New Dead Hard

Obelt Member Posts: 357

Will it have a tell when it activates is there still a animation?


  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited June 2022

    i have the same question if is not is gonna be a pain to baited out.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    Isn't hitting someone after they press E now will give them 1 second to safely drop pallets and vault ?

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    Yes they said its getting an animation so the killer will no not to swing.

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    Yeah but its not a distance extender anymore they have to time it to dodge a hit it cant be used to gain distance to extend a loop, thats a big W

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I'm guessing nothing is going to change.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    Everyone will now press it before they vault or drop a pallet to be safe from potential hits so it's either you wait it out and get stunned or hit them and get stunned either way, the 0.5 second 200% distance dash is now 1 second and 100% distance so it's very similar in good survivor hands it's still problematic.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    There are some differences.

    • Endurance won’t stop non-damaging effects. For instance you can’t just run over Trapper’s traps with this version, they will stop and immobilize you. Likewise Plague’s pukes will still infect you, you can’t dodge Doctor’s shocks, Deathslinger’s harpoon will still reel you in, and so on.
    • Although you will have about 4 meters of “safe distance” with this new perk your speed will not increase. So this could mean, for instance, whereas currently you could Dead Hard lunge toward a window and be out of range of the killer entirely, now in the same position if you try it and you are injured there’s a chance the killer will be close enough to grab you out of the window as you vault it bypassing the Endurance.
    • You won’t be able to use this version to Dead Hard through a killer that is blocking you or to Dead Hard from one side of them to the other to throw them off.

    Of course in terms of doing a last minute evasion to make sure you get to a pallet it’ll still work. But the nerf does have some impact.

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    My only concern is if it's possible to get good enough with it to be able to use it on reaction. If so then it just got a flat buff.

  • Shaderz
    Shaderz Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2022

    This is pure blindsiding.

    It's undeniable the perk is mostly used to allow oneself to reach a loop, whether that is a pallet or a window. What you outlined are rare, annoying occurrences that don't happen as often.

    A one second endurance status on top of the dash forward animation (which I assume is going to be the perk's animation as shown in the picture above) is a major buff to the perk. It means even if you out-lunge the survivor's dead hard, they still manage to escape because of endurance, and presumably gain a speed boost because they technically still took a hit.

    This perk should have no place in the game, and it should be nerfed to the ground. It's been suggested to prevent survivors from vaulting a window or throwing down a pallet for about 3 seconds after using the perk. This would have been the perfect solution, as it would require survivors to think their plays ahead and time the usage right in hopes to bait a potential swing from the killer.

    As it stands, this perk is going to keep punishing killers for outplaying survivors, and rewarding survivors for messing up. Sad.

  • buckeyeprof
    buckeyeprof Member Posts: 10

    When I play killer, aside from unfairly losing a chase, dead hard is most frustrating when survivors can dash through me without consequence. That never should have been an option and I'm glad it's gone.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359
    edited June 2022

    I don’t see it being a problem, think of dredge. He places a remnant then runs at you. You then have to make a call if he is going to tp to it or stop using it for a hit on either side of a pallet. Dead hard will still gain distance when used correctly and it should. But when missed or baited it’s a huge detriment

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    This is how you use dh loop a rock and last second before the killer can get a hit use it and drop a pallet. Didnt really get to much of a nerf can still use it for distance.

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514

    If they increased pallet breaks at least increase pallet stun duration since its a 50/50 anyways.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Yeah sure, but that won't happen as much because I'm sure that doesn't cover the same distance

  • Tatt3dWon
    Tatt3dWon Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    you now get 4.0 instead of like 2. something so dh is buffed. Actualy nvm cause your basically get 6.something i dono didnt change much really though now thinking about it.

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    I don't know if I understood correctly, wording doesn't seem clear enough, but they're removing the dash and giving an Endurance to the Iframes. Less braindead to use than just E to safety if so, and not exactly buffed. E directly into a safe spot as a window or a pallet won't change much if you think about it, it's still invincibility to safety E. But when far away, caught in the open, it is definitedly a nerf. Killers will still get their respective effects if they get a hit, like StBfL, Oni's Blood, Legion's Frenzy, and so on.

  • DanDanXXX
    DanDanXXX Member Posts: 34

    The current DH has several uses

    1. use it to gain a second to reach the next pallet.

    2. Use it when you see a red light, and if you are lucky, you can avoid the attack.

    3. Use it the moment you observe the killer and raise your weapon, making sure to disable one shot

    4. Go head first to hit the weapon and disable it.

    5. Jump over the trap

    6. Disable the axe of the inevitable

    Even if you use the new proposed DH

    You only need to use it 1 second before the palette to make sure you get to the palette.

    In addition, if the attack hits, it will be boosted and the palette will not be consumed.

    The window frame may be caught at the moment it is crossed, but

    If you are wounded, you will just avoid the window frame, get a boost from the attack, and escape to the pallet.

    Traps would be caught, but if they hit the axe, they would get a boost.

    This would be a Buff.

    Instead of decreasing usage, it would make it a must-have perk for beginners to use.

    What should have been done?

    Should keep the dash and disable invincibility.

    Plus add a 0.1 second activation delay.

    This is what you mean by weakening it while leaving it readable with Killer.