What even is James Sunderland?

How does this really good looking character
Turn into this monstrosity?
I don't get why it's so hard to make the faces models for the Silent Hill and Resident Evil characters.
Probably because James and Cheryl are modeled after their VAs. IDK what's going on with Cybil and Lisa though. The difference is night and day for the whole SH crew.
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Actually for me Lisa looked pretty good. But everyone else from SH (Obviously excluding Pyramid Head, he looks fantastic) looks weird. It's weird for both SH and RE though. Only 1 character from each chapter is pretty damn good but everyone else just sucks.
There are some noticeable differences with Lisa still obviously but I think it doesn't look bad.
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IMO Lisa looks way off and Pyramid Head is on steroids. I don't think anyone other than Clair looks terrible though.
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I think cybil looks really clean
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Heathers face in this game still haunts me T_T
Chris's face model got butchered the most bc.. my god he"s horrendous
srsly they need to do a better job. SH & RE deserve so much better.
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I'm glad to see your month away from the forums has expanded your accuracy complaints to also include Silent Hill
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You could at the very least not use the least flattering picture you could find.
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You forgot the "bazinga" at the end.
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Nah didn't you see when they were complaining about Jill and used a bugged picture? It's all about making the worst comparison possible man
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That's literally just how James looks. His face isn't bugged here.
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That's just exactly how he looks.
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It's always included Silent Hill. I've talked about it before. Same with A Nightmare on Elm Street.
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Is it though?
you have chosen a close up with a really unflattering angle which would make even actual people on photos look weird and bad…
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No you just chose the most unflattering angle you could. Like when you complained about Jill and used the bugged face. Take a screenshot of James in the Store's Character Info page for a better comparison since that's where the graphics and lighting look best.
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Oh no, they made James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2 look like a human, what ever will we do...