Would it be bad if deathslinger had more range?


I don't see the problem with increasing his shooting rage from 18 meters to like 24 or something, im just looking for a counter argument to why is this a bad idea.


  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    If they intend to keep him as the only 4.4m/s killer with a 32m terror radius and his ADS ready time at 0.4s and a 0.5s delay between when you press fire and the harpoon leaves the gun, I don't see why not. 20m wouldn't be unfair in my opinion, because not only would those shots be hard to hit, it would be nearly impossible for the Slinger to reel them in for an m1 beyond 16m, meaning the Slinger would have to stun themselves to get any value. However, this would really only work as a stalling tactic (forcing the survivor to mend and possibly heal), as continuing to chase someone so far away would likely take too long as a 4.4m/s killer to be worth it.

    TL;DR: Sure, more range would be fine but likely would only make him more "stall-y" in the mold of Legion.

  • Deme
    Deme Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2022

    i hate it when i miss a perfect shot but the survivor was just out of range

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