The BBQ and WGLF nerf is a bad idea

WeslYght Member Posts: 27
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The recent patch note is a great one at the exeption of the nerf to WGLF and BQQ.

BHVR dosen't want bloodpoint to dictate how you play but there is 2 issue :

1 . What about the new matchmaking incentive ? Isn't this also dictate waht I should play with bloodpoint ? Something feel off

2 The secondary (now primary effect) of those perks are not enough to justify a perks slot. So we will see less of those two. They now just feel like a downgrade to other perks. Why runnin WGLF when botany knowledge got a buff ? Why running BBQ when I can run darness reveal ? They litteraly do the same thing but one is way better.

Those perks weren't a issue gameplay wise, they even encouraged better playstyles. Why would you camping this hook ? You know the location of survivors, go apply pressure. Why would you be greedy and slug that one ? They probably have WGLF.

BHVR has 2 solutions : either reverse the nerf of both of thoses perks or add another effect (or buff the current one). Or even reworks them if you really want to get rid of the bp bonus. Make them do something else because right now they feel really weak.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Omputin
    Omputin Member Posts: 142

    I’m also worried about the whole progression rework. At first glance it looks so grindy compred to the current system.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    BBQ really didn't need to be nerfed. The BP gain was there to encourage killers to not camp hooks, and to go looking for other survivors. It needs some new secondary effect to encourage this. Or they should just revert it and reduce the BP gain earned from it.