{DBD Killer} The Flame

Killer: Grim Beckett I.E. “The Flame”
Chapter Name: Flames of Righteousness
Weapon: A Pitchfork
Map: Hatton towns Outskirts
Lore: Grim was Guided by the path of Justice and peace but his anger always got the best of him it always made trouble his emotional distance made it worst one day during a shootout Grim snapped to save a Hostage getting himself shot in the process.
The entity was going to make him a survivor until it saw his unbearable anger and decided it had another purpose.
Power: Cursed Flames- The Flame can Breathe Fire on the Survivors. When On fire the Survivor can Hold an action button while running doing a command called “Pat down.” that will stop the fire from Progressing but won’t Put the fire out but this Slows them down when standing still the survivor can use the Command “Stop Drop and Roll” which will play a 5-second Animation that will put out all fire.
When on fire a survivor will yell (without revealing location) and the Flames with Crackle and Pop. If the survivor stays on fire for 15 seconds they will go down a healthy state. If The Flame Breaths a concistant Stream of Fire Breathing fire on a survivor who is on fire will Speed up the process of their Burning if a survivor continuiously uses the command “Pat down” it takes 23 seconds for a survivor to go down a health state
Breathing fire can Light Genorators, Chests, and Pallets on fire staying on fire for 30 seconds. When a Generator or Pallet is on Fire a survivor can “put it out” with the action button or Jump on the generator catching themselves on fire but putting the item out.
Overheat- If you have burned enough objects and survivors you can push a button and Enter an Overheat Mode where you will Lose the ability to light things on fire but you will The Flame will Run on all 4s and move 50% faster and a Gain a Fire Burst Ability that will go through walls and down a survivor if hit from 15 meters away and Damage a survivor over 15 meters away. The overheating will last 20 seconds. Exiting this mode will put the flame out and Lock him out of his abilities for 20 seconds
- Animations:
- Pallet Break- The Flame will Kick the Pallet twice
- Wall break- The Flame will Throw up a Fireball at the wall and blast it up
- Pallet Stun- The Flames body will go out and then he’ll light his body a blaze again by taking a deep breath
- Damage Generators- The Flame will Punch the Generator Twice
- Vaulting- The Flame will turn into fire and pass over the Vault reforming on the other side
- Cleaning weapon: The Flame will flick his Weapon twice
Corrupted Brutality- you have experience on the other side of the moral Compass but you can put the skills on the right side to use on the dark side
Every time you Break a Wall or Pallet you gain a token maxing out at 7 tokens
When you have has at least 2 Tokens you can Inflict Broken for 8 seconds and then They will be Mangled in a survivor. Consuming 2 tokens
Prolonged Investigation- Whenever the exit gate is opened while the killer is more than 32 meters from the exit gate, the entity blocks the exit for 10/14/18 seconds and the survivor who opened the gate enters Exposed status effect while the gate is blocked. The perk can only be activated once during the game.
Burnt Case{Hex}- even when they say the case is over your relentlessness will never give out you can show how your always more aware then Anyone else While Hex: Burnt is activate, when you Down a survivor within 45 meaters of the Hex you gain a token up to 5.
1 Token: Skill Checks Appear Faded and become more faded the more Tokens you get
2 tokens:All the progression bars of the game are black
3 Tokens: Survivors Aura Reading Abilities will lag and be Less Acurate
4: Survivors are afflicted by the oblivious status effect
5: All Totems on the map become Invisable Unless a survivor gets within 2 meters
Add Ons
(add Flavor Text below the add on)
Common Addons {}
- Kerocine- The Flame is able breathe fire for longer and breathing fire on a burning survivor will speed up the process 25% more than the original amount
Description: “Drinking this is like Drinking liquor”
- Gasoline- Your Flames can go farther and objects you catch on fire will stay on fire for 50 seconds longer
Description: “Drinking this is like Good Vodka”
Uncommon Add Ons {}
- Sons Note: The Flames Fire Lingers on the ground for 5 seconds Burning survivors who step in it
Description: “That boy never listens to me dammit!”
- Propane: ground that has been burned by the flame will now make a loud sound cue that the flame gets a notification for. This effect lingers for 80 seconds after burning the ground
Description: “Match with that stuff would blow us to high hell boy!
Rare Addons {}
- Heart of Man: when Holding the fire Button the flame will charge up a fire Ring that will make a ring of fire in the Flames Terror radius
Description: “My Son had a heart he was a hero…..”
- Russian Revolver- Your Fire is changed into a burst fire that you must charge up. And the amount it burns for
Description: “Wanna play a friendly game of chance”
- Cursed Kindle: The flame can see the Aura of survivors who are on fire out of chase for 10 seconds and when a survivor does the stop drop roll command The Flame can instadown
Description: “Anger needs to be let out and it can take a while to do so and it can take a long rampage before it does die
Very-Rare Addons{}
- Wildfire Newspaper- When a survivor is around another survivor in a 2 meter Radious they are Instantly Caught on fire
Description: “that fire was my fault i should have been faster i could have been better!”
- Ritualistic Coal: when Lighting a Genorator on fire the fire will not go out until being put out by a survivor (either by taking the fire or doing the put out animation)
Description: “when someone is purely angry and everything keeps piling up on and on that fire of rage will never die”
Iridescent Add ons {}
- Willo-of-the-Whisp:- Your flames Now goes through walls but your flames don’t speed up the process of burning but The Pat Down Command has no effect.
Description: “Some People feel like their doing the right thing even when their being evil these people should be feared because a True hero never lets anything get in their way”
- Iridescent Torch- infinitely in Overheat mode but you are only 14% faster instead of 50% survivors can catch on fire and you cannot insta down but other than that everything stays the same and you gain a 35% BP Bonus {Meme Addon}
Description: “If i can’t die a hero i feel like i’ve lived long enough to become a villain….”
Mori: The Flame will Breath Fire onto the Sickle causing it to turn Red as the Survivor Stands back turned. The Flame will Dig the Sickle into the Survivors back and Breath a huge Wave of fire on the survivor The Flame will turn them around and Char the Front of the Survivor The survivor will then Fall into a pile of Ash on the ground
Praise The ENTITY