Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

If we're making perks base kit here's a few ideas for killers

Corrupt Intervention could work as basekit, especially with M1 / trap killers who NEED time to set up or need the time in chase.

NOED. Now hear me out. If survivors KNOW NOED is in every game, they then HAVE a reason to go for totems. It adds a secondary obj for survivors which would be a natural slowdown, and if they choose not to they can then deal with the consequences of the perk. But literally everyone will know that NOED is now base kit and present, but it would give the survivors a choice. Do the secondary objective and invest time into that, OR IGNORE the secondary objective, but try to escape the consequences of ignoring it later. I genuinely feel strong about NOED being base kit as it is a genuine natural slowdown, and survivors will all see it coming and will know it's present. Unlike current NOED where it feels cheap because you don't really know if they have it and if they do you only ever find out if someone has already been hit by it. The only issue with this is that it would feel garbage for solos I'm assuming (I don't play survivor as it's boring to me) so if BHVR could get over their fear (?) of giving SWF's different aspects in the game then it could work if you're going against a SWF.

As much as the brutal strength and STBFL tiny percentage base kits are cool, I don't think they add up especially to the basekit BT survivors will be getting.


  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Survivors literally came out better with the changes. anyway. Also 5 seconds of BT is still easily enough time to get to any loop, hell 12 seconds is overkill with current BT hence why it's used so often. But I guess that was their option to make BT used less. Literally take a meta perk and then just... make it base kit. Because that makes so much sense! And buff the base perk as well along with it. But not like it matters much, no one ever needs to use BT again cause they have it by default.

    Brutal basekit change does nothing as people still have plenty of time to get to other loops. Same with the STBFL. Like they're cool changes you will realize your kicking and melee recovery ARE faster in game, but it won't matter because survivors will still guaranteed make it safely to other loops and the chase will not have changed much from how it would have gone in the current patch.

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    NOED basekit is too strong because most survivors don’t want to do anything but knock out gens. It would also make solo queue doodoo because no one would do gens until totems were cleansed.

  • brock
    brock Member Posts: 305
  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    BT being made basekit is to counter tunneling killers, as long as you're not tunneling it's not going to affect you at all, it's only going to affect you if you're tunneling. It's one of the few ways that survivors will be able to counteract that, not only that, DS stun time was shortened to 3 seconds and it take 1 second for the animation getting off the shoulder and so you're left with 2 to get away. Next up OTR only activates once during trial, eat the OTR and then you don't have to deal with it during EGC.

    But that will not change the fact that I do think that BT shouldn't stack with base-kit BT

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Hence the part of make it a SWF only thing if BHVR if decides to start actually making SWF a sort of different experience because of how vastly different it is from solos.

    To counter tunneling killers yes. And you know what the only viable playstyle is for killers to stay competitive? Because there's zero incentives / positives to going for multiple hooks on multiple people?

    Tunneling... killing the only viable playstyle for killers to stay competitive doesn't make the game feel any better for killers.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    It was fair to make a semi corrupt basekit, at least 30-40 seconds, since survivors have bt base + hope for 5 seconds.

    Btw, for whoever say devs arent survivor biased ->

    They removed the BP from BBQ and nothing else they added, but to We're gonna live forever, they removed the BP bonus but added the secondary effect. Fair i guess. :-)

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    There are more ways for Killers to play competitively without tunneling and/or camping, me and my friends have gotten stomped by Killers who didn't tunnel or camp, simply just because they were good with gen pressure, and outsmarting us, and I applaud them for that.

    As long as the killer playing, knows what they're doing, and they can predict movements, they will completely stomp your team regardless of SWF or not, I've played against Trappers who will turn the game on somebody's head, simply because someone else made a bad play, and honestly good for them because I know Trapper is difficult to get the right pressure with.

    So yes, tunneling and camping is viable strategy, but it's not the only strategy that you need to use to win.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096
    edited June 2022

    Might as well put corrupt basekit. Devs thought BT basekit was a good idea after all.

    Especially after what they did too it.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Yeah the secondary effect being added is stupid, but I think the reason why they added the new secondary effect is because since there's no longer a bloodpoint bonus, the perk was made essentially useless, while BBQ gives Killers information still, in the end I do feel they should not have removed the blood point bonus from either perk and they both should have been left as is. They both helped to reduce the grind significantly on both sides, and since they're going for the biggest grind reduction in history they should have left the two perks that literally help with the grind alone.

  • HexPleaseLetMeSpeak
    HexPleaseLetMeSpeak Member Posts: 276

    Going for multiple people only works against players that aren't good... that's the fact. A good SWF can literally run circles and crack gens like it's nothing against even the best killers. I literally watch some of the best killer players on a consistent basis start the game by not tunneling then eventually get widdled down into a "Where's this Nea I need to tunnel her out" mess. It's happens all the time lmfao

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    You just gotta make basekit NOED much weaker and people will put up with it. Like, after the EGC triggers instead of when the doors are powered….or…. Instead of one hex totem, every dull totem becomes hex by NOED and cleansing any Hex will cleanse them all. That way people have an escape route secured or people will start purposely leaving and remembering one totem for the NOED cleanse.

    Something like this is as easy for survivors to handle as a Killer waiting 5 seconds on built in BT.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Honestly giving 90% nerfed Pop as base kit is a complete joke.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942
    edited June 2022

    Okay but that doesn't mean make NOED and Corrupt base kit, you want free perks without using a perk slot and you justify tunneling cuz you clearly can't win without it. You refuse to acknowledge that there's other ways to win without tunneling, a good SWF will get stomped by a good Oni with pressure and also not every good group of survivors is a SWF.

    There are amazing groups of solo-queue who can also stomp a good killer and vice versa. Survivors are given perks to defend against tunneling and camping, so they aren't gonna buff tunneling and camping even more after this update was a huge "Screw you" to solo queue players.

    A lot of matches are also map based, The Game can make a good win for survivors because of the loops, Shelter Woods is amazing for killers due to the amount of dead zones. You get mad cuz the survivor can make it to a loop even though that's the point of the loop, to extend the ability for the survivor to survive, it's not meant to be easy or for the killer to get a 4k every time. A 2k is considered a draw, and 3k is a win. You won't win every time, just like how I won't win every time, not every SWF squad is a swat team to ruin your day, they're probably casual gaming which is what DBD is for, it's not a tournament you're treating it like.

    Edit: None of my statements apply to End Game tunneling but if you see one person and tunnel them with 5 or 4 gens left, that's when it applies

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I disagree with the NOED idea and the corrupt idea I think is fine if it is a mini corrupt similar to the mini BT. I think rather then gaining NOED for basekit I think killer should just get a speed boost during endgame.