New Calm Spirit Feedback + Suggestion

Hello developers 🙂,

I just want to share my feedback. According to the change log of calm spirit you want players to encourage to use it more often. Currently i use it from time to time. But I must say the new added slowdown especially for totems make it extremly unattractive. I always think, if there is a hex totem which I have to cleanse I could fail, because of calm spirit. I also think that the wording "calm spirit" does not fit very well in actions where a human needs dexterity.

My suggestion: Make Calm Spirit hide the killer instinct, maybe under some conditions (tokens or only injured for example). This would make this perk unique. It would also fit in it's perk name, because you try to calm down and slow down your heartbeat 🙂.

I think his could be a interesting perk direction. Perhaps you take this as a brainstorming idea.

Best regards, Waldbeerlein


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    Hiding killer instinct would mean it’s only effective against certain killers’ powers which is something they’ve been trying to get away from for a while when it comes to perks.

    I will agree a 30% action speed penalty is very harsh though.

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 443

    They did the same with technician and look where the perk is now.