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General Discussions

Nurse, Nurse...another Nurse...then another...and another...and-



  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Having been in tournaments myself I'd say not only are the restrictions put on nurse generally harsher than those put on SWF, but that the nurse player in this situation performing that well against the best of the best survivor SWF groups, who everyone can agree are wildly OP, pretty much proves how powerful (OP) nurse is.

    Also, I don't know what tournaments you are referring to, but the ones in Asia (korea, japan) have nurse performing very well if she is ever not banned.

  • Member Posts: 508

    It shouldn't be balanced around "tournament" players either.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Remember the glory days

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    I mean if you wanna nerf map size and loops so other killers have a fighting chance I'll take a Nurse Nerf.

  • Member Posts: 714

    They should just nerf nurse and blight so that every killer is at the same level, they buffed every m1 killer with the upcoming patch and guess who get the most benefits out of it? Yeah, these two, every killer should be at the same level, only this way we will see variety in our games instead of nurse/blight simulator.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Then probably nurse doesn't need a nerf, because non-tournament nurses are nothing to be scared of.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Seems like everyone has been getting a lot of Nurses except me #########?

  • Member Posts: 183

    DH aside, exactly what are Survivors supposed to do against camping and tunneling? These are literally the only defenses against the killers most OP and braindead strategies.

    Although used for other gross purposes, DH can help against those strats too.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Nurse can be pallet stunned and juked at pallet just like any other killer, so I'm not sure what you mean.

    If you actually care to see and learn, here's another forum user's upload. Go to the 58 second mark. The chad stuns a Nurse mid-blink, dumb techs her, and gets away. He is running no exhaustion perk. The Nurse ended the match with two hooks.

    P.S. - I can tell other people don't really want to hear the truth, because the video has only four views after me suggesting this in yet another "Wah Nurse!" thread.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    If you’re worse than the person you’re playing against, you should lose 100% of the time. Nurse is the only killer that can legitimately force the survivors to show their skills. Every other killer can be looped/have their time wasted before being able to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Lol dude, jokes on you, the 4 views are probably Nurse players looking to improve their game!

  • Member Posts: 82

    With all the complaining shes getting, i'm pretty sure She's getting nerfed.

    And she isnt balance, and her being "hard" to play doesnt justify her being this broken mess.

    Only nurse mains defend her.. this gives me old spirit flashbacks

  • Member Posts: 82

    You don't have to be a tournament nurse to be a 4k stomper.

    Tournament nurse is just the Cherry on top.

  • Member Posts: 146

    Every killer can be hard but only Nurse is impossible for most of the players and that makes her difference from Plague for example who i like to play and i like to play against her.

  • Member Posts: 146

    OK there are survs who behave like bull*. But i am not that kind of nor i play swf. As killer i dodge every swf including private profiles. So i can understand this point of view. But still the Nurse is rid. op and it solo survs are most affected of this.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Ofc its like if in cod a player was able to decide between using a colt 1911 or m61 vulcan. OFC they'd go for spray and pray, low effort max reward

  • Member Posts: 276

    Hell i'd say plague with thana is worse. Seeing as you can't phyiscally heal against her, and if you choose to do so she gets a free hit galore corrupt purge, that ignores all of the loops and just needs a pixel of vomit to hit someone and down them.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Survivor main here, don't play Nurse too much (just dailies and Rift challenges); and yet it's obvious for me that she is still balanced. Do I really need to copy paste the same thing every thread? So annoying.

    • Slowest base movement speed of all killers - the only to actually move slower than a running survivor
    • Gives clear audio and visual cues of all she is doing
    • Fatigue after every blink (longer for a missed attack)
    • Blink charge time
    • Blink recharge time
    • Heavily punished for miscalculating a blink
    • Fairly add-on dependent (particularly for inexperienced Nurse players)

  • Member Posts: 82

    Yet she seems to be only balanced to You, cause everyone and their mother complains about her, hell, Even nurse mains admit she has a little too much going for her, don't be delirant.

    Maybe you're the gigabrain from this forum that knows how to counter her, please enlighten us.

    And funny how with all those """""downsides""""" She's the Best killer in the Game by A LOT, funny, don't u think so?

  • Member Posts: 49

    Then with that argument, what are M1 Killers suppose to do against Survivors who Gen rush and make the experience for the Killer miserable without giving a chance for the Killer to enjoy themselves?

