Please dont match me with selfcare users especially after the patch

As if the current selfcare users arent hard enough to carry while they do it through sloppy. I'll have no chance to carry with longer gens and them self caring for longer
Sloppy self cares now are like, what.. 50-something seconds?
Baby Claudettes are gonna turn matches into 3v1s real damn quick.
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As if they dont already lol, bots would be better at this point
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Crazy to think that bots would be a significant improvement over a lot of teammates.
At least they'd touch generators.
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What do you mean, self care is prevalent in high mmr gameplay. If you get matched with self care users, you're basically matched with gods /s
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You could so easily train a bot on how to perform a loop and repair a generator, though you would run into problems with how aware bots should be. Should bots always detect the Killer within a range like a really alert Survivor? Can bots get distracted and not see someone with Undetectable, or are they still very alert?
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-Claudette is mostly finished healing after 45ish seconds
-Another survivor appears to take over
-Claudette gets startled, runs away and has to start from scratch
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Thank god they got such a disgustingly powerful meta perk under control, though.
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Maybe the Baby Claudette has Botany Knowledge!
Eh?! EH?!
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I had a meg on my team on Ormond and the killer (The Dredge) was running sloppy. I almost fully heal her, get her heal to 99... and then she runs away and hops on the gen next to us. I frantically crouch and tell her to let me finish the heal because A) I wasted all that time healing her and B) Dredge gets his power faster if she's injured. She refuses and the killer comes in like 10 seconds and she goes down in 5 seconds.
We lost the game because of that play (she was dead on hook). I look at her perks in end game screen and she had resilience... if only players understood you can't 99 a heal against sloppy. I can't wait for the new killer perk self-care.
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Yeah it really is lol.
As long as the bot does gens and runs without hitting walls it's a massive improvement
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While that play was stupid on her part at least she touched a gen 😂 that's the silver lining I suppose.
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I hear ya man…
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"I'm really happy they didn't nerf a well rounded, balanced perk like Boon and INSTEAD nerfed the insanely overpowered Self-Care and Spine Chill. Those were the two perks that always caused me to get no Kills as Killer! :/"-some Killer main in BHVR's mind?
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Self Care actually is currently the fifth most used perk at the highest MMR brackets, about 25% of the highest ranked survivor players use it. I suspect a lot of the really solid survivors who use it have it so they can partially heal at will during periodic moments where they can’t do anything else useful. Crouching mid chase at a loop seeing what the killer will do? Take that time to heal for a second. Waiting a second for a blocked generator? Heal a bit. And keep in mind I think this number was before the Haemorrhage change so there’s no risk of Sloppy Butcher messing it up.
Basically the notion that only bad players use Self Care is definitely a myth. Just because there are players who misuse it doesn’t mean everybody does. Of course the nerf may change that, it’s being significantly slowed, so I bet a lot of its current users will reconsider.
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I watched a survivor Self Care against a Legion last night on live and was reminded how painful it is. It's going to get so much worse and simply because the devs are trying to change the meta even if their changes make absolutely no sense whatsoever
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I'm really surprised everyone ignored this, when it's so true.
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I feel you mate. Some even selfcare against Legion. Others prefer healing in a corner rather than using your CoH boon which is 2 metres next to them. I'm also afraid that the self-care enthusiasts won't stop playing with their favorite perk. As a killer I love this perk, but for me as a solo survivor it's hell on earth.
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I wonder if the devs actually implemented a checkbox to avoid certain things, but hid it somewhere deep down the options menu. How long would the community take to find it?!
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Self Care is seen as more reliable then teammates or Medkits
But IDC... I can't play the game right now so I don't have recent experience in those matters
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If I see anyone self caring when the update goes live I'll just suicide on hook. Want to make it a 3v1? here, have a 2v1 instead.
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Well, how else do you stop people from using Self-Care?
I'd argue this is better than trying to buff other self-healing sources, because almost every other self-healing source is already better than Self-Care to varying degrees. You risk something being absurdly broken if you try and make it more appealing than SC by simply buffing it, after all.
The only way to change the meta and to get people to stop running perks like SC is to make them worse.
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Basically the notion that only bad players use Self Care is definitely a myth
From my 5 year DBD experience, selfcare users are mostly bad players because they waste time healing themselves every single time. Most people just don't know when to heal and when to spend time on a gen. I'm not saying they're all bad, but unfortunately the majority are.
Thanks to the new hockey based MMR there a tons of bad players in the high MMR. I survive 50-70% of my solo q matches (still depending on the time I play) and get often matched with 3 bushettes, who are selfcaring half the match in a corner. That actually shouldnt happen. When there was rank based MMR, I never met people with self-care on Rank 1. And that even in times when CoH didn't exist yet.
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it’d be nice if solo survivors could see their teammates loadouts in the lobby.
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That will never happen because people would just dodge lobbies. Same happened that 1 day they decided to show ranks in the lobby.
