects would be in order? What're your thoughts?
A concerned Doctor main
Personally? I think Trapper is very underrated, if you dont focus on gen defense. Doctor can use some touch ups, Pig is a lot better now, and Myers needs addon changes because the power is pretty decent. Can even add some decent effects to some of his addons because most of them are horrible.
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All clown needs imo is for his antidote ammo to be separate from his tonic. I’d put the antidote on a 10 second cooldown while his tonic has the traditional reload
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I actually discussed something similar to this with one of my friends a while back, the most notable character being Myers, as he is our downright favourite killer in the game.
Buffs I thought would allow Myers to come up a few notches are as follows:
When a survivor is killed by any means, any remaining stalk they had leftover would be evenly distributed among the remaining survivors.
Myers now gains more stalk the further away from his target he is (with a cap of course, we don't want him stalking you from across the other side of the map)
First buff would allow this to happen; Upon reaching his third use of tier 3, he gains a purple tombstone effect. allowing him to mori one survivor before returning him to EWI (if no survivor is mori'd he just returns to EWII instead)
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Fix the zombies. For the love of all that is good in the world just fix the damn zombies.
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As someone who used to love playing as Freddy, I think the Dredge has shown how underdeveloped he is and how boring the dream world design is. Freddy’s teleport is decent and it synergises well with certain perks related to gens but his anti loop is weak and his dream world compared to nightfall is laughable. In the dream world Freddy should be far more powerful than he is- it would actually tie in to his lore way more and actually make him more powerful. Plus it’s the dream world, so really the potential should be there to do some interesting stuff. I’d happily keep him fairly basic (some would say weak) in the real world to counter this. If changes are made to spine chill then at least oblivious will be a little more beneficial but right now he doesn’t have much going for him.
So my ideas are:
I would like his dream snares to actually properly hinder asleep survivors. Keep in mind also that doctor has yellow add ons which can cause broken pallets to appear when survivors are suffering from madness, so it’s strange to me that Freddy can’t have both his dream snares and some dream pallets.
I also wouldn’t mind seeing a similar ability that dredge has in regards to grabbing people out of lockers but with gens. So any survivor in the dream world who is working on a generator, if Freddy starts to teleport and they don’t let go then he grabs them upon arriving at the Gen. So survivors would still get the blood spurting from the Gen as a warning and anyone who is awake will be fine. But if you’re asleep you need to get off the Gen. If multiple survivors are on the Gen, it’s just down to chance who he grabs.
Now my last idea which is probably the one most people would hate (but I love the films and hate now weak Freddy is so I admit my bias here) is that I would like Freddy to get some sort of instadown power if all four survivors are in the dream world for a period of time. So say the fourth survivor enters the dream world, then 30 seconds to a minute later all survivors suffer from exposed and they will continue to do so unless they wake themselves up. This would make using the clocks much more important.
I know some of this, especially the last suggestion, will probably be seen as OP but the easy counter to all these possible powers is for survivors to just stay awake- for example so long as one survivor is awake his instadown will never activate. It would probably end up being like Sadako’s condemned (hopefully a better version) but at least there would be a bit of a threat there and it would incentivise doing something other than gens.
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This... This is beautiful
I myself never understood why dream pallets were an addon, and not just an addition to his power alongside dream snares.
The instadown mechanic when all 4 survivors are in the dream world does not seem OP, it actually seems balanced IMO as it punishes 'lazy' survivors
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I'd love nothing more than for old freddy to come back
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Glad you like the ideas! I think the only time the instadown idea is maybe a bit OP is at the start of the game when all survivors enter the dream world at the same time. But they would still have a period of time to wake up anyway before instadown popped- literally just one player would need to wake up to stop the power from activating so it’s easily counter-able but it gets people off gens at least for a little bit. But people need a proper reason to actually use the clocks. I see far too many Freddy games where people don’t even need to bother waking up because really the there’s no danger in staying asleep and that needs to change.
Again, referring back to Sadako’s condemned the key is to make it so it’s fair but also design it so that it isn’t so insanely slow (which Sadako’s is) at building up to the point that no one is worried about it. The chances of it activating should be unlikely but not impossible and certainly not impossible if survivors only laser focus on gens.
I just think as well for the game overall moving forward with the perk rework and the devs saying they want to move away from a Gen slowdown meta then quite a lot of the roster (especially the m1 killers) could do with having secondary objectives/threats to survivors beyond their basic attacks- especially killers like Freddy who don’t have a special attack power. But we need them to be like pinhead’s box and not like sadako’s condemned for them to have an impact.
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I think they should expand on Pig and Trapper's variety of traps. Trapper should be able to put up a trip wire that can hinder survivors badly in chase or some black tar/super glue that can make a pallet take a second or two longer to throw. Pig should be able to trap a gen to play a game that gives you merciless storm skill checks that incapacitate you temporarily if you fail them
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Personally I think Onryo is the weakest. only killer in the game without any sort of chase power
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My idea to buff Doctor:
What do you think?
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Everything you said is true 100%.
A second objective is definitely needed to break up the rather tedious process of every match.
