Why survivors like me optimize gens most of the time.

Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

It has nothing to do with the killer.

It has nothing to do with the perks being used.

It has nothing to do with survivor items being brought (I.E. Toolboxes etc).

It HAS to do with being placed with survivors who you cannot depend on to optimize the other objective which is to stall the killer as much as possible.

I won't post the entire match video, but basically after that start, Bill and I decided to stick to gens (we were not swf). It was clear this was not a good start and it was going to keep happening. We ended up getting out, however, Bill was the last one caught and no one (except for me almost dying next to him) came to help, but he died on first hook. Bubba complains about the match lasting 4 mins, yet never came to our gens to try to chase the only two that were on gens, but somehow had no problem optimizing his objective by downing two people at a time, at the cost of losing a gen.

A lot of times killers think that survivors just want to slam gens. Which I do agree there are exceptions like when everyone wants to bring Prove Thyself and Toolboxes to finish gens as fast as possible. That is the only exception IMO, because on the flip side you have this. A killer who is either too greedy or survivor teammates who cannot be saved from themselves.

This is not uncommon in solo Q btw. Just saying.