DLC ,,The Hotline" (Hotline Miami chapter)

Legion_main56742 Member Posts: 8
edited June 2022 in Creations

A new chapter in Dead By Daylight

,,The Hotline"

New Maniac:

Tony - The Fury/The Tiger/The Brawler.

(Tony without mask)


Tony was a US Army soldier who served in the Hawaiian Islands in 1985. He went into service with his friends Ash, Alex, Corey and Mark to get rid of the Russians who were trying to take over Hawaii. He entered the service not only because of the threat to his country, but also because of the thirst for adrenaline and blood. Service in the army did not last long, because Tony's detachment has, like the entire army in Hawaii, retreated, because the Russians won the war.

A few years later, Tony and his friends started a gang of "Fans" that imitated the famous Russian mafia killer who went around in animal masks. Tony agreed to this idea only because of the thirst for adrenaline and blood, as always. Tony was always cruel and a ruthless person who has no mercy or compassion. So, "Fans" killed mostly low-class bandits - drug addicts, street gangsters and the like. One day, after one sweep, Ash found a phone that received a call from the Russian mafia. "Fans" were glad that they had the opportunity to deal with the Russian mafia personally, so they immediately moved to the place. Full of hope, "Fans" rushed into the building of the Russian mafia. Tony cleared one of the floors and tried to contact the rest of the gang, but he was interrupted by the leader of the Russian mafia, walking towards him. Tony hid and was ready to launch a surprise attack, but the shotgun blast was faster. Tony was lucky, he always wore a bulletproof vest, so he survived and ran away to find the rest of the gang. And he found them, dead. After dragging them all into one room, he waited for the SWAT team to finish it off. But instead of special forces, a detective came for Tony, who did not stand on ceremony and shot him in the head. However, Tony didn't feel the shot. He opened his eyes and found himself in a fog. A strange voice began to beckon him, promising more adrenaline and more kills. Tony lit up again with rage and ruthlessness and headed forward, after the voice.


Brass knuckles on both hands.

Chase music:

Carpenter Brut-Roller Mobster.


Fists of Fury and Tiger Throw.

Fists of Fury: Tony is able to charge rage by performing actions such as hitting survivors, damaging a generator, and breaking pallets. When the rage charge is at its maximum, press the action button to activate "Fists of Fury". While the ability is active, Tony can take down a Survivor with one hit. "Fists of Fury" lasts 60 seconds. (It works like tier 3 Myers, but without speed boost)

Tiger Throw: Tony is able to throw, to do this, press the right mouse button in order to charge the throw. When the throw is charged, release the button to have Tony throw forward and stab the Survivor. (Works exactly the same as Demogorgon throw)


Ultra rare:

Bloody zebra mask.

This is the mask of Corey, one of your team members. Anger that they were all killed, fills you up and reveals all your inner anger.

- Ability "Tiger Throw" is no longer available.

-When activated, "Fists of Fury" now lasts an unlimited amount of time.

Brass knuckles with elongated spikes.

Brass knuckles that you made yourself, in order for the victims to die even more painfully.

- The ability "Fists of Fury" is no longer available.

- When a survivor hit by the ability "Tiger Throw", he will immediately go into a dying state.

Effects for very rare/rare/uncommon/common addons:

Various post-hit effects for the abilities 'Tiger throw' and 'Fists of Fury'.

"Fists of Fury" ability charging speed up.

Increased the range of the "Tiger Throw" ability.

Increased the duration of the ,,Fists of Fury" ability.



It infuriates you that the victims are trying to resist. After you have been stunned by any means, the Survivor who stunned you is afflicted with the "exposed" status effect for 5/10/15 seconds.


They started all the generators, but you still have a chance to win back. After starting all generators, all windows and pallets within a radius of 10/20/30 meters from the gate are blocked for 20/30/40 seconds.

Unacceptable interference:

You are annoyed, that the victims are trying to save each other and you intend to prevent this. If, while you are picking up a survivor, another survivor tries to blind you with a flashlight, the flashlight will immediately fall out of his hands and lose 10/15/20 percent of the charge.


Tony hits the survivor three times in the face, then grabs the survivor's head and hits it on the floor several times, after which the survivor dies.

Tony will be a killer who has phrases for various situations.

Hitting a survivor:

-Take that!

-There you go!

-Go on, run coward!

-And you look at that!

Downing a Survivor:


-Die already!

-Get on the floor!

-And stay down!

Picking up a Survivor:

-Let's go pal.

-To the hook we go!

-Don't resist, it wont help anyway.

-Be quiet, will you?

Dropping a Survivor:

-Wait a minute...

-Stay here, i will check your friends.

-Stay here and don't move a muscle!

-Wait, i changed my mind.

Hooking a survivor:

-Up you go!

-And up you get!

-Dont be shy, jump on!

- Enjoy you're stay!

Stunned by a pallet:




-For f*ck sake!

Stunned by flashlight:

-Ah, my eyes!

-My eyes!

-You prick!

-F*ck off, will you?!

After Survivor sacrificed:

-Ok, three/two/one to go.

-And another one is gone.

-Great, one of those ######### is gone.

-That one is a goner.

After mori:

-It's over for you.

-You're done.

-Nice, killed one by myself.

-And to the next one.

When activating ,,Fists of fury":




New map: the HQ of the Russian mafia.

Once a ,more or less, calm place where the Russian mafia was located. But after the ,,Fans" assault, the building changed a bit. Everywhere are the corpses of Russian bandits, guard dogs and a couple of Colombians who worked for the Russian mafia. On the walls you can see blood and bullet holes, broken glass, overturned tables and the like, only there are no weapons. But you should not worry about this, the entity took care of it.

(The image of the building can be taken from the game itself, (Hotline Miami 2) and from the levels of Deathwish and Apocalypse, as well as from the intro levels of No mercy, Blood money and Caught)

(Please forgive me for any spelling and punctuation errors)

Post edited by Legion_main56742 on