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The grind

Kev19915 Member Posts: 117

I was wondering how the grind is now 75% reduced, it seems to me it will much more of a grind. I have multiple killers and survivors at P3-50. Some with every perk and some with a few, most are left at 50. I understand that perks may be easier to get, but the bloody cosmetic and charms are locked away at P4-9. That’s a total of 450 levels per character. I am no mathematical genius but the grind seems far worse. With 60+ characters and growing. Maybe I am missing something here.


  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599
    edited June 2022

    When they're referring to reducing the grind, they're referring to earning perks across all your characters, not the optional non-gameplay affecting cosmetics. Note when they mention the 75% reduction - it's in a section about earning perks.

    Optional cosmetic grind isn't a bad thing - having a long term goal for completionists that doesn't affect gameplay is something that a lot of games have and are good for people who want something to work towards long term.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I think part of it will depend on just how much of the prestige grind you care about. Getting the perks is a straight grind to P1, minimum, and up to P3 if you want all perks in purple. Not too different from now but with less perk grinding once you hit that final stage.

    The bloody cosmetics and charms are cool and all, but you're under no obligation to grind them and won't lose anything in gameplay by not having them the way you would not having the perks. At that point, the grind is largely self-inflicted.

    For myself, I've got everyone to set least P1 level so I'll have all perks in at least tier 1. I'll definitely grind out the perk prestiges for my Killers, but my main survivor already has everything in tier 3 so that's much less a priority.

    After that I imagine it'll be mostly incidental or going for my mains' bloody cosmetics.

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117

    Thank you for the response, I still feel the grind is a bit much.

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117

    Yeah, I have always wanted to P3 everyone but I always felt it was double edged sword. At least now I won’t lose my offerings and such. I guess I’ll have to deal with it and grind on. Ha

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    As someone who loves to 100% games and get platinum trophies, etc. I understand that wanting to Prestige 9 every single character is going to feel like a monumental amount of work to get all those optional cosmetics, so I may have to personally 'let go' so to speak and pick my favourites.

    I'm still glad that the most grindy aspect (especially if you want to get to prestige 100) is entirely optional and won't affect my gameplay however and that earning perks across all my characters will be much easier.

  • animasci
    animasci Member Posts: 6

    I love that we're not going to lose offerings and everything because that was one of the main reasons why I felt getting everyone to P3 was such a grind, because it created a blank slate. I felt like the only thing to do was upgrade them without ever using them.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    If you already have the blood cosmetics you don't lose them.

    To my understanding every killer and survivor you have P3 will become P6.

    So the only point P7,P8 and P9 is if you want the perks as a charm.