The ptb

  • now that the ptb has been opened can we agree some perks that were nerfed an some were buffed for no reason other than to change the meta but the meta will still consist of the same designed perks so what really was the point ? just for the perk to say a different name plus i genuinely feel like some perks nerfs were overboard like ds stun timer , iron will, ruin an some were overboard buffs like why does off the record give you iron will , distortion an endurance with just endurance it would be crazy strong an did the devs not try thanatophobia on killers like legion or plague no one wants to do a gen for 150 seconds an calm spirit was just a flat out nerf to an already meh perk honestly i really hope they take in feedback from this ptb because this is gotta be one of the worst ptbs what are you guys opinions about the ptb?