How would you tackle aggressive genrushing 4-man SWFs if you were a developer?

Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417
edited June 2022 in Polls

It's no secret that the least fun part of DbD is going around and kicking every possible gen, and that achieving true pressure with most Killers that don't have a trap like ability like PH, Trapper, Hag etc. or ranged abilities like Huntress and similar Killers is nearly impossible especially with a slightly coordinated team.

Not only is it the least fun thing but genrushing can happen EXTREMELY fast and you lack any decent information to tell you where you're wasting time, survivors can quite easily get a lucky spawn and rush the first gen in 45 seconds if they really put the effort in.

How would you tackle aggressive genrushing 4-man SWFs if you were a developer? 14 votes

Make gen-aura-information perks base kit (Discordance, Surveillance, etc.)
patriotthomAna1661 2 votes
Make gens being worked on easier to identify at range with visual and audio cues
BothSidesEnjoyerqnyun 2 votes
Specifically nerf gen repair speed for players in SWFs
MementoMori_MassacreMattie_MayhemOGmewmewGlamourousLeviathanRobotfangirl67c0ug4rtliff 7 votes
Being outside of the Terror Radius applies moderate slowdown to gen repair speed
IcaursDyingWish92 2 votes
Apply progressive gen repair speed nerf depending on how many gens are left remaining.
Slan 1 vote


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    I would tell the Killer-player in question to git gud.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,023

    None of these. The game should have more communication such as basekit kindred/HUD indicators and balance around that.


    You're not helping.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    Well, Wraith has an add-on (All-seeing - Spirit) that lets you know the progression of each gen, which is truly great if you combine it with POP. You could also use Corrupt. I think there's another killer that has such an add-on as well.

    Nemi's zombies can be amazing as well. Not only do they keep survivors from certain gens, but they also give you info as to where a survivor is.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417
    edited June 2022

    So what you're proposing is a Survivor buff? If you want basekit aura reading perks, then you voted for the first option. You could have just selected the option then elaborated your stance, it's a poll.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    No addons. Base game changes, requiring no addons and perks at all. Just making the whole game more enjoyable so Killers can use other, more fun perks.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    Again. Everyone replying to this. I am asking for BASE Killer changes, to the BASE game balance so that players don't literally have to waste a perk slot on aura reading perks all the time.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    Oh sorry, I read your post too fast 😅 I think that would be great for some killers, like the ones you mentioned, but certainly not for all of them!

    Nurse/Blight/Spirit are VERY fine as they are lol.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564
    Being outside of the Terror Radius applies moderate slowdown to gen repair speed

    Being outside the terror radius Appling a slow down could be interesting. It would reward survivors for playing riskier which is why I don't like the new change to gens. DBD is no longer heading. I has reached a point of high predictability and boring matches. Although I still like increasing gen speeds without addressing camping first. Those camping is legitimately the reason why gen speeds cannot be increased and they are focusing on gens far ore then camping and that's causing a massive imbalance.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I would introduce different types of gens. Instead of having them all work the same way, I'd create a mixture of different features they can have that affect the strategy you use to repair them and make it harder to just split up and churn them out. Maybe some of them require more than one person to work on them, or some require you to go find an item before you can repair, or some take a long time to repair but they're almost impossible to regress -- you can come up with lots of conditions.

    I think it would make the game more interesting for survivors and also help to negate the problem where people just mindlessly stack on gens to finish them fast.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    Yeah as for those 3, I feel like they need specific balancing to them. I don't like the idea of having to weigh the absolute best Killers and the worst case scenario of a 4-man solo queue as the baseline game we're trying to balance, and in most cases it certainly isn't that though Survivor mains would like to insist so.

  • Sheridan_LT
    Sheridan_LT Member Posts: 417

    That would be interesting, though the game already kinda has that with certain gens in powerful locations only accepting 2 people at a time repairing it, or some only accepting 3. I think it should be something more like you said, with some gens being in a worse state than others, maybe really fast gens like the gen speed in the base game is really loud and can be heard from much farther away.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I always thought this game needed things like Types of Generators.

    Red - Normal - You know this one.

    Blue - Heavy - takes longer to fix

    Brown - Old - higher change and faster skill checks

    Green - Unfinished - Need to find a spare part to start repairs. Touch gen to highlight locker which has part.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,176
    Specifically nerf gen repair speed for players in SWFs

    SWF will never be the same as solos because of how the game is made. The least the devs can do is treat these two different things as different and gives buffs and debuffs depending if they are solos or SWFs.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    I would just buff killers and not give not needed neffs like the pain resonance and tinkerer ones while putting the ebst addons as basekit

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795
    Being outside of the Terror Radius applies moderate slowdown to gen repair speed

    This isn't a bad idea.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795
    Being outside of the Terror Radius applies moderate slowdown to gen repair speed

    Beautiful idea, love it honestly but will never happen. Sad.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    Increase the charges needed to complete generators and have their overall charge maximum decreased based on generators completed.

    Normal Generator charges: 80 - this means it will take 1 survivor 80 seconds to repair, and great skill checks add 0.8c to the progress meter.

    Proposed change

    1st Gen - 96 charges.

    2nd Gen - 88 charges.

    3rd Gen - 80 charges.

    4th Gen - 72 charges.

    5th Gen - 64 charges.

    Survivors enter the match with the Groggy2 status effect, reducing their repair efficiency by 24%

    Once a survivor enters chase with the killer, that survivor has their Groggy status removed, and all other survivors drop into Groggy1, reducing their repair speed by 12%.

    Once a survivor enters the dying state, all survivors lose the Groggy status.

    This will mean the killer is no longer at an incredibly untenable disadvantage at the start of the match. Survivors will have to coordinate and work hard to gain purchase. However, if a killer wastes this opportunity to slow down survivors and they forfeit generators - the match becomes faster and faster for survivors to chew through.

    You will also see Toolboxes get a lot more attention - and they will become more valuable later in the game - as they can power through one of the final generators much faster than the prior ones.

    The dynamic Generator progress and the Groggy addition, in concert, would promote conservative survivor behavior for generators and encouraging players to interact with the killer. Killers will be encouraged to either end chases fast or spread out their attention to more effectively slow down the early game.

    With this kind of change, you will see more survivors dying before a single generator pops, yes. But you will also see matches become far more tense and close as escaping the killer becomes more thrilling and narrow - in spite of the fact that survivors are not repairing generators much more than before... they are just repairing them differently. This change allows the killer to use pressure and momentum to seize a match, but also it allows coordinated survivors to push through and make daring escapes all the same.

    Less boring, less stressful; more engaging, more entertaining.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I wouldn't.

    SWF don't need changes. Just buff soloQ and everyone is happy, we can talk then about overall killer vs survivor.

    But it's really bad idea to focus on SWF vs Killer

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2022

    All the ideas I've seen/heard have flaws.

    That said, I'd prefer a separate ranked and unranked queue where unranked can run any SWF groups but ranked is solo queue only. We would need some actual incentive reward for the system though in order to make people care enough about their rank.

    Alternatively, buff killers to SWF levels and add a built in optional voice chat or aura reading/notification system.