Endurance should remove collision.

MrSquiggles Member Posts: 12
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Taking a hit with current BT is already frustrating enough. It completely halts all of the killer's game progress when a survivor who was recently unhooked in front of the killer in a stupid play takes a hit for another survivor. They essentially force the killer to tunnel them when, the majority of the time, you are trying avoid doing so by going for the survivor who unhooked. This can lead to some extremely frustrating gameplay for killers.

Some people will bring up the argument "well just wait it out lol." The problem arises in which, if the survivor has half a brain, will go to the nearest window or pallet and fast vault the window or throw the pallet and force you to hit them so they don't get grabbed, and if they do or you successfully wait out the duration of endurance and down them, they likely will have DS to back such a play up leaving you with almost no pressure due to the fact that they will likely get picked up very quickly either by getting picked up after recovering, We're Gonna Live Forever, or pick themselves up using Unbreakable or Exponential. This very frustrating situation will very likely become more common and frustrating with the release of the new Off The Record (of which should be deactivated in end-game just like DS, but the new base kit endurance on unhook and new BT shouldn't) and extended Borrowed Time.

This would also benefit survivors as some killers will try to body-block survivors from making it to a safe structure and wait out their short endurance effect of 5sec. Allowing survivors to move through killers with endurance would prevent this situation from happening in most cases by allowing them to likely make it to a safe structure before that duration runs out. This effect could also be on a case-by-case basis. For example, Mettle of Man. Mettle of Man could still provide the survivor with collision to allow for sabotage plays or end game hit taking with the perk, thus not completely reducing the perk's usefulness. Additionally Mettle of Man is already unique among the endurance's given it doesn't give survivors deep wound when the perk activates, making any argument that endurance should be uniform null.

This also raises one final problem: Styptic Agents. Styptic Agents are extremely powerful and frustrating in their current form, essentially allowing survivors to get a third health state in chase (ring any bells?). If collision is removed from endurance, this could make Styptics even more powerful than they already are. I propose that Styptics should only be able to be used on other survivors, acting essentially as protection for an injured survivor mid-heal rather than a third health state in chase.

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  • MrSquiggles
    MrSquiggles Member Posts: 12

    I am open to discussion and criticisms I did not consider, but don't be rude please. Thank you!