Otz (obviously biased killer main /s) vs New DS

Pretty interesting :O
Can you tell what you find interesting? Or what bit if it's only a few seconds of the video?
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damn ive tried to unsub three times why do we need a new post every time otz makes a video like if you want to watch his content surely you would be subscribed?
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I mean, we dont need an Otz-Video to see that the 3 second-Stun is not really useful.
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I think its hilarious that he said a half a second would be perfect, yet a half a second would still do absolutely nothing to change you getting insta downed by a huge chunk of the killers. Yeah it helps M1 killers but at this point they are not the majority.
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DS is dead. Good job BHVR, tunnelling people seriously needed buff.
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I considered tagging you, tbh, so you wouldn't miss out.
Make sure to hit that thumbs up and bell icon on my post.
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It's nice to see its efficacy (or lack thereof, pending) highlighted on every killer.
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please note for in future just how much i would despise that
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I like that it showcases how useful (or not) DS is vs the entire killer cast without having to waste an inordinate amount of time testing it myself in the PTB.
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Just to make sure killers can tunnel way better.
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I would never do anything to intentionally cause you distress.
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Of course all of those tests were optimal scenarios for the killer where he knew exactly what direction the survivor was running and there were no line of sight blockers or vaults or pallet or other obstacles in the way. And he specifically tested mainly ranged killers in the video who could hit from just within their range in a few steps.
What Otz should do here is do control tests which are identical to the ones in the video but he counts off an additional two seconds before acting. Some of the killers would fair a bit worse (Demo would have to walk a bit before lunging for instance), some would be unaffected (Huntress would still hit with a hatchet pretty easily) and some would definitely be worse (Freddy and Clown would both be worse, and Trapper or Meyers or Doctor, etc, would have a bigger run for sure.)
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Oh, thanks. I'm guessing : not very useful.
edit: I had misread your answer so I've deleted the irrelevant text in the reply.
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They could be doing what many big companies do, taking away what you have so you miss and want it, and then giving it back, so you're grateful and happy. Five isn't enough, three is a joke, but if they revert to five, I can already see the argument: it was three, now it's five. Be grateful!
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Demo is getting a lot of indirect buffs
Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on0 -
Yeah and now survivors are getting a buffed version of DS that can be used multiple times, has iron will built in, and doesn't require skill checks. Also is a free endgame escape. These survivor mains lol, swear to god.
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So we just pretending OTR isn't a buffed version of DS that can be used multiple times and is a free endgame escape? Okay then.
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i can promise you we weren't asking for OTR to become as broken as it is
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Why is this Otz worshipped in this community?
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OTR stacking as in the ptb is confirmed unintended. It will just be a self-BT and the meta will be to swing immediately, to then down and tunnel through an inconsequential DS.
Overall, anti-tunnel is arguably weaker than current BT+DS on live. It just doesn't appear like so because PTB is bugged and endurance stacks.
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I thought the distance loss on the new DS was going to be pathetic, and it turns out I was a bit optimistic on that one.
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I like the sound of that
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The person you responded to says nothing about stacking, their statement is still 100% valid even with your reply.
Secondly, idk what you mean by saying its been "confirmed as unintended". The only thing I saw was @Peanits saying that If you have both active at the same time they will both turn off. So if you get saved by someone with BT and have OTR, they will both get taken out by the same hit.
However, getting OTR/BT, which then gives you the 3rd stack of mettle, taking the mettle hit, and then using DH for example, is working as intended (as in not bugged).
Not trying to attack you, just trying to get ahead of potential misinformation.
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He's generally regarded as a wholesome and level headed high-profile player. While he is a Killer main, he tends to base most of his judgments on overall balance, and not strictly take sides in the us-vs-them debacle. If you are looking for absolutely no spice, some good gameplay, and some pretty objective opinions, he's good for that.
Personally, I think he's too soft on calling anything OP or garbage. He also likes to utilize niche perks which sounds fun, but may give you the wrong idea when trying them out for yourself. He's been playing non-stop for years. This game is his job. He can use perks which might seem really neat in his hands that feel impossible to get value from in yours.
