Dedicated Servers When?

Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

We really need dedicated servers. Tired of various pings from different killers as well as run ins with lag switchers. Unless there is no plan for this game to make it another year, I think it's time to upgrade the backend of this game. As a long time player in World of Warcraft and rather new to DBD, I definitely notice the differences of game stability, as well as developer feedback between the two games, and I do wish DBD would take stronger pride in their game. This game has a lot of potential, and not even counting the balance changes that are desperately needed, we need to see some upgrades to the core mechanics of how we connect to games with dedicated servers. I know in an earlier Q&A it was mentioned the devs are looking into these servers, but it would be nice to hear some more details about it as a vote of confidence.


  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i play on ps4 and have been dashboarded a couple times.  this occurs when the host (killer) closes the app and ensures survivors recieve no points.