Hex: No One Escapes Death (suggested rework)

Hello everybody on these forums. I am suggesting a rework to this perk, since the current one simply does not work and cause its intended effect. I won't go very in-depth here since there are hundreds of posts and videos out there explaining why NOED actually discourages people from cleaning Totems, since unless you are a coordinated SWF, you will never be able to prevent it from happening. It always applies the same effects whether there are 2 or 5 Totems left on the Map. Here is a proposed rework to fix this. I'm open to all feedback.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - Once the Exit Gates are powered and there is at least one Dull or Hex Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: No One Escapes Death activates: 

* Your Movement speed is increased by 1/1.5/2 % by every Dull or Hex Totem remaining in the Trial for up to 5/7.5/10 %. 

Depending on the number of Dull or Hex Totems, Hex: No One Escapes Death grants additional effects: 

* 1 Totem: Survivors suffer from the Blindness Status Effect. 

* 2 Totems: Survivors suffer from the Haemmorhage Status Effect. 

* 3 Totems: Survivors suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect. 

* 4 Totems: Survivors suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect. 

* 5 Totems: Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect. 

The effects of Hex: No One Escapes Death persist as long as at least one related Dull or Hex Totem is standing. 

I'm open to all feedback and any questions about this :)