Spine Chill Change is Generally Not Approved by Community

Why is BHVR changing a perk that raises the hair on the spines of survivors? The chances of a survivor working on a generator and being directly in the line of sight of a killer is not high. A survivor who is finishing a generator indoors is already a sitting duck. It kills a perk that players need when the terror radius is short. And some times sound is an issue to hear the increasing intensity of the terror radius.

Survivors need time to get away from a killer considering the difference in movement speed between a killer and survivor. If a survivor tries to run away from a killer who already has vision on them, then getting away cannot happen. It's too late for a survivor to try and run away--especially in a straight line.


The Iron Will change is also destroying a perk and making Jake nearly useless. It can no longer effectively be used to get away from chases without making grunts. And if the survivor is winning a chase due to using an exhaustion perk, the Iron Will perk text almost reads "This perk doesn't work in-game. Good luck!" Calm Spirit should also not be nerfed. Survivors should not be punished with action speed decreases in exchange for not screaming or alerting crows.


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Yea I dont get these two nerfs and the calm spirit and pharmacy "buffs"

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    ngl, this part was funny

    "Survivors need time to get away from a killer considering the difference in movement speed between a killer and survivor. If a survivor tries to run away from a killer who already has vision on them, then getting away cannot happen. It's too late for a survivor to try and run away--especially in a straight line."

    Terror radius + loops + pallets + looking around all of that meaningless now bois, Spine Chill gone, no chance to escape a chase. LUL

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    They said it will work in Terror Radius instead of los on teir stream.