Matches and Rank

Hi all! Can someone please explain something for me. So I play matches that go pretty well some pretty bad however because I have few good matches my rank keeps going up so it looks like I keep getting paired with Veterans and Im just not that good yet. Is it correct we keep going up if we win a match? Or how does it work?
Its SBMM..Which basically means the better you do the better people you go against, the worse you do the less skilled people you play,
You could just be starting out get like 2 or 3 4k games and then go against someone with 6k hours on the game whos been playing for 6 or 7 years.
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i take it ur talking about survivor, yes? If so, the more u escape matches the more skilled the killers ur gonna face.
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your rank is not used for matchmaking. It is purely cosmetic and only used for bloodpoints at the end of the month. If you escape as survivor or kill survivors as killer your mmr will go up by an unknown amount and eventually you should be going up aganist better players as your skill increases.
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So even If I just get lucky and do well a few matches Killer or Survivor it doesn’t matter? Rank will still increase? Im currently iridescent IV and how I got there I have no idea because I definitely have bad matches more then good. I know you cant level back down. That part I get. I also know it depends on how many people are online too. Right?
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Yes. Well both killer and Survivor. Im ok not great and Im always confused why if I just had a crappy match is the rank increasing And also does it go by the amount of points you earn after a match? Or its really just about surviving and the amount of kills?
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Oh really? That I did not know then! So rank is just for those points on the 13th of every month. Thanks for explaining that. So that what everyone means when talking about MMR and it being “Unknown”. I dont like that part 😕 Ive had matches where I get completely slaughtered and I feel extremely bad for my team.
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Unfortunately its just surviving the trial or getting kills. Its just a mess unfortunately, cause sometimes there is that ONE survivor who runs the killer for 5 gens and get facecamped at the end, he will die and get a worse match afterwards even though he facilitated the other 3 escapes.
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Wow. Thats really messed up. So the survivor that pretty much kept the killer distracted the whole game and dies at the end basically wont get to move on to play against the players that are more difficult because they didn’t survive? And the Survivors who are not probably that great do get stuck playing the more difficult matches?