Survivors not leaving after Gates are open should be instant down

bendermac Member Posts: 772
edited December 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm sick and tired of players refusing to leave when they can. Instead they troll around.
So if the gates are powered and they are not in a chase or someone is still hooked, a timer of 30 seconds will start.
If they haven't left until the timer runs out, they go instant and can't no longer leave through
the gates and hatch. The Killer sees their aura and can pick them up. Once picked up, they
also can't struggle free or use deceive strike.

No more trolling the Killer or deal with the consequences


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160

    Your suggestion is a bit extreme, but something does need to be done about survivors who refuse to leave. And the lone survivor who sticks around after everyone else is gone to search for the hatch (like no bonus reward for using the hatch after any other survivor has escaped through the exit gates).

    I also think DS should not work once the gates are powered or the hatch is open, to discourage the survivors who save their DS to troll the killer at the end of the game. It's not fun to down someone at the exit gate only for them to use DS and run right out. There is no counter to that as a killer (no hook would be close enough to dribble them to, there's no way to position yourself in a way that blocks them from getting through the exit, and you can't even slug them because they can easily crawl out).

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm not sure on your idea in particular. However that said, survivors staying around to troll you and drag the game out after it's over is very much an issue. We need some kind of fail safe for once the gates are open the survivors are forced to leave bar a cushion time of course for saves and what not.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @TragicSolitude said:
    Your suggestion is a bit extreme, but something does need to be done about survivors who refuse to leave. And the lone survivor who sticks around after everyone else is gone to search for the hatch (like no bonus reward for using the hatch after any other survivor has escaped through the exit gates).

    I also think DS should not work once the gates are powered or the hatch is open, to discourage the survivors who save their DS to troll the killer at the end of the game. It's not fun to down someone at the exit gate only for them to use DS and run right out. There is no counter to that as a killer (no hook would be close enough to dribble them to, there's no way to position yourself in a way that blocks them from getting through the exit, and you can't even slug them because they can easily crawl out).

    That kinda reminds me, making DS and BT have a negative of not working once the gates are powered would be a nice drawback to using the perk.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Blueberry said:

    I'm not sure on your idea in particular. However that said, survivors staying around to troll you and drag the game out after it's over is very much an issue. We need some kind of fail safe for once the gates are open the survivors are forced to leave bar a cushion time of course for saves and what not.

    I'd say a limited time after the gates are opened then they shut again would probably be a neat concept to try out.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    Mister_xD said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:


    You serious?

    What is this post?

    Just no.

    this post is just trying to get some tension in the very, very survivor sided endgame we currently have. its a shame people like you dont seem to want that and only care for a free win.

    the killer should still be able to catch you, even when the gates are opened. there is no reason why he shouldnt. yet, killers cant, due to the 2 hit mechanic, as survivors, who are not on the other side of the map right when they get hit, can just go out whenever they want. NOED was actually a great way to get some tension back in the game, as survivors would just leave when the killer came close, out of pure fear to get hit by an oneshot and cocky survivors would be screwed and killed.

    and please dont act like this was not true, as its even said by the devs that one of the biggest design issues they have right now is the endgame.

    You say I want "free wins" but here is the thing: You havent killed anyone in the entire game and now you want to down them instantly and not give them any opportunity of helping the hooked guy or even escape, its allready hard to get someone off the hook when the killer is camping. That sounds like you are the one who wants the easy win :/

    Also that change you are asking for would make perks like Blood Warden, Remember Me or NOED not have any purpose.

    So no, this post wasnt made "to add some tension to the end game". It was made so that killers who cant get a kill before the exit gates are open get rewarded for playing awful.

