What a joke seriously, 4k and still silver on chase emblem

MTK Member Posts: 77

Guess ill just never queue killer to get this event tome done for getting gold chaser/evader emblems..


  • Kerkvlerk
    Kerkvlerk Member Posts: 105

    You probably ended the match to fast and did not do enough chases. If you want chaser emblem use legion + never sleeping pills, hook everyone (or try) hooking everyone twice. keep stabbing away in feral frenzy you will have iri chaser emblem in no time.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Plague is one of those killers that massively suffers when trying to get chaser and/or malicious emblems due to the nature of her power.

    Sucks to say but if you need a specific emblem (for a challenge) you'd better play another killer, preferably without a one shot ability

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I agree with @egg_ plague and I think twins? Make it harder or get the emblem

  • Folabi
    Folabi Member Posts: 12

    4k could also mean u just camped with noed and had almost no chases

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Better to throw games as survivor.Getting points from a chase when the killer is bringing a survivor on hook, when he is chasing another surv and you are close by those are easy tactics to get iri