Dead by Daylight The Quarry Chapter Idea

Dead by Daylight: The Quarry Chapter
New Survivor: Ryan Erzahler
New Survivor: Laura Kearney
New Killer: The White Wolf (Silas Vorez)
New Map: Hackett's Lodge
New Realm: Hackett's Quarry
Ryan Perks: What Doesn't Kill You, Bizzare Yet Bonafide, and Conspiracy Theorist
Laura Perks: Phlebotomy, Reactionist, and Above The Law
The White Wolf Perks: Creature Feature, Just A Flesh Wound, and Mutually Assured
Are you going to make a description for these perks or are you just going to leave it up to the community?
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It'd probably be more about traversal using the environment and just being really lethal in chase and hard to shake off.
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Have you seen some of the chases between the counselors and the werewolves? They're clumsy and don't seem too agile when chasing
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Honestly I'd prefer until dawn instead. Loved the quarry just felt unfinished a bit. But both types of monsters are alike in some ways so it really wouldn't be that different.
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The Wendigos in Until Dawn are blind (or rather, their sight is based on movement) whereas the werewolves in the Quarry are not.
You wouldn't be able to have an accurate Wendigo killer given how their hard counter would be to not move (which is indeed what the survivors in UD do).
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Want werewolf AI like nemesis's zombies.
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Played the game day 1. They were clumsy. Don't know what else I would do for a power though.
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I like Until Dawn but it'd probably be a PlayStation exclusive which I don't if it was or not, I want it either way. If they could get some licenses but they and to be exclusive, they should still go for it. Same for stuff like Last of Us.
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Well it's hard when you talk about the sight of killers because for gameplay they'd obviously see just normally. I mean some killers in DBD don't even have eyes so to me it doesn't matter if they just add them and can see. I personally like Quarry enemies more though. They look cooler. Maybe you can do a power with hearing.
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Actually, I've always wanted a werewolf type thing. I think it would be like Nemesis' power, where he can infect people. Maybe he can infect one person at a time, and they can lash out at people who try to help them, or something. Or they get the terror radius. They stay broken until they get a shot or something.
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"But both types of monsters are alike in some ways so it really wouldn't be that different."
I know they are blind, other than that they are pretty much the same, fast and agile, long limbs, sharp teeth, and they kinda have similar looks. Anyway I'm sure it wouldn't work as the only way I'd want the killer is if they could leap and if they leapt against a tree or something they then would hang on and you can pounce from the tree.
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Actually that be really cool, i did this render just for fun. Just the only thing we can do its wait for supermassive games
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Please no.
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This is like asking for a Telltale Games The Walking Dead chapter. Imo.
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If we ever got a Walking Dead chapter that is what I hope it would be based on though. I much prefer Lee Everett.
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I cry.