As a survivor main

I believe the nerfs to killers are absolutely awful. The meta changes to killer perks have been nothing but unmitigated nerfs while our perks have been all-around buffed. NOED and Ruin in particularly, which were already pretty crappy perks due to being hexes and therefore liable to be cleansed within the first 20 seconds, have been completely gutted.
It really makes me fear that our queues will become longer and longer as less and less people simply give up playing killer altogether. In the meantime our role, which was already unchallenging as it was, has just become completely dumbed down.
I it think I can safely say I speak for the majority of survivor mains here when I say really hope BHVR wakes up and buff those killer perks before PTB is done.
As a killer main that also plays survivor, both sides got some nerfs and some really nice buffs, but killers definitely come out ahead here. The only 'wrecked' perk on the killer side is Ruin, and most killers get very sexy baseline buffs.
Survivor...OTR is going to have to be nerfed, DS is not fit for purpose anymore, Spine Chill and Self Care are now completely useless.
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I think the only really crazy one is PGTW, but I'm willing to give it a whirl....Ruin is bad, but still easy to get value from (ironically, you'll get the most value out of slugging instead of killing).
I'm actually pleased with the Corrupt Intervention change, as it usually lead to either boring (immersed) starts or total wipes right off the bat, depending on the killer used/spawns.
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Survivors got barely any buffs this update. The Calm Spirit and Pharmacy "buffs" are a complete joke. Lightweight, BT, Off The Record, and Hope are about the only good buffs we got.
Meanwhile, DS, Self Care, Iron Will, and Spine Chill got nerfed into complete uselessness. And on top of that, survivor running speed when getting injured got nerfed and killer breaking animations and weapons cooldown got buffed, which will lead to shorter, meaningless chases. Killers got the best out of this update.
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How about BBQ, Pop, and NOED? Meanwhile we survivors got basekit BT and Off The h*cking Records. Nuff said isn't it?
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NOED is barely any different
Ruin/Pop are a bit dead in the water tho
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Pop and NOED are still fantastic perks. Pop - you need to think of it in addition to the gen nerfs and NOED will still be strong.
BBQ - a bit more niche, but I'll still be running it on Artist and Dredge for sure.
There is literally no way OTR will go live as is.
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I honestly don't understand how you can read these patch notes and think survivors came out ahead. I read them without bias to either side, as I play both, and my first thoughts were 'oh my god solo queue is going to be a disaster'.
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They buffed Knockout.
That is all.
Ruin, yes.
Pop - think of it as still being very good in a pinch, combined with the 2.5% base regression on a kick.
Baseline pseudo-BT is going to make unhooks a million times safer, and if you combine it with actual BT, you may even be able to trade evenly with a Bubba.
Those are 4 big buffs, OTR in particular will have to be nerfed.
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I exclusively play solo and the only conclusion I've come upon reading the notes was that my games are going to get even easier now, to the point I might start to go perkless just to have a little bit of challenge. NOED being gutted like that gives us survivors even less of an incentive to do bones and just smash gens instead. Nobody is going to use BBQ now, so we don't have to even worry about leaving our gens and hiding in a locker to evade the aura reading. We have a second chance perk basekit now and DH has become even more reliable.
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I have no idea what you're talking about, my friend!
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I will let everyone out when I play killer. All that counts are kills for BHVR, so I will not have any of them, just max. 2 hooks per surv.
Its time for Baby-MMR to have fun playing killer. High MMR u can be happy if u get 3 hooks.
Its a mess, I cant understand people who says the opposite
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Same. If you're a good killer and play meta builds you can already 3-4k more than half of your games, can you escape as consistently in solo Q ? I don't think so it's random, I don't see why they want higher kill rates, the lowest is nurse at 50% right ?
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Under 50%. Its 46% for Nurses if I am correctly.
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BBQ How is removing blood points bonus from a perk a nerf... that has no effect on gameplay... I don't think you understand what the word Nerf means.
POP is about the same TBH. Maybe a little weaker as it gets it most value with gens at least over 25% but if you using pop before 25% then you weren't getting that much value form it.
As for NOED... 95% of matches it is used to secure one kill. This will change very little.
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Eh? Even tho some killer perks are gone now, the base buffs are very nice, thana was even overbuffed.
As for survivors, we get some good new perks but plenty of others were overnerfed into uselessness
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As a nothing main, stop being a main.
You come to silly conclusions like this.
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BBQ How is removing blood points bonus from a perk a nerf... that has no effect on gameplay... I don't think you understand what the word Nerf means.
It was used because of the BP bonus, it's no longer going to be used now that the BP bonus has been removed. You can be pedantic all you want but it is a nerf in how useful it is and it is going to disappear from the game now that it is essentially useless.
POP is about the same TBH. Maybe a little weaker as it gets it most value with gens at least over 25% but if you using pop before 25% then you weren't getting that much value form it.
It was a strict nerf. No two ways about it. Why are you doing double back flips and handstands trying to pretend it wasn't?
As for NOED... 95% of matches it is used to secure one kill. This will change very little.
So you're saying is that an already very weak perk has become even weaker for no reason? That's exactly what I said so I'm unsure why you're arguing.