BHVR it's time to update us on current SoloQ plans

A while back you announced new HUD icons, to bridge the gap between solo and SWF. Have you dropped these plans, are you still working on it, is it still planned?
If you are still working on it, then sure, soloQ survivors have struggeled for years, we can wait some more months. If you dropped these plans, then the planned update seems unfair for solo survivors.
In your DEV Update you say that the killrate is "a little lower" than you'd like, although according to your latest stats the killrate is 55% (=escape rate of 45%). Why is it "too low"? In the past you showed us that soloQ escape rate is about 10-15% lower than that of SWF, so solo survivor escape rate is about 35%? How is it fair? Can you show us the latest soloQ escape rate?
In any game everyone tries to win, regardless of their role in the game, why should one side have a higher win rate and have more fun than the other?
They dont care about solo q. they want people to play only swf and killer because that's what brings them money.
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I wonder if swf players are more likely to buy cosmetics so they can show them off to their friends. You don't want to be the only loser in the group with default outfit! Lol
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Wondering if somebody cares about Solo-Q, theres been tons of posts already and nothing has changed.
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Sadly it looks like they are not a fan of Solo-Survivors. Because the recent Update makes it harder to play Solo. Not only with the Survivor Perk-Nerfs, but also the Killer Perk Buffs. E.g. Overcharged is a lot stronger against Solos. If you have a Gen with a lot of Progress which gets kicked with Overcharge, as Solo you have to hope that they know it or find it randomly. As SWF you can at least call it out and prevent it from regressing too much.
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Current solo plans are the same as the old solo plans.
Screw soloq
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How on earth does that work?
Survivors have far more cosmetics to purchase than killers.