3 sec DS stun encourages tunneling

Dear devs, you said that you're trying to address camping and tunneling. However, reducing the duration of Decisive Strike stun from 5 seconds to 3 seconds just encourages killers to tunnel the person anyway. Up until now, many killers would still pursue the victim after the 5 second stun. Some killers (Blight, Nurse,...) could very easily catch up to the survivor. Who really wants to tunnel, oh they will tunnel. 3 second stun doesn't give the survivor enough time to make distance or hide. Also, it's such a short time stun, that the killer is better off tunneling, since hey, the DS is gone, and I can easily catch up, I'd be very stupid not to tunnel this person out of the game.

Because often killers pursue the person that DS-ed them anyway, I've been using DS with Parental Guidance. However, with the stun only being 3 seconds now, This combo is gonna be very hard to pull off, 'cause good luck escaping the killer, unless you're on an indoor map.

DS should be in the game to counter tunneling, to protect the survivor who is being relentlessly targeted. 3 second stun makes the perk a joke. Another joke is that, due to the poor optimization of DBD, console players and low-end PC players already have massive difficulties hitting the DS skill check, since it's ridiculously small. ALSO, if you miss the skill check, your DS is dead for the entire rest of the match.

On paper, Decisive Strike is a perk to protect yourself from tunneling, but in practice, you've done everything you could to make it as useless as possible, to give survivors a false sense of security that this perk doesn't actually provide. Can't hit the skill check, and when you miss it, DS is gone for good. 3 second stun that makes killer profit by pursuing you anyway after you DS them.

The way to nerf DS is NOT to make is useless garbage. Same with Self-Care.


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Yeah, I don't get this at all. As it stands, they just completely replaced DS with OTR for anti-tunneling options, and the dependency on perks to avoid being tunneled was not fixed at all with the basekit changes they made. Killers already wait 12 seconds all the time; what makes you think they won't wait 5 or 15 seconds? The changes to DS made it so that it's incredibly easy to power through and continue tunneling. And I don't get why they removed DS's endgame strength and then didn't add the same stipulation to Off The Record, which will accomplish the same thing - or worse, if the killer trades hooks instead of going after the same survivor, they're going to create a squad of bodyblockers with lasting Endurance.

    It's not well thought-out.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,165

    They nerfed DS so killers would have higher kill rates.... But this will be a nightmare for us who get tunneled for no reason. 3 second stun is giving killers a green light to pursue to survivor who DS-ed them, because the recovery is so fast, so why the hell not? And yeah, replacing DS with OTR is not a solution.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    It's not even an effective 3 second stun, just like it's never been an effective 5 second stun, because you have to substract the DS animation time which seems to be rougly 1.5 seconds.

    A 1.5 second stun... who cares, just chase for an additional 5 seconds...

    DS is one of those healthy perks that need to have a strong effect because they change the gameplay of killers whether someone equipped the perk or not.

    The stun should've been buffed heavily. Not nerfed. It needs to be long enough to discourage tunneling. 7 seconds at least.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    doesn't really matter, for most of good killers 5 seconds stuns did nothing anyway, even for 3 seconds it's functionally same.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    If anything, they should have increased the Stun Time. Yet they nerfed it. Which just killed DS.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yes this one of those nerfs that can no way make into live servers. It would be just another reason for survivor players to quit DBD, alongside the already lacking anti-tunneling and anti-camping measures presented in the dev update.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I already tunnel survivors to get rid of their ds. This at best rewards me for doing so now.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    Personal, I do agree that the DS nerf is bit harsh when it comes to the 3 seconds stun instead of 5. But... if I were to just slightly buff if the Devs refused to change it; I would make it stun the killer and reset their power. So that killers like Nurse, Blight, Spirit cannot used it to tunnel nearly immediately.

    But then again, I do not like to tunnel unless I have no other options to win; so I am fine with the Exit Gates open nerf.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    Since console can get jittery, a larger skill check would be appreciated OR just remove it entirely if the stun is only 3 seconds lol.