    i never said i want free wins.
    what i want is that survivors eigther leave when they have the opportunity to, or be at a high risk when staying, as the killer, especially stealth killers, could just ambush and then hook them, which right now is definitely not the case, as you could just walk out after a hit no problem.
    also, this scenario doesnt necessary apply when i havent killed anyone yet. this scenario can happen between 0 and 2 sarifices, so that whole point is invalid.
    besides that i dont rly understand why you, as a survivor, would complain about 2nd chance perks. your whole meta is build out of 2nd chance perks, but when a killer has one... PERK XYZ OP PLS NERF INSTANTLY!!!!!
    i also never said there was no way to help a hooked person, it would just be way more risky than it is during the game, therefore the reward would be much higher than during the normal game. and for your camping argument: why do you think killers camp in the end game? its because they cant catch a new survivor anymore and they know that, so they focus on killing one player. with this NOED change, they would at least have the opportunity to start new chases and down new players, which could lead to a lot less campy end games, who knows? a simple thing you survivor mains dont seem to understand is: killers will always try to play the most effective way. take away their options (in this case NOED) and they will find a different way, which currently means securing the last kill instead of having him escape => killer camps the hook.
    and no, i do not want easy wins i want a balanced game, but if you think the endgame is fine the way it is right now, you clearly dont want balance.

    i also dont rly think you completely understand the perks you've listet there:
    Remember me effects a completely different aspect of the end game than NOED does, so no. this would definitely not be useless.
    Bloodwarden also effects a different aspect, same argument there. but both of these perks work beautifully together with NOED, believe me.
    and by the way i am asking for a change for NOED, i dont see how this would render NOED useless then... re read my first comment.

    so yes. this was made to add some tension (and fairness) to the endgame, cuz there is currently none, unless you are injured and in a chase, far away from the exit gates. and please, do both of us a favor and stop complaining about 2nd chance perks. i havent seen you say anything negative about DS, SB, BT, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Lithe, Balanced Landing, SC, etc. so please stop complaining about the ONE 2nd chance perks killers have. thank you.

    PS: dont forget that you can always leave when NOED activates. 16 seconds for a door isnt much and stealth works beautifully against NOED, id recommend you to try it out.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    Mister_xD said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    Mister_xD said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:


    You serious?

    What is this post?

    Just no.

    this post is just trying to get some tension in the very, very survivor sided endgame we currently have. its a shame people like you dont seem to want that and only care for a free win.

    the killer should still be able to catch you, even when the gates are opened. there is no reason why he shouldnt. yet, killers cant, due to the 2 hit mechanic, as survivors, who are not on the other side of the map right when they get hit, can just go out whenever they want. NOED was actually a great way to get some tension back in the game, as survivors would just leave when the killer came close, out of pure fear to get hit by an oneshot and cocky survivors would be screwed and killed.

    and please dont act like this was not true, as its even said by the devs that one of the biggest design issues they have right now is the endgame.

    You say I want "free wins" but here is the thing: You havent killed anyone in the entire game and now you want to down them instantly and not give them any opportunity of helping the hooked guy or even escape, its allready hard to get someone off the hook when the killer is camping. That sounds like you are the one who wants the easy win :/

    Also that change you are asking for would make perks like Blood Warden, Remember Me or NOED not have any purpose.

    So no, this post wasnt made "to add some tension to the end game". It was made so that killers who cant get a kill before the exit gates are open get rewarded for playing awful.

    i never said i want free wins.
    what i want is that survivors eigther leave when they have the opportunity to, or be at a high risk when staying, as the killer, especially stealth killers, could just ambush and then hook them, which right now is definitely not the case, as you could just walk out after a hit no problem.
    also, this scenario doesnt necessary apply when i havent killed anyone yet. this scenario can happen between 0 and 2 sarifices, so that whole point is invalid.
    besides that i dont rly understand why you, as a survivor, would complain about 2nd chance perks. your whole meta is build out of 2nd chance perks, but when a killer has one... PERK XYZ OP PLS NERF INSTANTLY!!!!!
    i also never said there was no way to help a hooked person, it would just be way more risky than it is during the game, therefore the reward would be much higher than during the normal game. and for your camping argument: why do you think killers camp in the end game? its because they cant catch a new survivor anymore and they know that, so they focus on killing one player. with this NOED change, they would at least have the opportunity to start new chases and down new players, which could lead to a lot less campy end games, who knows? a simple thing you survivor mains dont seem to understand is: killers will always try to play the most effective way. take away their options (in this case NOED) and they will find a different way, which currently means securing the last kill instead of having him escape => killer camps the hook.
    and no, i do not want easy wins i want a balanced game, but if you think the endgame is fine the way it is right now, you clearly dont want balance.

