Do all Blights just suck??]

So im havin a string of Blights tonight and it got me thinkin. Are there any legitimately good Blights out there? I mean, ive seen some videos of ppl playin good, but every single time ive come across Blights in the wild they either hard tunnel ppl off hooks or super camp like a Bubba on crack. I think itd be fun to play some good loops with a Blight, but in all this time its never happened. What gives?
They camp and tunnel, so they must automatically be bad?
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The good blights are just chilling in "high" mmr and if you want to get chased by a blight I'll do it in a custom game
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Blight is an incredibly difficult killer to use. The overwhelming majority of Blight players are bad with him. Same thing with Nurse. That's why they never get nerfed: for every 1 SSS-tier killer you encounter playing those characters, there are 99 F-tier killers failing to play them.
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Thanks. It was an honest question. I dont own Blight. Id imagine hes hard to get down, but my only reference on him is content creators n they make everything look easier than it is. Everyone always says hes a high skill cap killer, just thought id see more of that in game.
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No they just suck your MAM*S TI*IES
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Yes. Any killer that feels the need to hard tunnel or camp at 5 gens is bad. Especially using a stronger killer. Just personal opinion. least shes gettin some action, i guess??? Man, you REALLY need a better hobby.
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My hobby is sucking like you said
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OP may not realize they are applying the survivor rulebook to killers so they can "earn" a "good" label.
I agree there's some lame-o ways for killers to play with hard camping at five gens, but if you've seen the accusations I've gotten over the years on situations that are most definitely not camping of any sort, yet are called such. You'll come to the same suspicious mindset I have reading your post.
Why don't you hop into killer and show the deplorables how to play killer competitively and good.
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What, if he doesn't hit you with a reverse backwards z-glide moon hug 480 turbo grind ollie walltech he's a trash blight?
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I actually play more killer than survivor, though split fairly evenly. When i say things like hard tunnel or camp, thats what i mean. Not just an "oh, the killer was on the map so he tunneled and/or camped" type of thing. While i may be new to the forums, im not new to the game. Ive pretty consistantly hit iri 1 on both sides ..even back when that mattered.
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I blame doomposters like Tru3 and the likes for that recent influx of new (and awful) Blights. They keep propagating the pretense that only top tier killers can compete nowadays and credulous players of low/average level eat it up.
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Nah Gramps, i just wanna play some good loops. Realistically, im still gonna lose that just like to be outta unhook animation before that happens. Now if he hits me with the backwards z-glide moon hug 480 turbo grind ollie walltech while checkin his DMs....well, thatd simply be awesome n get mad respect
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Blight is the most difficult killer imo so everyone has a hard time using his power in chases and loops, unless it's high mmr against rare blight mains.
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They can suck as its a constantly changing killer in one way or another. And some people think constantly having to re-learn collision wasnt worth it. Luckily collision really hasn't changes since the midchapter of artist. Which is the 2nd longest it's been just before the time frame of blights release to his POV fix.
Then the dreaded trickster collision where it was genuinely horrible then what I consider his best collision, the RE chapter collision they quickly changed after pinhead got released.