    Camping and Tunneling literally happens when the Killer sees that after getting 1 hook 2-3 gens are popped. You go after the next Survivor and another Gen gets popped and the hooked Survivor is unhooked and healing in a corner.

    So in a span of getting 2 hooks a total of 4 Gens are already done and gone, leaving just one.

    Do you know why Killers play Nurse and Blight? Because the insane mobility and power these Killers have that helps them turn a 2 minute chase into a 10 second chase and then they can run around to defend the other Gens.

    So with that knowledge, what are Killers suppose to do to stop Survivors from popping 3 Gens at the start of the game? Gen regressing Perks? Hardly as effective because Hexes get destroyed, Scourge Hooks requires you to "hook" someone, which is a pain in itself when you are an M1 Killer with no gap closers.

    Or should the Killer just smack a Survivor and immediately leave them and start running towards a Generator, while the injured Survivor heals. A back and forth running and smacking without hooking.

    And the experience is always awful for a Killer when you get lucky and down a Survivor before a Gen popped and as you get a good down the rest of the Survivors just dictate they dont wanna play that match anymore, so they purposefully throw the game and get themselves sacrificed or just DC as soon as the game doesnt turn into their favour.

    Camping and Tunneling is a way to make the game more balanced for the Killer, you remove 1 player effectively slowing the rate at which Gens are being done and slowing the unhooks.

    How is it a fair number to have 5 generators, 4 Survivors, 1 Killer? You chase 1 Survivor and 3 are on 3 different Gens, they get popped and 2 are left? How are those numbers fair?

    For camping and tunneling to stop there is only one solution and that is to increase the amount of Generators that are needed to done, so you as a Killer have time to chase a Survivor around the map for 2 minutes without losing all your Gens.

  • Member Posts: 714

    Recharge time is not really an issue when literally every nurse run recharge add-ons, looks like it's basekit at this point, is funny

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I think you forgot to mention her movement speed is 4% slower than survivor. But the blink speed is 333.25 %, which 230% faster than them. Also the fastest in game.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited July 2022

    Point being, I think every Nurse player will tell you that matches are actually difficult and losses happen when matches are well made. Let's say hypothetically that I knew my Nurse MMR was close to 2000. There are probably less than 50 survivors on my server at any given time that are within an acceptable range of that before you round down to the soft cap. So that good Nurse player is rounded down by a considerable margin, and if it's at peak hours, they're probably thrown into a match against survivors in the 1500-1600 range. That's a massive, massive skill difference. Those survivors aren't going to stand a chance, and it's not because Nurse is fundamentally broken. It's because they shouldn't be in that match in the first place.

    If I have to wait a bit for a game and get four survivors with a few thousand hours each? It's a much tougher game. There's a good chance that they actually know how to path against a Nurse and don't telegraph every move. I lost most of my Nurse games in comp and rarely lose in pubs. It comes down to survivor skill vs Nurse. I'd wager that Nurse isn't stomping quality matches to an alarming degree.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    "BuT nUrSe iS pErFeCtLy BaLaNcEd, YoU jUsT hAvE tO cOuNtEr HeR" - Every Nurse main ever.

    The only reason why Nurse is so popular is because she is one killer that CANNOT be countered. She ignores every defense survivors have, has ridiculous map pressure, and can be downright overpowered especially with Starstruck, Agitation and other perks. Even experienced players have trouble against Nurse. She is an outdated killer from a different time of the game. She needs to be reworked or just straight up deleted.

  • Member Posts: 13

    I feel your pain on that except for me its myers an billy I can't play it sucks hella.....i honestly dont mind chases & mind gaming sometimes I'm decent other times I suck i dont even mind the flashlight clicking anymore what bothers me is either 2 survivors crouching in front of me to body block me while the 3rd survivor sabos the hook that happens in 50-60% of my games for billy its jus weird the last 2 days I've tried playin him its gave me maps that aren't really good for billy*coughs*(lery's garden of joy pale rose) an yea I coulda brought a map offering but idk its jus weird is all....

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2022

    You don't have to be a tournament survivor to be a nurse stomper either.

    I never knew me and many other were just him, this world is full of surprise.

  • Member Posts: 510
    edited July 2022

    If I suspect her to have Flood of Rage (e.g., skip closer hook when she carries someone, particularly deadly/accurate after unhooks after being quite-bad at start of the game), I just move ASAP to next game when I soloQ.

    Devs ######### so much with this interesting perk but Flood of Rage is so dumb and pathetic on this killer.

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