Data from 1000+ survivor matches

moonwinx Member Posts: 51

I have collected data from my last 1000(ish) survivor games played. I started keeping a record of my games when patch 5.3 came out. I have 2000+ hours, and play on switch, and play in North America. I have no idea what my MMR is, but my guess would be somewhere around 1600-1750 based on the amount of NOED I see cross referenced with the loadout charts that were presented in the latest Dev update. My personal escape rate hovers very close to 50% each patch, so I think I have reached the MMR that I am supposed to be at. I played most of these games in a swf duo (50.9%), with solo being the next highest amount (19.2%). I hit 1000 games this weekend, so I thought I would share.

On to the numbers:


Nemesis was the most common killer I faced, with Legion in second place. Least popular killer pick was Freddy, although prior to their tome, Twins was far and away the least common, with over half of their total games coming in the last patch.

Dredge has the best kill rate, but since he is new I feel like it is too early to fairly judge (Sadako had a fairly high kill rate too the first few weeks of her release as well). Excluding Dredge, Clown takes the top spot, which was a little surprising to me. I don’t see too many clowns, but the ones I do fare pretty well. What wasn’t surprising was Trapper having the worst kill rate.

One silly thing I decided to keep track of was killer BMs. I know that Bubbas’ have a reputation, and I was curious if stats would back it up. I know BMs can be very subjective, and I like to think I am pretty strict with my rules as to what is and is not considered. I do not consider camping or tunneling in any form as a bm, and slugging is only marked if there was no strategic reasoning behind it. So slugging for the 4k would not be considered, but slugging the last survivor and intentionally bleeding them out was. The shortlist of BMs were: Hitting on the hook, Spamming a power over a downed survivor, Excessive nodding/head shaking, Teabagging when applicable, Malice slugging


The most common game result was a 4k, with a 1k/0k being second and third. If we are looking from a “who won” perspective, with 4-3 kills being a killer win, 0-1 kills being a survivor win, and a 2k being a draw, then 44.2% of matches were killer victories, 39.8% went to survivors, and 15.9% were a draw.

I was curious just how much group size affects game outcomes, so I tracked that too. You may need to keep in mind that myself and the people I play with don’t take the game super seriously, so it may not be a good idea to draw too many conclusions from these results.

With the exception of 4 mans, every group has a 4k as the most common result. I was expecting solos to have less 1ks than the other sizes, but I also think solos are much more likely to leave in an endgame camp situation, whereas when I am partied up with people we tend to pretty much always go back and try, often to poor results lol.

Overall kill rates went about how you would expect though, with Solo being the highest, Duo being close to solo, and then almost a 10% difference between Solo and full lobbies.

Over 2/3rds of games have all gens finished. Part of the reason I started keeping stats was once MMR was implemented, I personally felt like gens were getting done way more than they were in the past. Since I wasn’t keeping data before, I am not sure if there is actually a difference, but since I have been keeping track, the average gens done per patch has remained pretty consistent (hovering around 4.4 gens per game)


One perk that I was really curious about was NOED, and how it did or did not affect games. NOED showed up in 13.8% of games, and killers who ran NOED had a worse kill rate than killers who did not run NOED (52.2% vs 53.0%)

If we compare game results for killers that ran NOED vs killers that didn’t, NOED killers had less 0ks and 4Ks, with very similar % results for 1ks and 3ks, and more 2ks overall. This has cemented my idea that NOED isn’t really a good perk for securing a win,but it is a great

I was also curious if there were any killers that were more likely than others to use NOED, and yes, if you are facing a Hag, go ahead and do bones.


Finally, I took a look at how things shook out between the different patches (to see how things changed over time)

With all of the game changes and perk reworks coming up in the next midchapter, I am very interested to see how these numbers might change. I have all the game recorded on a spread sheet, and put notes and comments on a lot of the games, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! 


  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Thanks for the effort. Admittedly I would have been curious about face camping and tunneling stats (like excessively targeting one survivor, not weak link picking), not from a BM perspective but from a curiosity. BM or no, it's not the most fun game design.

    Glad you put the NoED data in. It's more or less what I thought, I think people dislike the perk because it feels as though it 'cheats' them out of a health state, similar to Dead hard though Dead hard actually has proof its very strong whereas NoED is what I thought 'not that good but not bad'.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    "I think solos are much more likely to leave in an endgame camp situation"


    This is why I think NOED had a lower kill rate; survivors would more likely leave the person on hook and escape instead

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    Camping I could probably do (I run kindred a lot), but I felt like it would be really hard to do tunneling since most of my games are duo/solo. It can be hard to tell when someone you arent on comms with had the killer intentionally focusing on them as soon as they were unhooked, or if they just got unlucky and ran into the killer again. Like, I remember once watching a teammate get unhooked, and then run straight for the killer clicking their flashlight, and they got downed and hooked right after (they missed their ds lol). Had I been across the map and just watching the HUD, that would have looked like a tunnel, but it really wasn't. Since stuff like that can be so suggestive, I just decided not to bother with it.

    For a while I was trying to keep track of the dead hards I saw, but since I don't run DH (not for any moral reason, I play on switch and find it pretty unreliable with ping, so I use other exhaustion perks), and a lot of the people I will party up with don't really run DH, it was showing something like 40% of matches didn't have dead hard in them at all. While that was my experience, it wasn't really typical of the game as a whole, so I felt it was a useless data point and stopped tracking it. Same with survivor BMs. At first I was going to see if I could keep a record of how many of the random survivors I got teammed up with would act up, but again, since I couldnt see every survivor interaction with the killer, I felt like there was a good chance I would miss some and the data would be flawed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2022

    I think it's interesting comparing the kill rates with the rate of gens completed. It seems to suggest that a lot of the killer hooks/kills came at end game which is something I tend to see as well.

