2000th comment and Changes review!

FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

So... 2000th post. I wanted to make it a big one... reacting to the 39 perk changes sounds good to me... so here we go.

=======================Killer Base Kit Buffs=======================

Gen Time and Kick regression: This makes sense to me. Currently it kind of feels like you need to either play a killer with slowdown or bring quite a bit of it to have decent length games. Making killers less reliant on having those things is a good thing in my book. The only downside to this that I see is that they should have also increased hook stage duration as well.

Half of Brutal Strength base: Also makes sense to me. For a while now I've been constantly running Brutal Strength because breaking pallets and gens took too long. Also kicking a gen instantly deletes 2.25s and takes 2.34s at base making kicking gens overall just a much better idea. Maybe not if you need to travel a lot to do it but still good.

1/4 STBFL and less post hit speed: Yes! I've not played a lot of strictly M1 only killers recently because Survivors got way too much distance on them post hit. STBFL was an ok bandaid for that issue, but I wasn't super keen on how STBFL worked so I just didn't run M1 killers.

Bloodlust: I don't think this will matter a whole lot. At best it'll help prevent experienced Survivors from steam rolling a newbie killer. Which... is a good thing. Eh, yeah overall this is a good change.

=======================Survivor Base Kit Buffs=======================

5s of Endurance and Haste: This is good and will help in most cases vs most killers. It won't help much vs the killers who are really good at camping like Bubba and Trickster. I think this might need a little bit more oomph but it is a good start.

===========================Killer Perk Nerfs===========================

BBQ and Chilli: The BP tokens for this perk should have been made base kit instead of just being gone.

Ruin: I was thinking to just lower and not remove the bonus regression but... still close. They may have overdone it? I'm not sure. I do however like it turning off if a Survivor dies. 3V1 + Ruin was way too much.

Pop Goes the Weasel: Changing it to current instead of total progress was good. With the base kit changes the slight reduction of numbers was probably warranted.

Tinkerer: I'm not really a fan of this one. I would have rather it be changed to be a middle ground of the too good 70% activation and the not good enough 85% activation instead of this. This isn't a bad way to go mind you... just not how I would have gone.

Corrupt Intervention: This is actually exactly what I wanted for this perk. This change keeps its strength for setup killers with weak early game but severely weakens it for fast chase killers who were also using it.

No One Escapes Death: So, this isn't how I would have liked them to change it... but my solution was much more involved and work to do... so... I was not surprised that they didn't do what I was hoping for. That said I am very happy that NOED did not get butchered and the nerf was reasonable.

Pain Resonance: Honestly, I think this change will hurt DMS more than Pain Res. I would have rathered they just knock the regression percentage instead but... oh well.

=======================Survivor Perk Nerfs=======================

Dead Hard: Yes. Yes. Yes. (Probably) No more Dead Harding to make windows and pallets you otherwise couldn't have gotten to. Love it.

Decisive Strike: I don't know if the stun reduction was necessary. The rest of the changes are good in my opinion.

Borrowed Time: This in addition to the base kit changes are... honestly a buff. Yes, BT will be less necessary because of the base kit buffs but current BT < new BT. It's a bit weird that they're kinda buffing BT.

Iron Will: On the one hand, current Iron Will makes any other grunts of pain reduction irrelevant. On the other hand, this is... not good. Like... the only time you'd ever use this is if you're running with no Exhaustion, Dead Hard, or maybe Head On and that's it. It clashes with all the others.

Self Care: Oh my god. This is hands down the worst change in the bunch. Self Care was not an OP perk... it was merely a comfy perk for people who didn't like being injured. Now it's... well, completely dead outside of maybe still being OK with Botany Knowledge.

Spine Chill: So, I understand the reasoning behind these changes, but they seem severe enough that no one will run this anymore. Any killer worth their salt will attempt to approach from a position where the Survivor doesn't have LoS... stealth or no because even if they hear your Terror Radius they don't know which direction to run to safety.

=======================Killer Perk Buffs=======================

Overcharge: This looks... honestly very interesting. I wanted them to fix Survivors bringing the skill check with them, but I like this too. I'll be excited to try it out.

Eruption: I'm one of the weird people out there who was using this perk before its buff. Even then the 16s incapacitated effect can be game winning. At 25s it's going to be super nasty.

Knock Out: On the one hand, yes, this perk needed buffing. On the other hand, buffing slugging perks is a bit iffy. I... don't think they should have buffed this perk.

