Spine Chill and What It Means for the Hearing Impaired


So I want to start things off with that I agree with the developers on the change regarding Spine Chill. I think it's a healthy change that will allow Stealth to play a much bigger part of certain killers.


I'm not a massive fan of what this will bring for those who are impaired hearing wise. I've already seen tweets and reddit threads discussing this so I'm wondering if the devs have an answer or are planning ahead to include more accessibility options for those who struggle. Many have already made suggestions such as implementing the DBD Mobile heart beat as a toggle. But I want to see if we've got other options available.

I think for the most part certain killers with unique Terror Radius' and Chase Music can be the main culprit. Main culprits being that of Oni, Deathslinger, Trickster, Twins and a few others. Now I don't want to just come out swinging saying they should all be changed but what I think would be a good option would be to allow them to be swapped out for the standard Terror Radius and Chase Music that killers such as Trapper and Wraith have. This could have collateral damage to certain killer's themes and how they go about but it's merely a suggestion to allow more players to enjoy the game.

Another option that could be potentially looked at isn't involving hearing but visual aspects. Whilst our ears respond quicker than our eyes do, the visual aid that Spine Chill represented was the main aspect of what made it desirable to those who suffer hearing wise. So unlike going with the DBD Mobile heart option what if we instead added a vignette around the screen whilst in the Terror Radius. Something that stands out and alerts survivors that you're in the Terror Radius but not to the extent that it would smother the screen. Feral Frenzy somewhat comes to mind with how it fluctuates as The Legion gets more hits and becomes more intense so perhaps that could be implemented someway.

Overall, I'd simply like for more people to enjoy the game and whilst we do have band-aid fixes in the perks Diversion and Stake Out I do think BHVR needs to help us out once again. You've done it before for the colour blind and you can do it again for the hearing impaired community.

Thank you.