    I would say that if we could see data comparing hooks/kills at 5 gens and at end game we would see hooks/kills at least doubled. IE something like 3 hooks by 5th gen complete and 6 hooks with 2 dead by end of match. I think hook swarming and not wanting to let someone die at end game inflates the hook/kill rates significantly and ultimately gives skewed data that makes the games "balance" look very different than it actually is since hook swarming at end game because you don't want to let someone die isn't really reflecting balance.

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    I don't have the information on how exactly the hooks were spread, but I did go back and calculate how many of the games where 5 gens got done that resulted in a killer victory (3-4K), and it is almost 20% (of those games), and 13% of total games. Basically the number of killers who win in the endgame is very similar to the killers who run NOED (note: these are not the same killers).

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2022

    "Facecamping and tunneling" is just another way of saying "I lost, you won and I'm pissed" I play daily and it's a rare occurrence this actually really happens

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,474

    I had a bit of a laugh seeing Pyramid Head displayed the most BM, because that's always been my experience with him too. I don't consider camping or tunnelling to be BM either, but I know alot of people do which is why Bubba is usually considered to have the worst BM, but imo it's definitely PH lol

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    I started keeping track of BMs because the Halloween event was right after I started recording results, and after a particularly frustrating match vs a wraith who left me on the ground as the last survivor ringing his bell until my timer was almost up, only to then pick me up and hook me. I was mad and was like "I'm gonna put this guy on blast in my notes... for science". I don't teabag, I don't even use flashlights, let alone click them, and I am not all in all a very good player, so I feel like if I am getting BMed, its because that's just how the person playing killer is.

    I figured Ghostface would be high since he is one of the only killers that can teabag (a lot of BMing is a crime of opportunity), and Bubba would be high because Bubba, but Pyramid Head being a meanie really surprised me. And I don't count him sitting at the hook with his power ready to double hit the unhooked survivor and rescuer, that's just gameplay. This was all kebabing the hooked survivor, or repeatedly stabbing his knife in the ground on a slug as they bled out.

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    Ope, I forgot, I have map data too!

    Here's Map Occurrences. Dead Dawg and The Game are the most common. I don't really keep track of map offerings, but I do know that those are some of the more common ones, along with Ormond and Red Forest. I also don't count games where someone crashes while loading in, which seems to happen a lot when I see an Racoon City offering. Don't know why that is.

    I also keep a record of kills per map and gens done per map. Lery's seems to be the deadliest map, with Wrecker's yard being the map with the most gens getting done. Interestingly enough one of the Badham's has the lest gens getting done, but it also had a very low number of games played, so it might be too small a sample size to get statically significant information.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I always thought NOED was a mostly waste of perk slot, seems like it's not exactly too far from truth.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    I'm a sucker for stats, this is amazing! I tried to track some stats just during the event - much more basic than yours - and I have to admit I got tired of writing everything down after every match. 🙈 Kudos to you for keeping this going for 1000 games!

    I'm amazed your solo escape rate is so high and you feel like you've settled at an MMR that works for me. Do you specifically prioritise escaping? I know I'm not the best survivor but I'm also not terrible and mine is definitely a lot lower than that, probably around 10-20% but only counting gates not the hatch. I'm often among the last two people alive but with gens left to do so at that point we've lost already - so I've never had that feeling I arrived at an MMR where I settled.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Outstanding work, thank you

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    That solo number is the kill rate for all killers, my actual survival rate for solo is only 46.7% For solo escapes, I did include that hatch, so that probably jumps up my stats a little though. The only thing I really prioritize in game is getting challenges done. So if I have a challenge that requires escape, then I might skedaddle as soon as I can, but otherwise I am usually the idiot who tries to go back and make a save when it's pretty obvious that at best it will be a trade. It's more fun that way. I have my 'basic #########' solo queue build that works really well for me though, which is Sprint Burst, Kindred, BT, and Windows of Opportunity. BT helps the team and lets me get saves, I feel like I cant do solo without kindred, its too hard to coordinate some saves without it, Sprint burst helps with keeping be from getting caught out in dead zones, and windows is great for chase, especially knowing what pallets are still up from a distance.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    Its funny you would mention challenges, I was wrapping up some today that required me to escape that I've been on since forever. So I forced myself to play more selfish. My escape rate got such a boost but I'm not sure if really felt good about it - even if I know that many scenarios would have had a trade as best case scenario, normally I would be going back in and I actually get so annoyed when others don't (and normally you can get everyone out if you help each other). But I'm not gonna lie, it was a good feeling, knowing I can get out if I really need to. 😂

    That's a super good reliable build, I like it a lot! I struggle a bit with not having everything unlocked on everyone yet. For example I'm still missing Kindred on quite a few people but I agree, it's the ultimate solo perk.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    Hey, thank you for collecting and sharing all of this data! I know it must have taken a lot of time & effort to go through and record these results.

    Have you considered setting up some kind of distribute-able template so other folks can track their own stats? For answering the oddball questions like "Which killers run NOED the most" I have a laundry list of curiosities I could start indulging.

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    I am actually in the process of setting up a template! I've had a couple of people ask about it, and once you have have the skeleton up its super easy to work through. I literally just used google sheets, with one tab for data and one tab with a bunch of formulas to compile everything. Since I already have it made out for me I should be able to copy and paste everything and get it set up.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    That would be amazing! Thank you! I think I stopped doing it because i tracked the wrong data (was tracking all perks as well and that gets tedious) and because I ended up being very chaotic with how I set up stuff in Excel, so I started to hate my system...😅

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    Seeing Freddy is least played killer is doesn't surprise me.