Personally, I preferred Jott Scund, but he plays far less ever since Elden Ring came out.
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Scott has been streaming/uploading a lot more recently, I think he got burned out on ER.
But the reason a lot of people weigh Otz's opinions more heavily is because he seems to be really clear headed, analytical and relatively non-biased, and not prone to throwing out searing hot insta-takes. As you say, he is also about the most wholesome DBD content creator out there and keeps his ego in check a lot more than many.
I like a lot of DBD content creators, but I often find their opinions to be rash and flawed. I think a lot of creators fall all over each other to get their opinions out there asap, and end up looking silly.
All that said, I don't take anyone's analysis as gospel, but if I had to trust only one, it would probably be Otz, or Scott.
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Easy fix is to let it at 5 seconds, arguably even the endgame nerf is unnecessary, it's strong but perks like noed exist, someone explain to me why a free kill using M1 and facecamping is better than a free escape ?
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OTR is 10 times stronger than DS and will probably be nerfed before live idk why u crying
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I wonder how Otz feels about everyone basing their opinions on just him.
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Who is basing their opinions solely on Otz?
Any examples?
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Are we on the same forum?
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Dang, I saw so many people on here yesterday say that Otz is a killer main who only thinks about killer players. So why would he show how overnerfed DS got to his huge audience? Something isn't adding up.... Were bitter survivor mains jumping to conclusions because "killer bad"?
No, surely Otz is just covering up his killer sided views to look good. /s
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Yeah, I usually don't like content creators put on pedestals in gaming communities, but Otz is one of the few big streamers for DBD that is actually wholesome and has fair criticisms and concerns for both sides. He's had a large, healthy footprint in the community and not many content creators in DBD can say that.
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I'm on https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/3038398 right now!
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To be fair he said that "working as intended" only means it's not a bug and feedback about how it's working and being used is monitored for future changes.
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If OTR is changed to deactivate upon being fully healed, or being hit while Endurance is active automatically changes the Endurance status into Deep Wounds (whether the survivor is healthy or not) I don't see OTR to third protection hit into Mettle of Man to DH being more than a very niche situation with a lot that can go wrong.
That's assuming one of the two changes I mentioned above; if you can be fully healed and take two protection hits before dropping Mettle becomes exponentially, not linearly, easier to activate.
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OTR will not make to live, don't worry.
Complain more, maybe they will butcher OTR too. Like what they did to DS, IW, SC etc.
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I mean tbf... they are literally running in a straight line down a hallway. The video hardly shows anything practical to do with new DS.
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Holly is such a cute rat
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I mean, tbh just because you consider yourself a killer "main" doesn't mean you can't point out BS like the nerf to DS. Sometimes killer main just means you play more killer.
I don't particularly care for Otz as a streamer (my own personal preference) but I think if there is anything some killer mains on these parts could learn from him, is to put themselves in the other side's shoes more, and stop pretending like it's only their side that matters.
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Biased killer main? He usually panders to survivor mains.
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There's no way they're going through with this change. Nurse, Huntress, and Slinger are enough reason to revert it to 5 seconds.
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yes, one point. but having a DS not even get you out of the very limited Phead range is quite a statement
because NOED can easily be countered, DS not
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I watched that vid and wondered why the survs did all just run in a straight line.
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Dont worry, it is not much different in actual games. Back in the day when DS got the Unhook-Requirement, it was also at 3 seconds (and countered by Enduring). Even without Enduring you did not get much distance.
And even with 5 seconds, the strongest Killers just laugh about it.
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And 5 seconds still doesn't work for those killers, what's the point even.
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You guys really seem to hate otz for some reason. Each time someone posts about him there is a lot of negativity. Although I get it is annoying that people keep parroting the opinion of their favorite content creator.
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non biased... i strongly disagree on that one... once i thought the same things, but then i saw the harsh truth about him... i won't judge him cause after all each one will pursue their interests (and objectively speaking he's a good content creator otherwise he would't be so followed by the dbd community), but i don't like his "double face" at all...