    i also dont rly think you completely understand the perks you've listet there:
    Remember me effects a completely different aspect of the end game than NOED does, so no. this would definitely not be useless.
    Bloodwarden also effects a different aspect, same argument there. but both of these perks work beautifully together with NOED, believe me.
    and by the way i am asking for a change for NOED, i dont see how this would render NOED useless then... re read my first comment.

    so yes. this was made to add some tension (and fairness) to the endgame, cuz there is currently none, unless you are injured and in a chase, far away from the exit gates. and please, do both of us a favor and stop complaining about 2nd chance perks. i havent seen you say anything negative about DS, SB, BT, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Lithe, Balanced Landing, SC, etc. so please stop complaining about the ONE 2nd chance perks killers have. thank you.

    PS: dont forget that you can always leave when NOED activates. 16 seconds for a door isnt much and stealth works beautifully against NOED, id recommend you to try it out.

    First of all: I also never said that I wanted easy wins, but you said "its a shame people like you dont seem to want that (balance) and only care for a free win" I just followed your game.

    Second: I never complained about second chance perks, I complain about the guy who made this post and literally said:

    Bendermac: -If the gates are powered and they are not in a chase or someone is still hooked, a timer of 30 seconds will start.
    If they haven't left until the timer runs out, they go instant and can't no longer leave through the gates and hatch. The Killer sees their aura and can pick them up. Once picked up, they also can't struggle free or use deceive strike."

    (I just copied and pasted that.)
    No one ever complained about NOED here and I never directly respond to you with this comment:


    You serious?

    What is this post?

    Just no."

    I posted that just to know if this Bendermac guy was serious or just joking. But you came here saying that Im someone who just wants free escapes and saying Im complaining about NOED when I never said anything like that, in fact I was defending that perk. All I said was that if Bendermac changes were made other perks like NOED would not be useful anymore.

    Third: Survivors already get camped even when they have the expossed effect, so no. Making It last the entire endgame without the hability to remove it would be just insanely broken. If you dont want survivors to remove totems then protect them or ask the devs for a NOED buff in which survivors get expossed effect for 2 min but then its gone, that is called balance.

    Fourth: You just assumed Im a survivor main because Im attacking one insanely overpowered buff that this Bendermac guy wants (even tho I know its just a joke cuz he cant really think that) but NO, Im not a survivor main I play on both sides because I enjoy both of them. I even feel like killer is more fun than survivors. Why dont you go and check how I attack other survivors who want exhaustion to recover in chase again or how I defend the totems or killers buffs? You said you didnt see me talk about DS nerf, go check my comments on other posts before assuming something just because of one comment you see and you'll realize how wrong you are.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2018

    @TheMadDoctor said:
    Blueberry said:

    I'm not sure on your idea in particular. However that said, survivors staying around to troll you and drag the game out after it's over is very much an issue. We need some kind of fail safe for once the gates are open the survivors are forced to leave bar a cushion time of course for saves and what not.

    I'd say a limited time after the gates are opened then they shut again would probably be a neat concept to try out.

    That's what I was thinking. To where they'd have to re open them again. However, I'm deciding how that would work since there is a gap of space between the exit line and where the door opens. Would it just shove them out of that area when they re-close? lol

    Wondering how to make that smoother.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Blueberry said:

    @TheMadDoctor said:
    Blueberry said:

    I'm not sure on your idea in particular. However that said, survivors staying around to troll you and drag the game out after it's over is very much an issue. We need some kind of fail safe for once the gates are open the survivors are forced to leave bar a cushion time of course for saves and what not.

    I'd say a limited time after the gates are opened then they shut again would probably be a neat concept to try out.

    That's what I was thinking. To where they'd have to re open them again. However, I'm deciding how that would work since there is a gap of space between the exit line and where the door opens. Would it just shove them out of that area when they re-close? lol

    Wondering how to make that smoother.

