Delete Wretched Shop

Disgusting map
Shelter Woods.
*mic drop*
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I bet this map could look beautiful and perform beautifully on both sides with a map rework. But instead it is just... Yeah
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All of them are...
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"Balanced Landing" is op on this map, though. /s
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I remember it used to work actually when survivors could some how run up the tree and fall down
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As far as I know now the only way to trigger it is to fall down the stairs of the basement. I mean, at least put a few perches there? A smol hill maybe? Its a forest, it doesn't need to be plain af.
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Still better than "The Game" aka "Pallet breaking simulator"
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I literally prefer this map
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RCPD, bruh!
*drops two mics*
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The only Map that needs to be deleted is RPD
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Rework Wretched Shop, simple as that.
Main building has 2 windows - turn one of them into a breakable vault (A window that can be destroyed to make an opening)
Main building should be a bit larger.
Where the basement does NOT spawn: Create a 'workshop' clutter where survivors can skulk.
In the main building, killers or survivors can activate an alarm system that rings loudly for an extended period of time (It can be disabled) this audio can be used to cover up audio (Such as healing, breathing, or footsteps)
There is a door always open - the garage is open just enough to let survivors and pig/ghostface crouch under, but normal killers cannot until they open it from the inside. Survivors can close it to the appropriate height with an extended interaction.
One of the two doors spawns as a breakable wall.
The only major flaw with this map is the two windows in the main building has two doors and cannot be approached from one entire side. By allowing two ways in upon breaking a wall - and allowing the killer to remove one of the windows, it can make the structure a lot less as easy to loop. By making the structure bigger, it can allow survivors a bit more room to loop and hide if the killer foregoes the breaking action - and the long garage door can prove to be a challenge if survivors elect to keep it half-closed.