Alongside the perk rework (which effects the weaker killers much more than the stronger ones such as nurse or blight) I firmly believe that the killers the community considers weaker than the rest should all be looked at and not reworked, but revamped in order to make their powers much more in time with modern DBD. These killers go without saying... but; Myers, Pig, Trapper, Clown, and Freddy (and others I haven't named) all require hard buffs to their powers so they are actually viable in higher ranks.
People mostly tend to say that with enough practice, anyone can 4k as Clown in high MMR but I always counter that by asking who does better; 7k hour nurse or 7k hour clown? Obviously the nurse... but why?
Because compared to Nurse's power, clowns is... well awful. But that shouldn't be the case.
The best killer in the game should not have such a massive gap between the worst (if you get what I mean.) I do understand that not every killer can be strong without a proper rework but like I mentioned beforehand, the gap shouldn't be so substantial.
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That actually sounds pretty interesting.
I can imagine that the 'trapping the generator' would be most likely to be implemented and would have a replenishable feature? Maybe hooking a survivor gives you one charge of this ability which would allow you to trap generators, causing missed skillchecks to injure and apply deepwound.
I can imagine the window and pallet one to be similar to that of Freddy's dream snares, hindering survivors after they vault for a few seconds, or maybe going deeper into Amanda's lore and having the window appear to be open from further away, but being blocked when within vaulting distance?
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Give killers a perk or add-on to see their red light so they can mind game tiles more effectively.
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Now thats a propper hot take.
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absolutely beautiful, I concur.
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Trapper needs an easier set up. He starts with all his traps halfway across the map unarmed. This gives him double the amount of set up of say Hag, Demo or Plague.
He either needs to start with more traps, or the prespawned traps need to be already armed and in half-decent locations.
The stealth killers; Myers, Pig and Ghostface, all have a nonsense mechanic. They're slower in stealth. For Pig and Ghostface this means you want to cross the map out of stealth, then go into stealth, at which points it's probably too late, you've been spotted.
So, crouching needs to have regular movement speed. You're still getting a trade off in FoV, but this would allow you to approach survivors in stealth at a decent speed more reliably.
Myers too shouldn't move slower in Tier 1, he already has to slow to a crawl when stalking, that's enough.
Doc and Clown? Not so sure they need much more.
Doc is king at locating survivors and comes with innate slowdown, while Clown now has his speedy bottle. Maybe that could do with a bit of a buff, a shorter delay or a longer duration.
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No offense but you need to stop trusting anybody seriously believing that Myers and Clown are weak killers. Even Freddy, to a certain point. This community in general is a joke both in terms of skill and opinions, don't forget it.
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Clown's yellow bottles doesnt do much because most of the time you only need the purple one, i would give him the ability to drink yellow bottles that would increase his speed by 150% for 4 seconds but when in the speed boost is up you couldnt attack. Now hes a very strong killer with an antiloop and map mobility, perfect (for me atleast).
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None, first thing should be an actual rebalance of maps where the biggest ones are reduced in size and get them all around the same level. This way even non mobile killers can pressure easily more places without spending 30 minutes traversing, which is probably one of the biggest problems of weaker killers
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This. They just had to reduce the time he needs to put people in the dream world and add something else to the kit, maybe fake pallets.
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I think myers needs an entire rework
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I actually cooked up an iri addon which changes how the yellow bottle works
Iridescent clown addon:
Replaces Afterpiece Antidote throw ability with Inhale Antidote Bottle
Inhale Antidote Bottle: press the Power button to inhale an entire bottle of Afterpiece Antidote, becoming invigorated for 25s, but the clown cannot throw any bottles while invigorated.
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I like your suggestions! I've always hated how you have to choose between pallets and snares, he should be able to use both even if with some limitations. The Dreamworld is his domain after all.
Grabbing survivors with the teleport would be scary (in a good way) with the addon that makes every gen spill blood!
Doctor seems to represent Freddy's power better than Freddy himself: Fake pallets, hallucinations, slow downs, making survivors paranoid (the character, not the player 🤣)...
Id like to see more stuff to make the Dreamworld feel like...the Dreamworld and not a just a Nvidia filter 😂
Aslo, new chase music please!
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They've already reworked or buffed the killers multiple times and it still isn't enough.
Unless they give every killer map travel equal to Nurse or Blight, I don't see how it's going to matter because the game is all about starting and ending chases as quickly as possible. The only way to create pressure on Survivors is downing them fast and most killers don't have the tools to do it.
If they reduce tiles to make M1 more viable maps become empty and boring. Reducing map size just makes Nurse even stronger.
The devs have put so much pressure on killers to be as efficient as possible while survivors can goof off and still have plenty of room to escape because of all the second chances, map layouts, generator speeds etc.
It's too late to fix, and I'm not sure it matters because there will always be enough killers willing to be a punching bag.
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Would you need to reload twice? Per bottle or would one reload, reload both?