    I would say push them out if they are not at the end of the gate, then yes.
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160
    edited December 2018

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    TragicSolitude said:

    Your suggestion is a bit extreme, but something does need to be done about survivors who refuse to leave. And the lone survivor who sticks around after everyone else is gone to search for the hatch (like no bonus reward for using the hatch after any other survivor has escaped through the exit gates).

    I also think DS should not work once the gates are powered or the hatch is open, to discourage the survivors who save their DS to troll the killer at the end of the game. It's not fun to down someone at the exit gate only for them to use DS and run right out. There is no counter to that as a killer (no hook would be close enough to dribble them to, there's no way to position yourself in a way that blocks them from getting through the exit, and you can't even slug them because they can easily crawl out).

    Just like there is no way to counter Brutal Strenght, Pop Goes the Weasel, Enduring, Spiritual Fury, Sloppy Butcher, Tanatophobia, Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Franklins Demise, etc.

    If a survivor saves his DS and activates it in the right time is bad and should be nerfed, but when a Michel Myers saves his Tier 3 and activates it in the right time nothing happens. Hypocrite.

    I don't use Myers.

    And my problem is that the survivor will refuse to leave because they can pull off the maneuver I mentioned. I want survivors to leave. I don't want them to stick around for an extra 5+ minutes after the exit gates are powered. I don't care about getting a kill. I often play without actually sacrificing anyone so the survivors can get the 5000 BP for escaping. I just want to be able to move on to the next match. That's why I think the end game needs to be more dangerous for survivors, so they don't take advantage of the situation and waste everyone's time.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    tt_ivi_99 said:

    Your suggestion is a bit extreme, but something does need to be done about survivors who refuse to leave. And the lone survivor who sticks around after everyone else is gone to search for the hatch (like no bonus reward for using the hatch after any other survivor has escaped through the exit gates).

    I also think DS should not work once the gates are powered or the hatch is open, to discourage the survivors who save their DS to troll the killer at the end of the game. It's not fun to down someone at the exit gate only for them to use DS and run right out. There is no counter to that as a killer (no hook would be close enough to dribble them to, there's no way to position yourself in a way that blocks them from getting through the exit, and you can't even slug them because they can easily crawl out).

    Just like there is no way to counter Brutal Strenght, Pop Goes the Weasel, Enduring, Spiritual Fury, Sloppy Butcher, Tanatophobia, Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Franklins Demise, etc.

    If a survivor saves his DS and activates it in the right time is bad and should be nerfed, but when a Michel Myers saves his Tier 3 and activates it in the right time nothing happens. Hypocrite.

    No wait, are you seriously comparing DS to stuff like brutal strength? Or thanatophobia? One of the worst killers perk? Or even franklin? Are you okay dude?

    First of all you wanna have more counters against killers, and you're the numerous role just saying, second you don't even realize how many counter you have as survivor just for being a survivor

    Lets take one of the most used perks, BBQ. 3 perk less counters methods. Nurse, use brain. Spirit fury you say? Drop the pallet earlier instead of stunning, wait until he break the pallet to run to another loop or hide. Look, no perk required! Sloppy butcher.. Botany knowledge, big revelation I know. Franklin.. Who still use this perk? And the same goes on many of your examples

    DS counters.. Dribbling if the hook is close enough with the downside of wasting time and weak to body block, one person is enough. I can already hear "USE ENDURING REEEEEEEEE", so durning prevents you to get free of my shoulders? No? Okay then doesn't counter it, just makes It less painful to watch the guygirl going on another loop

    Its cute how you compare a killer power to DS now just to have a point. He has an insta down, so what? He has to stalk and good survivors can keep you tier one or two for fairly long. If he can get you popping tier 3 any other Insta down would've done the trick. Still not an issue especially with Myers, one of the killers I have the most fun playing against

    Anyway by reading your posts I already know where your bias are and how stubborn you are. Still, had fun debunking these.. I don't know how to describe it without being too rude.. Theories? Mh wait, """"theories"""' , now its more believable
  • grisstyl
    grisstyl Member Posts: 110

    Allow killers to grab survivors in the exit gate lol

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I've said it before, and I will say it again. It is absolutely insane how safe survivors are in, and near the gate room.
    It's insane how safe survivors are near, and at the hatch.

