New anti tunneling and camping mechanic



  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    The tunnel and camp changes are a joke. Five seconds is a nothing burger for those base mechanics, and the nerfs to DS is excessive. It would be one thing if it worked both times and couldn't be waited out. Even with the existing stun, the tunnel continues. With a reduction, it's now even easier to tunnel.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,234
    edited June 2022

    These basekit endurance changes are completely insignificant, on top of making DS easy to shrug off. Tunneling and Camping will be better than ever.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    5 seconds is not a lot. Hell, 15 isn’t a lot right now. If a killer wants to tunnel they will.

    You also don’t realize that there are killers like Bubba, like Huntress that can easily cheese the 5 seconds and wait. You have no time to position yourself if all the killer needs to do is wait 5 seconds. Current BT is still giving people a better chance.

    What we needed was something a long time lines of Pyramid Head’s cages.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I feel like people commenting that "you can't reach X in 5 seconds" are forgetting the Haste you also get. They should, in most cases, be enough to get you to loop or at least out of a dead zone.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited June 2022

    If you want more endurance keep equiping borrowed time, 10-12 seconds basekit is too much, a free bodyblock for the unhooker for everyone without borrwed time, no thanks. Also the haste.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    It's 7% haste not sprint burst. Over 5 seconds, it gets you an extra 1.4 meters....

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    That's baseline. You can bring other fancy stuff (OTR is going to be...evil) to improve it.

    I'd have preferred it if killers couldn't use their powers near hooked survivors or shortly after an unhook near that hook, but let's see how this shakes out. The Haste effect is also pretty nice, and if it's enough to avoid a followup sweep from Bubba that's more than sufficient.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    🤔 no save should be free of danger

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    Do people not remember that the DS stun used to be 3 seconds? It was bumped to 5s to accommodate Enduring reducing the duration. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't bumped back to 3 when enduring stopped affecting it.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    This. It seems it will also stack with BT, so if you run BT, the effects are going to be large. And getting immediately re-downed off the hook is no longer a thing. And that haste is not insignificant.

    And with regard to DS - as a killer, I am much less likely to re-down a surv pre-endgame just to "get it out of the way" now that I know I don't have to worry about getting hit with it at the exit gates.

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    Because deterrents to camping/tunneling need to be made to the BASE game. Oh boy, now we simply swap BT for OtR, what a meta gamechanger! Not to mention the complete gutting of DS.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    What if I face camp the survivor so then they can't get tunneled. Then tunneling isn't an issue!

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Yea but all you have to do is bring play with your food to counter it not to mention the bloodlust is going to kick in faster and you basically got rid of pallets and now the vault speed build is dead lol.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Y'all need to play test with actual players instead of potato devs who wouldn't last two minutes at high mmr.

    Also, ever think kill rates are low because mmr does not work? Dbd is not like hockey. Yes, as a matter of fact it IS a skilled play if you run the killer for 5 gens and then don't escape. Because it takes no skill at all to just facecamp the last guy. The killer them gains mmr and the survivor who ran a killer for 5 gens faces a weaker killer who can't counter them.

    Very little has been done to discourage camping and tunneling with this update you've only made it easier. You'll artificially raise the kill rates without really fixing some of the core game design issues. Namely discouraging tunneling and camping while rewarding switching targets.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    This doesn't even make sense. Make your choice counters the unhooker body blocking for the hooked survivor? Soooooo.... Literally the same thing it's always done? Lol wut?

    Bloodlust still kicks in at the same time, 15 seconds. Tier 2 kicks in sooner at 25 seconds. If you can't get to a loop or a pallet prior to tier 2 kicking in that's a you problem lol. Most chases will still never make it to tier 2 bloodlust.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    Pallets break faster and there is no vault build and no it doesn't bloodlust 2 is crazy fast. Body blocking is useless with the killer regaining his stamina faster after swing. 25 second chase I go in 5 gen chases all the time this is just punishing people from looping thats all this update did make playing survivor boring.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    The problem lies in trying to tone down or scrap anti-tunnelling/anti-camping measures on account of them being too punishing if the killer tunnels/camps.

    That's the point of these measures. They are supposed to be rough and inconvenient for the killer in those specific scenarios.

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    Yep. Killers buffed in every conceivable way, and the few ways to delay tunneling/camping completely demolished. Base BT being only 5 seconds is a bad joke. I've seen numerous killers wait out normal BT to tunnel. Do you really think this is going to stop that? All killers move faster than 107%, so the haste is irrelevant unless the killer is dumb enough to hit you during that time. So, a completely worthless base gameplay change for survivor coupled with massive killer basegame buffs. And DS even got hit, reducing stun time to a measly 3 seconds and disabling it in the endgame.

    What -should- have happened, is make DS basekit but disable it when the exit gates are powered without the stun duration nerf, and just flat out make the current BT basekit. This, in addition to slowing hook progression when a killer is camping would do so much to improve this situation. As it stands, anything but a 3 or 4 man SWF is heavily susceptible to these unfun strategies, and these changes make that exponentially worse.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    Per the devs, camping and tunneling are valid tactics, yes? And the devs have also said that the kill rate is lower than they'd like it, yes?

    So of course they didn't do everything they could to mitigate those strategies.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    I love people griping about base BT like it's a buff to killer, when before there was nothing. It's only additive, takes nothing away, and stacks.

    It's not like they removed actual BT.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Also if they wanted to remove bp bonus from BBQ and Chili and WGLF they should have doubled bp gains across the board to compensate. Because that just doubled the grind after they reduced it, making it effectively useless.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Noone is going to be taking any hits for anyone with the We're Gonna Live Forever change.

    There's no point when you can either stay on gens or escape, especially in solo queue.

    Hopefully, you all are prepared for a whole lot more complaints about camping/tunneling with these changes.