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Your reload would restore your 4 tonics and your antidote would be on a recharge similar to spirit’s phase except only 10 seconds. You can’t manually reload the antidote it’s just passive
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Freddy should get an addon rework, reverted dream pallet nerf and his speed penalty while placing snares should be reduced or even reverted. Or just make him Old Freddy with teleport lol
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Would it start reloading as soon as one Antidote is thrown or once all 4 are thrown? Cuz I'd imagine there are situations where you would need more than 1, reloading for 3 seconds and having all 4 again.
Making it passive and only once all are thrown would be kind of a nerf.
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Ideally he would have 2 that recharge at 1 antidote every 10 seconds. So if you use 1 then it would immediately go on cooldown like a blight token
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- Myers - Meyers is odd because I’m not a fan of his base kit but I really like playing with his Mirror and Tombstone and Infinite Evil add-ons. I almost think “Infinite Evil” should just be his base kit and then replace his duration add-ons with other effects, but that’s just me.
- Pig - Two minor tweaks to Pig I wouldn’t mind seeing would be to make her crouched movement a bit faster and make it so her Ambush roar sound effect goes off during the actual Ambush sprint itself and not during the charging time so survivors have just slightly less time to react to it. (I actually do pretty well with Pig personally but I wouldn’t turn down those small buffs.)
- Trapper - I’d love to see Trapper just start with all his traps in hand at the start of the match like his Purple add-on. That initial set up time where he’s just walking around picking up traps all over the map is what really hurts him. Also if his traps were translucent by default so they could work well on all maps regardless of the color of the ground it would help him out too.
- Doc - Doctor is already pretty decent, I don’t think he needs a buff personally.
- Clown - Clown is a little underrated, but one minor buff I think he could use would be to make his Pink and Yellow bottles be on two separate inventories so that if he uses one type it doesn’t deplete the other.
- Freddy - I’d love to see Freddy have both snares and pallets just be in his base kit and let him swap between them ala Clown’s bottle swapping mechanism. Having Freddy be able to place either snares or fake pallets as desired throughout the match would be fun and give him a bit of a boost.
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So 40 seconds for 4?
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Well he’d only have 2 and they be separated from his tonic so it wouldn’t eat into his main ammo pool. It would be a pretty nice buff since he’d have to reload about half as much as he does now
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Oh, he would only have 2. Missed that.
Yeah, that seems pretty decent. I want to start learning him and his throws, but atm I am really sticked onto Legion 😅
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Fair enough. Legion is actually pretty fun after the buffs tbh
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No killer is weak in the game. When they are played well, they win a majority of matches.
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Only if the survivors are bad
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Myers should instantly go into Tier II if he hits or grabs a survivor in Tier I. That way, there would actually be some reward to using his Tier I stealth ability, rather than just trying to find a survivor to stare at immediately. They could also make distance affect how much stalk you get slightly less, making it at least a bit more viable to keep your distance when stalking.
I'm not sure what could be changed about Pig. It would be nice if they would either give her a 24m TR, or just rework her add-ons and bring back the good ones (R.I.P. Last Will)
Trapper's honestly fine, in my opinion. The issue is generator speeds and map design. This could be somewhat remedied by giving his traps some sort of camouflage based on the map, but I'd much rather just have BHVR fix their bad designs.
For Doctor, I'd just make one of his detonation delay add-ons basekit. Either the 20% or the 30% one. Wouldn't change a lot, but he'd feel so much better to play without having to be completely reliant on those add-ons.
I don't care enough about Clown and Freddy to come up with changes for them. However, I will mention one you left out — the Onryō. I don't remember which content creator said it, but she should be able to walk though pallets (and possibly breakable walks) when Demanifested. I also think it would be an idea for Condemned to passively gain, albeit slowly, when you're near a TV (16m maybe?), and for the Condemned status to make you exposed. This would make her actually scary to go against, and force you to use your brain in chased.
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Why shouldn't good survivors have a chance to win?
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Doc needs the detonation delay shortened by a small amount. Latency makes it incredibly unreliable. Maybe knock 10s of static blast cooldown.
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The improvement to Video Tape and Pig's Trap RNG are nice, but I personally would not call Pig "a lot better now" with how lackluster her ambush still is.
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Myers doesn't need a lot of buffs imo, maybe faster stalking and also stalk regenerates on survivors that you've stalked a lot. As someone that loves playing pig, it'd be nice if she had faster crouching speed and could use her ambush outside of shorter pallet loops. For doctor I just think that the yellow discipline addon should be basekit and remove the other discipline addons, really the only problem I have with him is how ping affects his ability to anti loop survivors. Clown should have his intoxication on survivors last longer and have 1 or 2 more bottles, if those suggestions sound too obnoxious then just make him have a bigger hindered % on his bottles. Trapper needs his trap rng not to be ######### (can't tell you how many times people just escape on first attempt), be able to collect his traps from lockers rather than be randomly scattered throughout the map, and also his traps need to be bigger so survivors can't just walk through them if you place them a tiny bit wrong. Not sure what to do with freddy tbh.
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I said that weaker killers only wins if the survivors are bad or do a lot of mistakes.
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A interesting one I've seen is for Sadako
Let her phase through pallets and windows, and maybe regular walls, while Demanifested