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I'd hard disagree, medkits are the strongest thing in game but the issue with selfcare is 99% of the people that use it arent efficient enough to make up the time they lose
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I wonder how many people would disconnect if I did 50 games as survivor and every time I'm injured, I go to the corner and heal with the new nerfed self-care.
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Hopefully a lot so the stats show how ridiculous it is.
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Honestly they should show perks, itd bring solo and swf closer together (which the devs want) as you can see a bunch of their perks, like Deliverance which I love running but no one knows I have it.
But yeah I'd insta dodge selfcare players, I'm sorry but if the SBMM actually worked I wouldn't be matched with them in the first place. They already make the games incredibly hard and when I see players barely doing gens or dont last long in case they have selfcare...
This patch will just expand that issue, like they could at least run botany but nooooo
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I think it's still bad awful with botany. 2 perks to have 1 crap tier perk like before (old self care) + having to have kindred and bond on your build. Then no space for DS/OTR so just gonna get tunneled out of the game. Not worth it.
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Making a perk not only useless but an active hindrance to your team and a benefit to the killer (especially solo queue) is not a great method of balance.
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I'm all for this experiment.
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For solo queue, there is no adequate replacement for Self-Care. It's the most slot efficient, reliable healing perk for solo queue. With SWF, any of the other healing perks are fine. Heck, with SWF, I've ran no healing perks at all and done well. I'd never try that in solo queue, I've had too many teammates that just leave me hurt.
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At this point is better to just bring COH or a medkit.
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Selfcare on it's own is hurting your team more than anything, at least run botany with it. But you can use medkits, inner healing etc. Which are the best ways to heal.
Or... you can stay injured, you dont have to be constantly healthy. Let's say you selfcare just twice with sloppy active, that's 1 full gen you could of finished instead
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But they didn't do that, did they?
Self-Care isn't useless, you can still stack it with Botany and a good medkit for some pretty solid heal speeds and you can still use it the way higher-skilled players do (EG, healing a little bit at a time, often during chase). It's just even less appealing to bring on its own to heal all at once. Which, y'know, it should be. The point is for people not to run it anymore.
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You are objectively incorrect about the “majority of high MMR survivors are bad players”. You don’t get to the highest MMR brackets without being an excellent player. You’re simply only remembering times you lost and someone happened to have Self Care and forgetting the times you won and didn’t notice if someone had it.
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Meet your new teammates.
But yeah, seriously, this is going to be a mess. Not only is CoH flat-out better in every way again, but newbies are still going to see Self-Care and pick it because they're scared of being injured. So baby Claudettes are going to go from nuisances to basically AFK unless they're also running Botany.
There was zero reason to nerf this perk. It was balanced just fine.
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Staying injured was already my go to, but now with iron will nerf I'm not up to hear the moaning 24/7 so i'll just use COH until that also gets nerfed again
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BHVR clearly thinks this is an OP and meta defining perk so I must Self Care every single time after the nerf
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Yes they did. Self care is indeed useless. A perk isnt good if it requires you to bring an item or another perk to even be useful, and even then, really not that useful, at all.
Healing during a chase with new self care will only work against new killers who dont know what theyre doing.
Yea, the point of the nerfs were so people wouldnt use them anymore, which I think it's really stupid, at best.
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Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but people were being very loud about wanting a meta shakeup. This is what that looks like, so there's a clear line of logic to why things got nerfed.
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Yes, they did.
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Who is "people"? Cry babies on the forums? Yes, they were very loud indeed.
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Cry babies, more sensible people, content creators, random comments...
Just because you didn't want it doesn't make it a bad idea, nor the sole domain of idiots who should be discarded out of hand.
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Yikes, you definitely deserve that Iron Will nerf if this is how you play. Circle of Healing and no shame? Seriously? How is it even balanced in its current state?
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Content creators, you mean like 3 of them, which were the cry babies get all their opinions from, watching videos instead of playing the game for themselves? True, maybe those content creators too.
It was a bad idea for solo q, but like you've said before, you think solo q is fine, so it's not like this convo is going anywhere anyway, since you also think self care is a good perk.
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That doesn't mean that it's fine to nerf things just for the sake of nerfing them.High usage rates don't always mean something needs nerfing.I haven't seen a single person complain about the live version of Self Care.
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This is exactly the type of people I was referring to on my previous post.
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Where on earth did you get those two ideas from? I think Self-Care is a bad perk. Now. On live servers. That's kind of why it had to get nerfed, its alternatives were already better and thus couldn't be buffed that hard without risking making them broken. "Not useless" does not, in any way, translate to "good". It translates to "not useless".
As for solo queue, I don't think it's fine in general, I think it wasn't negatively affected by this patch unduly, because it wasn't. There's a gigantic difference between those two statements.
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Your logic: some alternatives are good, so lets nerf the bad one. ???????????????
It was negatively affected in this patch, it is a fact.