    That's why they camp there, and wait so they can BM you before they leave. 

    They simply have zero fear most times. Unless you can hit them with a surprise one hit down before they get to the edge, they can generally make it.

    Sure, Blood Warden can help some, but only if you hook someone. If they're all in the gate room before then, it's not going to help.
  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    There really needs to be a timer that forces survivors to choose to escape rather than staying just to taunt the killer. It's not "funny", and it's not about Killers being "salty" either. It's toxic behaviour and you're not just wasting their time, you're making it extremely unfun for them.

    Why should you be granted the chance to escape if you're not going to take it? Once you get an exit gate open, a timer should start where the gates will close again. This promotes saving anyone on hook before you get the gate open (Which isn't a problem since you don't lose progress on the gates, allowing you to stop just before completion which would then allow you a quick escape even if you have to rescue someone from hook) while also making it a bad idea to stay behind just to taunt the killer.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    Malakir said:
    tt_ivi_99 said:

    Your suggestion is a bit extreme, but something does need to be done about survivors who refuse to leave. And the lone survivor who sticks around after everyone else is gone to search for the hatch (like no bonus reward for using the hatch after any other survivor has escaped through the exit gates).

    I also think DS should not work once the gates are powered or the hatch is open, to discourage the survivors who save their DS to troll the killer at the end of the game. It's not fun to down someone at the exit gate only for them to use DS and run right out. There is no counter to that as a killer (no hook would be close enough to dribble them to, there's no way to position yourself in a way that blocks them from getting through the exit, and you can't even slug them because they can easily crawl out).

    Just like there is no way to counter Brutal Strenght, Pop Goes the Weasel, Enduring, Spiritual Fury, Sloppy Butcher, Tanatophobia, Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Franklins Demise, etc.

    If a survivor saves his DS and activates it in the right time is bad and should be nerfed, but when a Michel Myers saves his Tier 3 and activates it in the right time nothing happens. Hypocrite.

    No wait, are you seriously comparing DS to stuff like brutal strength? Or thanatophobia? One of the worst killers perk? Or even franklin? Are you okay dude?

    First of all you wanna have more counters against killers, and you're the numerous role just saying, second you don't even realize how many counter you have as survivor just for being a survivor

    Lets take one of the most used perks, BBQ. 3 perk less counters methods. Nurse, use brain. Spirit fury you say? Drop the pallet earlier instead of stunning, wait until he break the pallet to run to another loop or hide. Look, no perk required! Sloppy butcher.. Botany knowledge, big revelation I know. Franklin.. Who still use this perk? And the same goes on many of your examples

    DS counters.. Dribbling if the hook is close enough with the downside of wasting time and weak to body block, one person is enough. I can already hear "USE ENDURING REEEEEEEEE", so durning prevents you to get free of my shoulders? No? Okay then doesn't counter it, just makes It less painful to watch the guygirl going on another loop

    Its cute how you compare a killer power to DS now just to have a point. He has an insta down, so what? He has to stalk and good survivors can keep you tier one or two for fairly long. If he can get you popping tier 3 any other Insta down would've done the trick. Still not an issue especially with Myers, one of the killers I have the most fun playing against

    Anyway by reading your posts I already know where your bias are and how stubborn you are. Still, had fun debunking these.. I don't know how to describe it without being too rude.. Theories? Mh wait, """"theories"""' , now its more believable
    Lmao another cry baby killer. Get inside your head that everything can be countered. Some counters are better than others, just like characters, there are some top tiers and some low tiers. There are low tier perks like No Mither and top tier perks like DS. The thing is you just want an easy counter for DS. Survivors dont complain about Billy or Nurse they just take that BS. Besides I never said anything about wanting more counters aginst killers lol, I dont know where you got that from, champ...
  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Lmao. Lmfao! Surivors don't complain about Billy or Nurse.... ######### survivors complain about everything that gets in the way of them being able to just 'play for fun' with as little tension or stress as possible. Well over 90% of the nerfs and buffs I see released for this game are BECAUSE of survivors -- this is nerfed becasue survivors find it too challenging or unfun to play against; this is buffed because survivors found it too weak or underperforming. ######### these devs won't even TOUCH the Self-Care perk because they're too terrified about survivor backlash.