Coulrophobia: I need to know if this buff effects repairs or just healing. If it is both, this and Unnerving Presence could actually work really well together. Also it could be a good addition to skill check Doc. If it is only healing... then it's a meh buff to a perk that did its job well but all the other Terror Radius weaponization perks aren't good enough for that strat to work.

Dark Devotion: This is another where I would have taken it a different way, but this is good too. I would have wanted the perk getting a slightly longer timer and resetting its timer if it is active when the obsession takes a hit. However,... it activating on special attacks is a pretty nice buff too.

Jolt: Honestly I was surprised to see this perk on the list at all. However this is a nice QoL buff for this perk. No complaints here.

Lethal Pursuer: I actually thought this was on here because it was going to get nerfed. This buff is pretty nifty. I can easily see speedy chase killers running this and BBQ together.

Gift of Pain: This is a good buff. Right way to go with it. I will say though that I think this perk isn't seen much because of CoH's existence and Pinhead being a not very popular DLC than its power level. But this is nice.

Thanatophobia: I would have preferred a partial rework to frontload more of the slowdown so other killers can use it besides Legion and Plague. This minor buff is nice for those two though.

Monstrous Shrine: This did need a rework. However I don't think this was the way to go. The one thing keeping this from being a dumpster fire is the range requirement. However as it stands, this is basically a combo piece for other Scourge Hooks so Basement always are Scourge Hooks. That's pretty nice. However, my issue with this direction for the perk comes from the fact that this is the only Scourge Hook perk killers can get with only BP... and it's yet another combo perk in the base killer set.

=======================Survivor Perk Buffs=======================

Calm Spirit: This isn't a buff. Silent actions aren't worth doing them at 70% speed. I have no idea why they did this.

Saboteur: Anti Scourge hook tech is not bad. They should still change this so it goes on CD after a successful sabotage but this is pretty neat.

Botany Knowledge: That... is one pretty hefty buff. Nice.

Off the Record: They really wanted to replace DS didn't they? The wording on this doesn't really indicate that it won't give Endurance if it gets used first hook. That alone makes it just better than current DS and DS is getting nerfed. Also I don't love that they've completely moved the perk away from "DS for stealthy people" to DS 2.0. This is probably going to be meta but wish they had reworked a different perk or just added a new one.

Lucky Break: Pretty solid buff here honestly. It being a perk you have to build around to actually use but then it dies half way through the match was pretty rough. This helps with it not completely dying. However... with Iron Will nerfed to only 75%... that could indirectly kill Lucky Break. We'll see.

Pharmacy: That looks promising. I don't know how good it'll be, but it looks promising.

Sole Survivor: Fits the theme of the perk. However... who does gens if you're the last one alive? You're probably either looking for hatch or doing a gate because the killer stomped the hatch shut. That bit is weird but the exit gate buff is good for what the perk does.

Lightweight: Assuming the notes have a typo and rank 3 of Lightweight makes scratches disappear 5 seconds sooner... this looks pretty good. It's backwards in the notes though so if the notes are right, we've got an Old Discordance situation going on.

Deja Vu: Assuming the repair buff turns off when the aura reading does, this should be a neat buff to a perk that needed a little extra something. Otherwise it could be a bit of a problem.

No One Left Behind: So,,, overall I like this. However, I see a potential problem. That being This + Survivor Base Kit buff and BT + Guardian = Survivor running at 121% speed for a good bit post unhook. That's faster than every killer in the game if they don't have or aren't using a mobility power. That could be really dumb and busted.

Dark Sense: Honestly 10/10 change. Aura reading when gens get done isn't necessarily going to be useful. Aura reading when the killer is close will probably be useful every time.

Tenacity: I didn't think it really needed a buff, but this is a fine buff for it to get. Half the time slugs are silent anyway though.

Hope: How often does end game last over 2 minutes? I mean this doesn't look like a bad buff but I'm not sure how useful it will be.

Overzealous: Another reason to not use Hex Perks. Kidding aside people did the math, this needed a buff... I don't think this was really a good way to go though because it is back to its mostly dead self if the Killer doesn't have a Hex or if a buddy breaks the Hex before you can.

We're Gonna Live Forever: That's pretty cool. This and BBQ should have gotten their tokens put into the base kit... but other than that this looks pretty good.

=======================Overall Impressions=======================

In my opinion, these changes are generally very good with a few changes here and there that are... baffling at best and terrible at worst. I'm hoping Behavior listens to feedback on the weird ones... but overall, I'm excited for all of this.
