Dear survivors,
When you get a killer that is very clearly playing "fair", ie: not tunneling or camping, playing chases a lil longer than they need to be so you get more points, spreading hooks so that you all get to stay in the game, etc....please dont go out of your way to be annoying. I know youre at the exit gate because i let you open it, you dont need to continuously vault crap to make noise. (Your other 2 teammates died in EGC solely because you annoyed me).
Everybody wants to whine about too many killers wreckin ppl....well, its probly got a lil somethin to do with nice players getting fed up with your crap. Just somethin to think about.
To all the cool survivors that dont constantly act like petulant children, thank you. I hope i can get you a few more BPs n maybe a cosmetic or two.