    Survivors are like the slutty cheerleaders of the school -- they have the school board and teachers (the devs) wrapped around their fingers and feign victim in every situation that inconveniences them; and when anyone else has a complaint, it is ignored if it doesn't benefit the survivors. Devs have made it BY FAR clear that their mentality is "killers should have to play tense and challenging games; but survivors need to be able to just hop in and play for fun". Survivors are by far the most favored players because the devs are TERRIFIED that if they do anything that makes Survivors have to actually try or not freaking goofaround/troll/bully/taunt their way through games, that the players will quit because "the game is too hard" and Survivor players are more important to the devs than killers because matches need 4 survs.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Has anybody here ever heard of the End Game Collapse?

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    id rather they have implemented if you are in the exit gates for x amount of seconds you get the exposed status while you are in them. EGC helped the problem, but is also problematic in certain cases.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    The idea is good, but the suggestions are OP for killers. Maybe, while inside the exit gates the survivors can be instadowned, and if the killer is also in the exit area, that exit is blocked.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    No, and no.

    Hex: No One Escapes Death and Blood Warden both exist for that reason. No need to make them base kit to make killers more powerful than they need to be. If someone's hanging around the exit gate, chase them out, don't leave them in there without making sure they leave first, it's your own fault if they come back to torment you later on if others are still sticking around for one reason or another (wether to save someone on hook or to be dicks, honestly the reason doesn't matter)

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    If a survivors is inside the exit zone... while the gates are open it should expose them.


    I want to be able to close the exit gates and if done on a survivor still inside i want the auto sacrifice.

    Anyone who complains honestly should have walked out.

    And listen I get that other survivors need to leave and might get stuck by the second gate. But a reopen could be a 1 or 2 second tap if you need.

    But I'm tired tired tired of flashlight clicks and butt dancing until that painfully slow endgame timer hits the last second.

    Even when I'm wraith literally hiding the entire match and I open the gates for them and run away they still wait till the final second to leave. It's insane how many people stay for 0 reason. I understand if someone's on a hook and you want that last save attempted but that's rare for me as killer. And I honestly camp the last person during endgame collapse anyway because there nothing else I can do.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Sorry to disappoint I'm actually serious. I loose ALOT of killer matches and honestly would rather some way to speed up the collapse or kill the guys just waiting by the gates because it wastes tons of my personal time.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2020

    I mean, if we could close the gate ourselves, why not let us break generators that were already completed? It seems too OP at that point, but I agree with the fact that survivors like to camp out too long by the exit gates. Most of the time, it's to increase the amount of bloodpoints they earn from the match.

    Edit: Ohh, and why do you open the exit gates? That doesn't make any sense to me.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2020

    You get bloodpoints for opening the gate as killer.

    As demi,wraith, trap, pig, hag, t3myers or someone running insidious it's not a bad surprise with noed to catch one more.

    I like to speed my losing matches up

    And I like to get bear trap kills

    It's really really useful.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Still an annoying problem Sept 2020 - honestly, by this point, I'd go so far as to implement bloodpoint draining if Survivors "linger" around once the gates are open and there are no survivors hooked (not counting chases because it's easier to abuse just running out to trigger a 'chase' to extend the time; hooks are a little more risky). Something noticeable but not harsh - like 20 per each second lingering within X meters of an open exit gate while no survivor is hooked. That may even be too low. This whole "maximizing bp" is ridiculous and players should just end their matches when they have their objectives complete. Stop wasting time. Go to the next match.

    Hell, I'm also one of those that think exit gates should not be "progress"-based and should act like totems; but that's a little harsh (to make gates where Survivor's cannot 99% them and run off then just run by 'tap' to open and escape; give them some strong regression to force them to have to commit or re-open)

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    What you are describing are the effects of NOED and a mori during EGC.

    I get most of my kills after all the gens are done without either, and your suggestion would force even more survivors out than the EGC does. No. Stop stealing kills from me when I'm preying on altruism.