The new patch will buff Killers and SWF, soloQ is biting the dust once again

Killers will receive a huge buff in this patch, so will SWF. The new 5 second Endurance effect will benefit SWF much more than soloQ. SoloQ survivors can't coordinate their actions as efficient as SWF. It will be much easier for SWF to save their buddies now. What do soloQ survivors get? Most soloQ survivors will be down again after 5 seconds, because they don't have their buddies on the mic to bodyblock the killer.
From Dev Notes: "The average kill rates are a little lower than we’d like" - really? According to the official stats it's slightly over 55%. And it will rise after this patch. What happened to the 50%/50% rule? While soloQ escape rate is at around 40% and will drop even more with all the killer buffs and increased gen times. Isn't 40% escape rate "a little too low"? No? Are SoloQ players not allowed to have fun?
This patch is another disappointment for all soloQ players.
I strongly disagree that the new anti-tunnel measures will benefit SWF more than SoloQ. SWF don't need it at all- it's for SoloQ players who can't rely on their random teammates to have BT, to take a hit, to not just farm them and run away immediately. With five seconds of Endurance and five seconds of Haste, the solo player now has the tools they need to make a sprint towards a loop or other structure that'll help them not get downed.
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Whatever. Any action that requires other survivors to be involved into it benefits SWF in the first place. And without other survivors bodyblocking the killer the 5 seconds Endurance effect won't benefit soloQ as much.
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It only requires other survivors to be involved as far as unhooks, and soloq players do still get unhooked. Again, I don't see how it could- beyond a little bit of bodyblocking, SWF are already coordinated enough that post-unhook protection is less necessary to begin with.
Compare to SoloQ, who have no coordination, no guarantee that their teammate is going to stick around and help them or have any perks that protect them. This clearly helps the solo player more.