The way sadako needs a buff, or dredge needs a nerf
Since dredge came out, I do not see any sadako AT ALL. Nearly the whole community (if not mistaken) finds dredge more effective than sadako in every way.
What are your suggestions to buff sadako or nerf dredge?
For sadako, I advise a shorter cooldown between teleporting to TVs to like 45 and cooldown upon taking a tape to about 30.
For dredge, I advise a 3-4 second nightfall penalty upon hitting (a bit like oni), but slightly buff recharge addons, just slightly.
Dredge does not need a nerf. He needs more lockers. The PtB had way more.
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the locker are incosistently located, true true
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I think the dredge is fine, but sadako could use a buff.
TVs have much too long a cooldown when she uses one and too short when a survivor turns it off.
Survivors turning them off should be at least 100 seconds-120 seconds at base. Add-ons, potentially reducing that down to like 75-90.
Her teleport cooldown shouldn't be any more than 45 seconds when she does it, with Add-ons potentially reducing this to 30.
This would give survivors a little more incentive to interact with TVs instead of ignore them, which gives a bit more validity to the condemn part of her power.
As some people may know, the TVs indicate when there is a survivor within a certain range of them, I recommend any survivor within this range of a TV get a slow passive build of the condemn status.
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Trying to fix sadako is a nightmare of a task. She underwhelming in a massive number of ways. Hyper restrictive teleport locations, Incredibly large audio cues, has zero anti loop. I havent seens a killer this undercooked since orginal freddy. Yes the dream transition one. She needs some form of anti loop and way more oppurtunities to teleport around. Her lethality should be way higher.
This might sound drastic but half measures isnt going ot save this killer. Shes already made her debut and every pat h she remain in this state kills any chance of people actually engaging with her gameplay. Basek kit not add ons needs
Video tapes apply the exposed status whilst carried.
Sadako now gets additional movement speed upon exiting a tv. (Not attached to an addon what the hell were they thinking?)
Any survivor who unhooks another survivor gains a stack of condenemed. If a survivor is hit by sadako 1/2 tvs will reactivate.
These are big changes but sadako needs massive help and little changes to cooldowns on tvs is pig level changes.
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Dredge does NOT need a nerf. Lockers should take longer to lock.
Sadako is garbage and needs massive buffs or a full rework.
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Dredge need a buff imo. At least more lockers should spawn as base when playing him.